Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 437: 437

"An old dog is an old dog!"

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Chen Feng tone is very contemptuous, way: "even attack, are so weak!"

"Do you just bark?"

At this moment, Chen Feng burst out a burst of light all over his body. His whole body turned into copper water and poured into the general color. The whole body was like gold and iron. It seems that the defense power is very amazing!

Chen Feng did not move, the whole body was allowed to hit the palace palace on it!

Full level skill - copper skin and iron bone!


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A sound of gold and iron strike sounded, the whole space is a burst of dental acid roar!

All friars are subconsciously gripping their teeth, only feel very painful!

The majestic sea of blood rolled up from the majestic palace. The power could completely collapse the mountain and split the ground. What's more, it was a half step martial saint's all-out attack. How terrible the power should be!

But Chen Feng used his body to bear the blow. Although it seemed that he had used some martial arts skills to enhance his physical quality at the last moment, what effect would it have?

That's a half step martial saint's all-out strike!

All friars do not want to see Chen Feng, because in their attack, Chen Feng should have been turned into flesh and mud!

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"Half step martial saint's strength has been strong to this degree, how terrible is the martial saint!"

All the monks sighed with their eyes closed!

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded, so that all the monks were fighting a cold war!

"Yo, old dog, you are so strong. I thought you could make me feel pain, but I just felt a little itchy!"

Chen Feng is very disdainful of the way, the palace is Chen Feng's chest pressure, more than ten thousand jin palace pressure in the chest, Chen Feng is able to speak, all monks are shocked to raise their heads, looking at Chen Feng's eyes are almost eye socket!

"How can it be?"

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"The boy didn't die under the full blow of the half step master of martial arts. On the contrary, he was still in good condition and was able to speak?"

"What kind of body is this boy?! His physical strength is so terrible

"It's incredible!"


The sound of all his ears was shocked!

Zhao Tingyun looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, and his eyes suddenly protruded: "it's impossible! How can you survive under my all-out attack! I am a master of martial arts now! That's my best shot

"A full blow, just a little power?"

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Chen Feng took out his hand from under the palace tower, then took out his ear and said, "an old dog is an old dog. How much strength can he play? But... "

"If you can just make me feel itchy, you can be proud of yourself!"

Chen Feng is very disdainful to say, as if can let oneself feel itchy, already is the day big achievement general!

"How dare you look down on me?"

Zhao Tingyun only felt that his heart was going to explode, and all the friars were made hysterical by Chen Feng's attitude!

What a force!

People's attack can make you feel itchy is a great achievement, if you feel pain, it is not to burn high incense, ancestral graves will smoke?!

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