Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 439: 439

"How can it be?"

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Zhao Tingyun roared hysterically: "how can you lift my palace palace palace! Is that as heavy as a mountain? "

Zhao Tingyun couldn't imagine that Chen Feng would have such a great power that he could be suppressed from his palace without damage!

All the friars were even more shocked. They only felt that Chen Feng was a monster transformed into a human form. After all, only a monster can possess such terrible physical power!

But at this moment, Chen Feng is silk ignore everyone, directly one hand holding the palace palace, the other hand directly toward the top of the head!


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A bang sounded, Chen Feng's fist actually smashed the space, and then directly blasted on the palace palace!

The next moment, I saw Zhao Tingyun suddenly spurt out a mouthful of blood, the whole person's breath is a little depressed! Simultaneous interpreting the

, all the monks saw that the palace of Chen Feng's hand was actually a place where Chen Feng had been bombarded. It began to crack a gap, and then it was like an infection. The cracks spread all over the palace.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are cracks on the whole palace, and then they are divided into nothingness!

All of a sudden, Zhao Tingyun spat blood again and again. His breath became more and more depressed. Finally, he knelt down in the void and gasped for breath!

Zhao Tingyun looked up at Chen Feng, his eyes full of resentment!

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"Little Little animal I'm going to kill You

With that, Zhao Tingyun seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He was so soft that he fell to the ground!

But in an instant, in the distant jungle, a powerful momentum suddenly burst out. The powerful momentum directly from far to near, as if it had reached the extreme speed, directly appeared in the void and caught Zhao Tingyun!

Zhao Tingyun reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at the figure. He tried to say, "Nangong Young master Kill... "

Zhao Tingyun stretched out his finger at Chen Feng, and then he fainted!

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Nangong Tianyi suddenly appears two friars, both of them are outstanding, and their breath is not weak at all. Obviously, they are the strong ones in the two Wudi realms!

"This man is It's the will of Nangong! The second son of Nangong family, the four great aristocratic families in the imperial city

"I didn't expect that the four aristocratic families in the imperial city were so powerful that they even gave Nangong Tianyi two strong men in Wudi's realm to protect his safety and security!"

"Is Nangong Tianyi cooperating with lingbaoge? How could they catch Zhao Tingyun! "


All monks are two guards who are shocked by Nangong Tianyi. However, Nangong Tianyi doesn't care. He gives Zhao Tingyun, who faints, to two people around him. Then he looks at Chen Feng and his eyes bloom with cold electricity!

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Chen Feng's mouth slightly raised, and he did not put Nangong's will in his eyes and said: "Yo, Nangong childe is so imposing! Actually, there are two Wuzhong monks in Wudi's territory as guards. Nangong Gongzi is really delicate

Chen Feng said and raised an orchid finger, full of sarcasm in his eyes!

"Brother Chen, why are you so evil? It's better to do it directly."

Nangong Tianyi's eyes are full of murderous intention. The hands hidden in his sleeve are trembling. Obviously, some of them can't restrain the violent killing intention in his heart!

But Chen Feng did not seem to feel the general, very casual smile: "how? Is Nangong angry? I'm just helping you teach your dog a lesson

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