Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 833: 833


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A bang came out, all the monks were shocked to see Zhang Jiuling, they even stopped thinking at this moment!

All the monks were staring at Zhang Jiuling. They couldn't believe what Zhang Jiuling had done!

At this moment, in the eyes of all the friars, Pei Feiyu's head was cracked, which was like a watermelon. The black, white and red were mixed together. The shocking scene made all the monks on the scene could not help but cry out one after another!

"My God! Zhang Jiuling killed Pei Feiyu

A monk immediately cried out, he could not believe that Zhang Jiuling dared to kill Pei Feiyu!

Pei Feiyu is one of the four aristocratic families in the Imperial City, and the most important one is the favored son of heaven!

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Zhang Jiuling dare to kill Pei Feiyu. Isn't he looking for death?!

All the friars are looking at Zhang Jiuling at the moment, and their eyes are deeply unbelievable!

"Pei Feiyu Dead? "

All the friars are in a flash into a daze, some monks are still muttering.

In the distance, in addition to the elder, the huzhan couple and others all stare at Zhang Jiuling. They can't believe that Zhang Jiuling can kill Pei Feiyu!

At this moment, the huzhan couple and others are frowning slightly. Although they did not expect Zhang Jiuling to kill Pei Feiyu, they all quickly accepted the fact!

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However, one of the elders frowned. The four elders looked at the elder respectfully and said, "elder, Zhang Jiuling killed Pei Feiyu. I'm afraid that my ancient temple will have a complete feud with Pei family, one of the four aristocratic families in the imperial city. I don't know whether it's good or bad! "

listening to the words of the four elders, Hu Zhan and others all frowned at this moment!

Although they were not afraid to kill the Pei family, if they changed Hu Zhan's temper, they would not care whose family these heavenly favourites were. They would kill them directly!

But now it is the disciples of the ancient temple who killed the Pei family, one of the four aristocratic families in the imperial city. In particular, Pei Feiyu is the most gifted Tianjiao determined by the Pei family. This is no longer a personal problem, but a grudge between the two forces!

All of a sudden, huzhan and his wife all looked at the elder in an instant!

At this moment, the big elder's face can not see joy and anger, no expression!

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But Hu Zhan and others are able to feel the great elder's body, even at this moment exudes endless majesty!

They have never felt this Majesty in the amiable elder!

All of a sudden, Hu Zhan and others are depressed, all looking at the elder.

"This matter."

The elder gently opened his mouth and spoke very slowly: "don't pay attention to it."

"Ignore it?"

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Hu Zhan was a little surprised when he heard the elder's words. He immediately said, "elder, this is a matter of gratitude and resentment between the ancient temple and the royal family. Do you really ignore it?"

Hu Zhan's words are the doubts of all the big people on the scene. In a moment, everyone is looking at the elder again.

I saw that the big elder's mouth was slightly raised at the moment, and there were some supreme tyrants in his voice: "so what?"

"Don't say it's the Pei family. Even if it's the royal family, I won't let them fall into crisis with Chen Feng and his partners! "

the elder said very domineering," if you dare to come, let them have a try! "

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