Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 483: 483

"Young man, I am the fourth level alchemist of the ancient family. You dare to contradict me again and again. Today, my ancient three links will surely make you not see the sun of tomorrow!"

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Chen Feng can be killed at any time!

But Chen Feng is very indifferent at the moment, and doesn't care what Gu San Tong said!

Chen Feng's eyes twinkled with a trace of disdain, and said, "your ancient home is also the imperial city's four aristocratic families?"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Gu Santong was stunned at first, then he burst into laughter!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

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Gu Santong, with a sneer on his face, said: "I thought you were the son of which family. I didn't expect that you were even the one who didn't know that my ancient family was one of the four aristocratic families in the imperial city!"

"In this case, I can safely kill you!"

In an instant, the ancient three links burst out an endless fierce breath, and his aura was very hot, and even more violent than that of ordinary monks!

Obviously, because he is a fourth level alchemist, his aura of fire attribute is more powerful than ordinary friars, or the quality is much higher!

"I didn't expect that when I first came to the Imperial City, I ran into a person from the four great families. It seems that I am in conflict with these four families!"

Chen Feng said in his heart, but he was not afraid of the momentum of the ancient three links, and the whole person also burst out a burst of violent breath!

However, when they were at war, suddenly on the street of the Imperial City, a powerful momentum broke out in an instant, and then came a roar like a lion roaring and a dragon chanting!

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"Xiao Xi!! Where are you

The voice was full of urgency. All monks were shocked by the roar. Their ears were temporarily deaf and their heads were buzzing!

Chen Feng frowned because of this.

On the contrary, it was the little girl in Zhuge GE's arms. When she heard the voice, she immediately giggled. Then she looked at Chen Feng and said, "big brother, that's my father calling me!"

"Oh? Is that your father? "

Chen Feng's heart secretly surprised, that breath is obviously the owner of that voice. Chen Feng didn't expect that this little girl named Xiao Xi would have such a strong father!

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That is, at this time, Chen Feng directly raised a trace of banter smile!

Full level skill - lion roar skill!


In an instant, Chen Feng took a deep breath and roared: "don't look for it! Your girl is here

He roared with his voice. Chen Feng was a little satisfied, but when he saw the monks around him, all of them could not hear the voice. He cried out loudly, wondering why he could not hear the voice!

That small Xi also is to cover the ear, looking at Chen Feng full of shock way: "big brother, your voice is bigger than my father!"

Chen Feng deliberately avoided the shock to Xiaoxi, so Xiaoxi will be safe and sound!

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Hearing Chen Feng's voice, Gu Santong's face changed instantly, and he said in his heart, "sonic martial arts?"

At the same time, in the distance, a violent momentum came to Chen Feng's direction with great speed. All the monks on the scene were frightened by this momentum!

When Gu San Tong felt this momentum, his face changed and he didn't dare to make a mistake!

The next moment, in front of Chen Feng, an instant appeared a figure!

This figure is very tall, like the black tower, is actually a rough middle-aged man!

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