Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 725: 725

Shang Mou zhemining is a strong man with seven levels of martial god realm, while Chen Feng is just three levels of martial saint. In his eyes, Chen Feng is just like a mole ant!

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But now, a mole ant actually let him this tiger feel a sense of fear, how can such feelings make his heart feel good!

In an instant, Shang Mou Zheling is looking at Chen Feng, and his eyes are full of crazy color!

At this moment, all the monks on the scene were shocked. They all felt the momentum change of Shang Mou Zheling at this moment!

Although the momentum of Shang Mou Zheling was strong before, the whole person felt that he was extremely powerful. He was sure of winning everything, just like a tiger playing with its prey!

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But now, Shang Mou Zheling is giving them a kind of fierce tiger that seems to be injured. The ferocity is completely aroused, and a kind of feeling that is close to madness!

The crazy tiger and the ordinary tiger are two different levels. In a flash, all the friars saw the red light in Shang Mou Zheling's eyes, and the endless momentum broke out from him!

At this moment, shangmou Zheling's body, which had been seriously injured, became powerful in an instant, as if the previous injury had recovered completely in an instant. If not for the huge depression in shangmou Zheling's chest, all monks would think that Shang Mou Zheling's injury had recovered as before, or even recovered to the peak state!

All the friars are shocked at this moment, looking at Shang Mou Zheling, they can feel Shang Mou Zheling's violent and incomparable killing intention!

"My God! This Shang Mou Zheling is still able to burst out such a powerful force after suffering such a heavy injury. The strong man in the realm of martial god is really extraordinary! "

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A monk looked at Shang Mou Zheling in horror. He was shocked. They could not imagine that Shang Mou Zheling could break out such a powerful power at this moment!

"The strong in the realm of martial god and the mighty vitality are not comparable to those of ordinary warriors, but this is not the most surprising thing."

Although a monk looked at Shang Mou Zheling's fundus flashed a look of shock, but when he looked at Chen Feng, the shock of his eyes gradually turned into the color of horror!

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes twinkled with indifference and calmness, which was not affected by Shang Mou Zheling's violent momentum. All monks could feel the calm and calm of Chen Feng's momentum!

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Chen Feng's eyes are ancient, simply did not put shangmou Zheling in his eyes!

In an instant, all friars were more shocked!

"This Chen Feng! It is obvious that Shang Mou Zheling is going to use a big killing move, but why is he still so calm and calm? "

Some friars don't understand why Chen Feng can still be calm under such circumstances. If he had changed other people, he would have been afraid that his legs would have softened and he would have begged for mercy in a hurry!

However, Chen Feng seemed to be watching the scenery. He was leisurely and leisurely. He didn't pay attention to the momentum of shangmou Zheling!

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In a flash, all the monks on the scene were shocked, even shocked!

"Chen Feng! I'm sure you'll die today

Looking at Chen Feng's eyes, Shang Mou Zheling suddenly shot out two cold lights. The cold light touched the air in an instant, and it turned into two sharp ice cones and shot towards Chen Feng.

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