Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 418: 418

"How dare you look down on me like this? It seems that I have been silent for a long time! A little generation wants to stand on my head and poop

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Ouyang elder instant rage, the whole person directly into a streamer, toward Chen Feng to kill!

The Tianya sword in elder Ouyang's hand suddenly soared to the sky. The sword spirit was to cut the heaven and earth in two!

At the moment, elder Chu's intention to kill him was very big. For the first time, he was despised by a younger generation. Suddenly, his Sabre Qi soared to the sky, and people and swords became one!

This is a legendary realm of man and sword in one!

This proves that the elder of Chu is also a man of high attainments in Dao Dao Dao!

Chen Feng looks at two people, the corner of the mouth raises a sneer!

"What a fool!"

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Chen Feng directly figure what lane, in the hand of the fire god sword in this moment burst out the endless flame soaring into the sky!

Jiulong Fantian sword code!

In an instant, Jiulong was flying across the sky, and a loud and clear dragon chant was sent out to elder Chu and elder Ouyang directly around Chen Feng!

The next moment, the nine fire dragons directly toward the two people!

And Chen Feng, the whole person has appeared in the Shenwu gate and the magic gate of friars!

Take up the fire god's sword, and vigorously sweep away the Vajra leg. Suddenly, a golden leg shadow of about 10 meters appears. Endless hegemonic power condenses in this leg. All the friars feel the power of breaking the sacred wind!

All of a sudden, all friars are appalling!

Not far away, Zhen Yun looked at Chen Feng's domineering blow, and his eyes shook a few times!

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Although he has seen the battle of Chen Feng, every time he saw Chen Feng's battle, she couldn't help getting goose bumps!

How overbearing!

Chen Feng is like a god of war at this moment. He can take the head of an enemy general in a thousand armies, but he doesn't touch his body with blood!

This kind of tyranny, Zhen Yun admitted that he only felt it in Chen Feng!

The next moment, all the friars did not respond to come over, the moment was Chen Feng's powerful King Kong legs to fly out!

All of a sudden, Chen Feng's mind appeared a string of clear system prompt sound!


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Kill seven friars of King Wu and gain 1000 experience points.


Kill wuchong friars of King Wu, gain 1000 experience points.


Kill six friars of King Wu and gain 1000 experience points.


Kill triple friars of King Wu and gain 1000 experience points.

Current experience: 7208000.

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Chen Feng's whole person has become the existence of a murderous God. He is also hit by a row of cloud palms. The monks around him have no strength to fight back, and nearly 200 people are killed instantly!

In the sky, elder Chu and elder Ouyang watched their monks being slaughtered violently by Chen Feng. However, they had no way to save any disciple. Because Chen Feng's Jiulong Burning Sky Sword formula had been killed, they all offered their most powerful Dharma to resist, but they had no resistance at all!

The two people were instantly collapsed by nine flame dragon pumps and flew hundreds of meters away. The endless fire spirit instantly penetrated into their meridians, burning their meridians with unbearable pain!

A raging flame came to kill them. They directly opened the body protector and blocked the flame with difficulty!

But the nine flame dragon is not reduced, but again toward them!

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