Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 751: 751

"Chen Feng, is it impossible to find death? How can such words be said in person?"

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All the friars were looking at Chen Feng's eyes. All the friars couldn't imagine that Chen Feng dared to speak sarcastically of Zhang shaotian!

Suddenly, a monk was shocked and looked at Chen Feng. His eyes were full of shock and said: "I really don't know what kind of bear heart leopard gall Chen Feng ate. How dare he satirize elder martial brother Zhang shaotian like this? Isn't he trying to kill himself?! "

" I feel the same way. This Chen Feng is really, because he has a martial skill that can enhance his strength by force, he doesn't put his fellow senior brother in the eye. Today, we must let elder martial brother Zhang shaotian teach him a good lesson! "

a monk immediately looked at Chen Feng with a heavy smile!

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Obviously, the other monks thought the same thing. Suddenly, there was a very mature monk who sneered and called out: "elder martial brother Zhang shaotian! Teach this guy a good lesson! "

" yes! Senior brother Zhang shaotian! This guy is so hateful! Teach him a lesson! "

at the moment, a group of friars are looking at Chen Feng's eyes. They just ignore it and yell at Chen Feng's lesson!

Chen Feng's eyes twinkled with endless cold light. The whole person instantly sneered and said to Zhang shaotian, "the voice of the masses is so high, you can try it directly and see if you can teach me a lesson!"

Said, in Chen Feng's eyes is flickering a light of banter, the momentum of the whole person is actually in this moment instant big change!

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Chen Feng's momentum turned out to be extremely cold, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a lump of ice sculpture, which was very cold. Let all friars be one Leng immediately!

Chen Feng's momentum was even a little violent, so that all the monks could not help exclaiming!

But Zhang shaotian's face was cold to the extreme in an instant, and his face was very gloomy. All the monks on the scene could not help but feel cold in their hearts!

"What a conceited fellow

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In an instant, Zhang shaotian was watching Chen Feng sneer repeatedly and said: "today, I'll show you how I taught you!"

Zhang shaotian directly shot it with one hand. In an instant, the earth and the earth were all eclipsed at this moment. The giant palm seemed to have the power to move mountains and fill the sea. Suddenly, Chen Feng's eyes narrowed!

But at the same time, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly burst out a touch of essence, and then he saw that Chen Feng actually took a breath gently!

This breath is very light, but the whole body is shining with golden light, as if it is golden gas!

All the friars could not help but be surprised and began to discuss whether Chen Feng's attack was a joke!

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Zhang shaotian is looking at Chen Feng's attack and showing a trace of disdain smile!

But in an instant, Chen Feng's eye is flashing a touch of essence!

Zhang shaotian saw the fine light in Chen Feng's eyes, and his heart was tight for a moment. He didn't know why. He suddenly felt the bottom of his heart as if he were pumping!

In a flash, Zhang shaotian saw that the golden air mass in front of Chen Feng suddenly rose against the storm, and changed into a huge tornado in a moment, which swept over in an instant!

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