Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 499: 499

Two powerful momentum instantly collided with each other, the majestic force broke out in an instant, swept the whole audience!

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All friars were shocked by these two violent momentum, and their eyes were spitting out of their eyes!

Looking at Xu Maotian's attack, he suddenly sneered!

Full level skill - copper skin and iron bone!

Full level skill - move mountains and fill the sea!

Full level skill - Frost fist!


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In a flash, Chen Feng directly launched three kinds of skills together. All of a sudden, Chen Feng's fist was full of gold. It was like the bronze casting iron casting when he caught Xu Maotian's attack!

Chen Feng's one punch was like a ten million pounds. Even when he was out of the box, he was shocked!

And on top of that fist, there was still a breath of extremely cold frost!

Seeing the extremely cold air from Chen Feng's fist, Shang Mou yingyu suddenly changed her face and was shocked!

Because she felt that the strong chill above Chen Feng's fist was countless times colder than the cold air she had aroused!

As if, Chen Feng's fist is the eternal ice in the extremely cold place!

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The next moment, Chen Feng's fist directly collides with Xu Maotian's flame spear!

All the friars were shocked to see that when Chen Feng punched Xu Maotian's flame spear, it was instantly deformed and directly compressed into a discus!

And on top of Chen Feng's fist, there was a chill, which instantly froze the discus into ice!

And Xu Maotian was frightened and felt that Chen Feng's fist seemed to have the power to move mountains and fill the sea. It actually made him feel like a mountain was thrown over by Chen Feng!

But the next moment, a huge force came over, and instantly he flew out!

Xu Maotian flew directly out of the border of the village, even smashed more than ten thick trees!

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"Xu maocai, I intend to leave this man to you at that time, so I won't kill him. I believe you should think the same way!"

Chen Feng looks back at Xu maocai. Xu maocai is stunned. But in an instant, Xu maocai's eyes are red. He looks at Xu Maotian who has passed out and nods to Chen Feng!

That pair of bloodshot eyes, full of gratitude to Chen Feng!

Thank you

A thank you, including the gratitude to Chen Feng, as well as the anger, resentment, and endless fighting spirit that Xu Maotian has suffered for so many years!

Listen to Chen Feng's words, the business Mou Ying language suddenly stunned!

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"This man..."

Shang Mou yingyu did not find that her eyes to Chen Feng had changed a little!

At this moment, Cang Jingyi, you Zhenyi and Chai Feihong look at Xu Maotian who flies out. They are furious. Their momentum bursts out in an instant. The three powerful breath presses on Chen Feng at the same time. However, Chen Feng is very relaxed and indifferent, and even has a smile on his mouth!

I saw three people instantly attack Chen Feng, Chen Feng's figure is like a ghost, every attack of the three people was flashed by Chen Feng, there was no one attack can touch the corner of Chen Feng!

All friars are Leng in situ, looking at Chen Feng's figure for a long time speechless!

And Chen Feng, like playing with three people, just dodged and didn't fight back!

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