Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 509: 509

Chen Feng and others immediately looked at the young man, frowning!

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Hu Zhan looked at the young man and said coldly: "master Chen, you don't want to rob a flower with a kid who came to the trial?"

"Hum! I just want to make a fire source pill, just lack a source of fire flower! " "Master Chen laughed at it.

Master Chen obviously did not intend to give this treasure medicine to Chen Feng. As for whether he really wanted to make the pill, no one knew.

Seeing master Chen, he showed a waist card in a moment. On the waist, he depicts a Dan Ding, which symbolizes his identity as a Dan master.

Seeing the beauty selling medicine saw the waist token, she immediately said respectfully: "put it up for you immediately!"

At this moment, everyone looked at master Chen, and suddenly there was a little surprise!

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"Isn't this Mr. Chen Hu? How did he come? "

"What?! He is Chen Hu, who was only 25 years old in the ancient temple, who reached the level of five quality alchemists? "

"It is said that he is a famous genius among the alchemists' Union in imperial city. There is no alchemy today?"


All monks are surprised to look at Chen Hu, one by one surprise, there is no more than one surprise, the face is full of color of respect!

Chen Feng looks at Chen Hu frowning.

"You don't know what it's called coming first and coming?"

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Zhang Jiuling shouted angrily!

Chen Hu sneered at Zhang Jiuling and frowned: "Dan Shi has the right to buy materials in the material Pavilion of the ancient temple first. You don't know it."

Chen Hu said with a sneer, "if you take care of your people, if you dare to offend Dan Shi, the whole alchemy guild will pursue you!"

Alchemists are the most respected existence in the world, and the number of alchemists is rare. In order to ensure the safety of the alchemists, the alchemists Union will protect the recorded Dan teachers and punish the existence of offending them!

So most of the Dan teachers are so arrogant, which can be said to be the alchemy guild gives them used to.

Chen Feng looked at Chen Hu, as if to say to himself: "I didn't expect to meet a family in the ancient temple, but this family seems not a thing!"

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Immediately, Chen Hu is angry face, and says, "you are insulting a noble five-quality Dan teacher?"

"Five quality Dan teacher? Is it a cow? "

Chen Feng's eyes are endless contempt, saying: "what can I be proud of in front of Laozi, but also dare to be arrogant in front of this Shao?"

Chen Feng doesn't care what the Chen Hu is. The five quality Dan teacher is a slag in his eyes!

Although Chen Feng thinks so, other monks don't know the reason. All the monks are shocked to look at Chen Feng!

"Is this kid crazy? Dare you insult a noble alchemist

"And insult a five quality alchemist! If the alchemist union knew this, I would just have to kill him directly! "

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"Compared with a young five-quality alchemist, a little boy who is not known is very small!"


Five quality alchemists, that is very rare existence, especially Chen Hu is so young, only 25 years old, future achievements can not be limited!

Alchemist Union will definitely kill Chen Feng in order to keep Chen Hu, the future alchemist Tianjiao!

This is the tyranny of alchemy guild!

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