Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 820: 820

"Well, I really want to die myself!"

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Pei Feixiong's eyes are full of disdain to say!

Zhang Jiuling even dared to fight against Pei Feiyu's nine claw flame dragon with his body. In Pei Feixiong's opinion, it was no doubt that he was looking for death!

But Chen Feng at this moment is in the eyes flash a sneer, way: "looking for death is Pei Feiyu that silly dog just right."

As soon as Chen Feng's words came out, Pei Feixiong said with a sneer: "hum, don't brag! A complete piece of rubbish in the martial saint's realm dares to fight against the attack from the strong man in the realm of martial arts and gods. This is not to seek death. What is it

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Chen Feng listened to Pei Feixiong's words, and instantly his eyes showed a look like a fool. He said, "that's my brother. If you look down on them, you're an idiot!"

Chen Feng said, confident smile!

Pei Feixiong can feel endless self-confidence in Chen Feng, which is the ultimate trust in Zhang Jiuling!

Suddenly, Pei Feixiong's heart is subconsciously appeared some fluctuations!

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At this moment, in the shocked eyes of all the friars, the nine claw flame dragon released by Pei Feiyu and a pair of palms of Zhang Jiuling burst together!

In an instant, the fire was in the sky, and the endless Mars were flying. The blood red flame and the golden red flame instantly devoured the heaven and earth!

At the same time, when the two claws were holding together, Zhang Jiuling's body suddenly shocked. Zhang felt the blood surging up. The blood in his body suddenly surged up at this moment. All the exposed skin showed the bright red color of blood in a moment!

Zhang Jiuling instantly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's expression was somewhat dispirited. However, Zhang Jiuling's eyes were even more ferocious. His eyes were extremely fierce, like wild animals. Even if he died, he would tear off the enemy's flesh!

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At this moment, Pei Feiyu's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of cruelty. Pei Feiyu's hand suddenly moved. In an instant, the nine claw flame dragon gave out a fierce sound of dragon chanting. Under the two claws of the nine claw flame dragon, another pair of claws appeared, which instantly grabbed the empty space in Zhang Jiuling's abdomen!

Br > if the claws of nine years old can be shocked by the fire of nine dragons, they will be shocked by the fire!

"My God! This nine claw flame dragon is too fierce! Zhang Jiuling is just the strength of martial Saint realm. If it is Chen Feng, he will definitely be able to break the nine claw flame dragon, but Zhang Jiuling is still a perfect martial Saint realm! "

A friar was shocked and exclaimed, and the other friars immediately echoed!

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"The state of Wu Sheng is so perfect that he can resist the attack from the strong man of Wu Shen realm. This is fantastic enough, but Zhang Jiuling can't bear it!"

"Yes! Zhang Jiuling can't use his hands at all now, especially his hands are still trapped by the Dragon claws of the nine claw flame dragon. There is no way to defend them. Under this attack, Zhang Jiuling will definitely die and die! "

"This time, Zhang Jiuling is really going to be cold!"

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