Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 467: 467

Listening to the words of the holy daughter of Tianjian to Chen Feng, Nangong Tianyi on one side is looking at Chen Feng, and her eyes are burning with envy!

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"Huarong! My Nangong is so proud of heaven. Why are you so fond of such a boy who comes out of nowhere instead of using words to me? "

Nangong Tianyi asked the Heavenly Sword Saint immediately!

Hearing Nangong Tianyi's words, Tianjian Saint immediately turned her mouth and said with disdain: "although you are outstanding in the eyes of others, you are the favored son of heaven, but in my Huarong eyes, you are not worthy of this young lady!"

The sky sword saint's eyes are full of disdain, even a trace of nausea!

"Nangong Tianyi How can I be so disgusted by the Heavenly Sword goddess? "

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All the friars were shocked and looked at the Heavenly Sword saint. They didn't know that the Heavenly Sword Saint could say such words directly!

Nangong Tianyi can't accept it at this moment. "Hua Rong! I'm from a noble family. Why can't I be worthy of you? "

"Can you call Huarong?"

Hearing Nangong's will, Tianjian's holy daughter kept calling her real name. Suddenly, her face was slightly cold, and her body broke out with a cold sense that no one was allowed to enter. Her voice was cold and said, "you'd better pay attention to my address. My real name is not something that can be called by a cat or a dog!"


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When did Nangong Tianyi receive such humiliation? He is the second son of Nangong aristocratic family, one of the four aristocratic families in the imperial city. He is the second son of his elder brother Nangong Tianqi. Even in the Imperial City, he is the top ten Tianjiao in the imperial city!

How could he, like ordinary people, call Huarong a Heavenly Sword goddess?!

Isn't that hitting him in the face?!

Nangong Tianyi suddenly roared, the whole person's front head directly aimed at Chen Feng and said: "Chen Feng! As a man, do you want to hide behind a woman? "

Nangong Tianyi didn't dare to fight against the Heavenly Sword goddess. After all, the strength of the Heavenly Sword saint was no less than that of him. Moreover, the Heavenly Sword Saint also had the saint's treasure in the ancient temple. Although it was one level lower than his Zhuque yuan, she could at least make the Heavenly Sword goddess have the power to fight against him!

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At this moment, all the friars are looking at Chen Feng, in the eyes is disdain!

"I don't think it's a woman I want to rely on."

"I can't believe that the madman who was in the limelight some time ago is actually a coward relying on women!"

"You can't judge a person by his appearance. Chen Feng looks like a woman. Although he doesn't look very good, she's very lucky Tut... "


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All the friars ridiculed Chen Feng because they really despised Chen Feng, or because those who envied Chen Feng could get together with such proud women as Zhen Yun and Tianjian saint!

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly raised his hand, and all the friars were not sure, so they were wondering whether Chen Feng was infuriated by Nangong Tianyi's words and planned to do it himself, and put on a good show!

But all of a sudden, all the friars were shocked and opened their eyes!


Just listen to a crisp sound, Chen Feng's big hand is actually with a trace of subtle radian, directly patted on the body of the Heavenly Sword saint!

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