Chen Feng in the three under the fierce attack, every time is able to escape the three attacks perfectly.

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No matter from which angle, or even blocked all escape angles of Chen Feng, Chen Feng is still like a loach that can't slip his hands, and finds a ray of life from some strange places!

Such a strange body method, suddenly let three people incomparably surprised!

How can a body method that can move thousands of kilometers without flying swords in an instant? It's like walking in waves and moving around, avoiding the inevitable attack from every fantastic angle. How can such a body method be ordinary?

Moreover, Chen Feng is one of the most important martial arts, and his strength is not enough to perform magic. Therefore, he must have cultivated some powerful body skills, which can achieve so many fantastic things!

"This boy, at least he has cultivated Xuan level body skills, so he can be so smooth!" Jin Xia gnaws her teeth and says!

"I think so!" White friar Zunan said.

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"Elder martial sister, we kill him, and then take his body and martial arts skills, how about?" Another friar in white Zhu Rong's eyes flashed a touch of greed and suggested.

Chen Feng listens, flashed in the eye immediately a obliteration idea!

If you want to kill yourself because you have seen someone else's body, you have nothing to say.

But if you want money, you can't accept it!

"This Shifu asked us to investigate the mountain business. It's not proper for us to do this... " Jinxia frowned and said, but her eyes clearly flashed a touch of movement.

Chen Feng's ability to see through is already a level 10 magic skill. Although Jinxia is well disguised, she still sees through the real idea in her heart at a glance!

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She's moved!

Jinxia and Jinxia are brothers and sisters of the same clan, and they have hunted and killed many monsters together. How can they not understand Jinxia.

Zhu Rong immediately continued: "elder martial sister, there is no outsider here. Kill him and throw him into the fire wolf group. He is just an ordinary man who died in the mouth of fire wolf. It has nothing to do with us!"

At the same time, Zhu Xiarong couldn't help but ask her how she felt when she was attacked

Zhu Rong asked this sentence, he has been able to guess, Jinxia will agree, so the corner of the mouth hook up a mischievous smile of success!

"Elder martial sister, please agree! If you think about it, it's Xuan level body skills and martial arts! " Zunan added Steel Road on one side.

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The two people's words, let Jinxia face moving color more and more thick, and then will nod to agree, but suddenly, a cold voice into her ears!

"Ha ha, just a few rubbish like you, still want to kill me?" Chen Feng sneered at the corners of his mouth, and said, "no way!"

In a flash, Chen Feng's body a evil spirit burst out, so that the three people are a change in face.


Acquired skill: domineering!

Domineering: explosive momentum, oppress the world, can stun friars who exceed their own level 1 or below!

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Full level effect: explosive momentum, oppress heaven and earth, can stun friars who exceed their own level by a big level or below!

Is it up to full level?



"Damn it! This skill doesn't seem to be so magical, right? When you reach full level, you can only stun monks who are more than one level or below? "

Chen Feng says, to this skill is very dissatisfied!

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