Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 42: 42

Chapter 042 Don't Leave Any Hair for They!

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The secret that has been buried in my heart for many years is called to break.

Yang Rourou was dizzy all the way.

All the way to the outer edge of the desperate jungle.

"Sister, this is a fire dress."

Yang Xu smiled and introduced.

Yang Rourou suddenly turned into an agitated spirit, and looked at the flames with his eyes on his rivals:

"That letter was written by you? It doesn't look as good as the words you wrote."

Huo Nishang's face called a stink.


"This is a fierce beast, and it is not something humans can resist!"

Huo Nishang sighed at the prestige of the fierce beast.

Yang Rourou fights back:

"The strong man is only stronger than the fierce beast. If Uncle Master is there, she will destroy it with one finger."

"Unfortunately she is not here!"

Huo Nishang said something.

"Don't quarrel, come here, something to tell you."

Yang Xu said with a deep voice.

The second girl immediately stopped and looked at Yang Xu quietly.

The men next to him sighed:

"This tm is the man!"

"Where is this boy's bliss, he sang to the two fairies."

Yang Xu ignored all the idlers.

Whispered in the ears of the two women.

Huo Nishang opened her eyes in surprise:

"Do you even know that I have a secret weapon?"

"Nonsense, you are a 5th-level grandmaster, and dare to rob treasures with the third-level beasts, who has no secret weapons to believe."

Yang Xu casually said, look at the two women:

"Have you remembered what I said?"

Although Yang Rourou and Huo Niyang felt strange, they nodded when they saw Yang Xu's face dignified:

"Remember, we will pay attention."

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The iron feather condor's neck was hit by the crimson beam again.

The aquamarine gemstone crossed a beautiful arc and fell from the sky.

"Great, Yang Xu must get the gem!"

Huo Nishang didn't finish talking, and fell to the ground.

"Leave it to me!"

Yang Xu shouted in excitement.

But the eyes are clear.

The eye of the eagle locked on the gem, and he jumped up:


Before grabbing the crowd, Yang Xu grabbed the gem.

Suddenly, a surging vitality poured out from the gem.

But this time.

Yang Xu's heart was as cold as ice, and he was not shaken at all.

On the surface, he deliberately showed a relaxed look.


Behind, a cold wind hit.

"My grass, actually attacked, so shameless!"

Someone yelled.

Jun Tianci gave a pair of Yinzhu eyes, staring at Yang Xu's heart:

"Wait for so long, and finally wait for you to show flaws! Give me death! The treasure is mine!"

He was about to attack.


Facing a little black awn, zoom in quickly.

Jun Tianci's conditioned reflex is in front of his chest:


The black arrow pierced his knife directly.


The arrow penetrated Jun Tianci's right arm deeply.

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Mid-air, Yang Xubang shouted:

"Sister, it's your turn!"

He turned his head to throw the gem and threw it hard in the direction of the Iron Feather Condor:

"Go grab the gems!"

In all directions, all masters rushed in the direction of the gem.


The crimson giant sword was cut heavily on Jun Tianci.


The golden flame turned into armor, protecting Jun Tianci's whole body.

This knife flew him out.


Yang Xuxian is now in front of Jun Tianci.

Juntianci is a little bit confused:

He still doesn't know how he revealed his flaws so far.

How did Yang Xu find himself?


Yang Xu runs "Nine Yang Divine Skills", and there is a strange ice-cold atmosphere all over his body.

"The fire of Taiyin! This dog mongrel, the fire of Taiyin is really on you!"

Jun Tianci's pupils shrank suddenly.

Looking for the fire of Taiyin thousands of times, it is related to the fire of Taiyin for his lifelong plan, even on Yang Xu!

"Damn! You must die!"

Jun Tianci shouted and rushed.

A red flame, wrapped in the atmosphere of Taiyin's fire, suddenly rushed towards Jun Tianci.


Type Jun Tianci in the right direction.

"The third form of flaming magic fist, the flaming flame crosses the mountain!"

Under the urge of hatred, Yang Xu ran the "Nine Yang Divine Skills" with all his strength and punched a huge mountain of flames with one punch.


The crimson flame of the whole body seemed to be pulled out of the magma, burning the void, and crashing into Jun Tianci.

Jun Tianci's eyes widened, and he urged the sun's fire to resist.

Without warning, pooh!

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A thick thumb flame penetrated his heart directly!

Yang Xu's sneering face flashed before him:

"Flame goes through the mountain, the real killing is not the mountain, it is this one!"


Jun Tianci's body fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and he never looked back.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, complete the time-limited mission: Kill Jun Tianci! 】

[Congratulations to the players! Found the Sun Fire x1, the body needs to be recovered, is it recovered? 】


Yang Xu waved easily.

It seems that the body of Jun Tianqiu was put into a space bag, but it has actually been recovered by the system.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players! Sunfire extraction succeeded! 】

[System detection, the fire of the sun can promote the evolution of "Nine Yang Shen Gong"! Will the players integrate? 】

Yang Xu's eyes flashed:

"Not integrated."

He has other uses for the fire of the sun.

"Yang Xu, what about the treasure?"

Huo Nixiang asked.

She came with a mission, but now the secret weapon is used, but the treasure is not snatched.

"Relax, Xiao Xuxu must have figured out what to do long ago."

Yang Rourou has an inexplicable trust in Yang Xu.

Yang Xu smiled and looked at her, her ears were hot again.

"Relax, Nishang, your last blow just hurt the Iron Feather Condor and failed to kill it. So I threw the gem to it again

. "

Huo Nishang's eyes suddenly light up:

"It turns out that! Iron Feather Condor will desperately take back the gems for healing. Now maybe..."


A roar suddenly sounded.

I saw that the Iron Feather Condor broke through the encirclement of everyone and finally flew into the sky.

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"Nison, prepare to enlarge the move."

Yang Xu's bow and arrow with a smile:


The black arrows flew out.


Middle iron feather condor.

The enemies were very jealous when they met, and the Iron Feather Condor screamed loudly, rushing towards Yang Xu with a roar of anger.

"I lean, Condor ran again!"

"The treasure is still in its mouth, and it has passed the morning sun again!"

"Damn, why is Yang Xu's luck always so good!"

As everyone saw, the Iron Feather Condor held a treasure and rushed towards Yangxu.

【Ding! ! 】

[Alert: Iron Feather Condor is in a violent state! Strengthening... Speeding... Attacking.........]

Yang Xu's mind sounded a system prompt.


A crimson beam suddenly pierced the sky.


Iron Feather Condor's neck was really pierced this time.


Tieyu Flying Eagle hissed.

at this time.

A black flying arrow came through the air, poof!

Shoot through its eyes and directly penetrate the eagle head!


The huge body of the Iron Feather Condor fell heavily to the ground.

The trees fell down, and smoke rose.

"Go and grab the baby!"

Everyone swarmed towards the place where the body fell.

When the smoke was gone, everyone was stunned:

Where can there be Iron Feather Condor?

Empty, there is no hair left!

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