Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 746: 746

The next moment, Chen Feng directly a hand in his face gently across!

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In an instant, he Tun felt that his face was full of flesh and blood, and a sharp pain filled his whole body. It was like a stroke of Chen Feng's finger that actually cut all the skin on his whole body!

The fear in he Tun's heart surged again!

Chen Feng slightly raised his mouth and sneered: "I have to say that I admire you for your firmness of heart, but no matter how strong your heart is, it is still not enough to see it!"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of Mori cold, once again stretched out a finger in front of he Tun!

In he Tun's consciousness, he saw that his eyes were cut, and endless pain filled his nerves!

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But Chen Feng is a stroke now!

He Tun only felt that his firm heart of Tao was fragmented at this moment, and was instantly broken into countless pieces by Chen Feng's finger!

He Tun uttered a series of shrill screams, and the whole person could not hold on any longer at this moment. He just fell to the ground!

"Ah! My body! My eyes! Ah, ah, ah

He Tun only felt that countless blood arrows were shot from all over his body. Every inch of his skin was cut by Chen Feng's fingers. It was as if endless silk thread had penetrated into his body!

Looking at he Tun's embarrassed appearance in front of him, Chen Feng raised a sneer of disdain at the corners of his mouth, and then sat down again on the stone bench!

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But long ago, there are many eyes peeping into the battle in Hu Ju!

Those were all Hu Ju's brothers. They all clearly saw that Chen Feng didn't move at all. He didn't even touch he Tun's skin. However, he Tun fell to the ground and roared loudly. The shrill roar had already spread out to Hu Ju!

"My God! What kind of skill did Chen Feng exert? He Tun is so embarrassed that he has never touched him

A friar looked at another friar in the same room beside him and asked suspiciously!

Another monk was stunned at the moment, but seemed to be aware of something. He exclaimed: "it may be the powerful murderous spirit that Chen Feng just released!"

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The former friars and several other friars were stunned, and all of them were shocked.

"Is it just a simple killing effect? How is that possible? Can murderous spirit make people hallucinate? "

A friar immediately asked!

"Why not!"

The monk who guessed that it was the effect of murderous spirit immediately said seriously: "as far as I know, when the murderous spirit is strong to a certain extent, it will produce a special effect. This kind of murderous spirit can make people have a terrible illusion, and even can make the monk who is not firm in his mind die in the illusion. At the same time, the monk who has the illusion will think that he is real Die, die

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All the friars took a breath when they heard the speech. All the friars couldn't believe that the murderous spirit released by Chen Feng could have such a terrible effect!


At the moment, the monk's expression was very shocked. Obviously, he was also frightened by his own guess. He immediately said, "but monks with that murderous spirit are all slaughtered by thousands of people."

"Wanrentu?! Those are the gods who have killed thousands of monks

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