Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 588: 588

"The real body of the martial god? Hiss

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Pei Zhanguo instantly showed a sneer and said: "it's just the real body of the warrior God, it's not my opponent after wearing net magic armor!"

Pei Warring States instantly drank, and the net magic weapon armor instantly resonated with Pei Warring States, and then flew directly to Pei Warring States, and instantly integrated with Pei Warring States!

Pei Zhanguo put on his gold armor, and instantly he was like a god of war poured with gold powder all over his body. His gold was shining and his fighting spirit was soaring in the sky!

At this moment, Pei Zhanguo directly stretched out a palm, which tore the void, and instantly appeared in front of the white chess elder. Endless fury could smash the stars and smash the Taiyin!

The white chess elder's expression is slightly coagulated, which is also a big hand print. In an instant, the aura riots, and the fire in the sky turns into a fire dragon and goes towards the palm of Pei Warring States. When the two collide, Pei Zhanguo's palm turns the fire dragon into nothingness in an instant!

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The white chess elder's face changed a little, but the movements of his hands did not stop. His whole body was crazy and broke out endless aura. In his eyes, he burst out two thunderbolts!

These two thunder and lightning are generated from the fire, and the violent momentum can even crush the galaxy and annihilate the whole world!

Lightning and palm collision, the palm instant smash!

And the God thunder also dissipates in an instant!

Pei Warring States immediately sneered and said contemptuously, "old man, is your strength just like this?"

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The white chess elder's expression is slightly coagulated, a trace of cold flashes in his eyes, and his tone is flat: "I haven't done anything for many years. For a while, some of them are just skilled!"

In a flash, the three foot golden crow transformed by the white chess elder spread its wings and soared. A foot claw suddenly stepped down towards Pei Warring States!

The foot of Jinwu appeared directly in front of Pei Warring States, but it dissipated in an instant!

All the friars were shocked by the scene. They clearly felt that the white chess elder's blow was very violent. The fire on his paw could even burn the sky and boil the sea. With one claw, the earth under Pei's body could be broken and the mountains would be broken!

But why did such a powerful blow turn into invisible and dissipate when it was close to Pei's body?!

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"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

At this moment, Pei is deafening!

"Old man, in front of my net magic weapon armor, ten thousand dharmas don't invade me. Even if you have the Kaitian power, you can't hurt me at all. It's useless for me as a net magic weapon if you use thousands of means!"

In a flash, Pei Zhangguo appeared directly beside the white chess elder. His figure was like a ghost. Obviously, he displayed his extremely excellent body skills!

When Pei Warring States got close to him, the white chess elder said something bad in a moment. He only felt that the aura in his body had dissipated in an instant. Even the sea of fire around his body disappeared in an instant, as if he had never appeared before!

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In a flash, the white chess elder is like an ordinary person. The light in his eyes is all dissipated in an instant!

It was at this moment that Pei Warring States directly hit him with one hand, which was extremely cruel. In an instant, he blocked all the retreat routes of the white chess elder and directly hit the chest of the white chess elder!

It was a terrible blow. The heaven and earth were evaporated into boiling water. Obviously, it killed the white chess elder!

All the friars on the scene changed their faces!

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