Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 86: 86

The treasure Pavilion is divided into treasure ware area, martial arts and martial arts area, Dan medicine area, and other book areas.

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All the things are put in a shelf one by one, classified, but the variety is complete.

But now, facing Chen Feng, the fat man looked at him with fear, but suddenly found that on the shelf beside him, those pills, ancient books, and even treasure ware had disappeared in an instant!

Looking at all the big eyes of Chen Feng!

In a flash, the fat man exclaimed, "this What did you do then? "

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, way: "yes, our two purposes are the same!"

"You Are you here to steal the treasure house of the galloping sword clan

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Fat man obviously can't imagine that there are people who think the same way!

"What means did you use, and where did you receive them?"

Fat man simply can't imagine that Chen Feng would do this. He even planned to rob the galloping thunder sword clan!

He is just picking some valuable things to fill his small vault, but Chen Feng is the whole shelf of all the pills looted!

This can't be said to be theft at all. It's a total clean-up!

Fat at the moment looking at Chen Feng's diffraction is a change again and again, finally is some fanatical up!

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"Brother! A model of our generation

The fat man grabbed Chen Feng's shoulder and said, "you are so brave!"

"I have been lurking for five years to get in and out of the treasure house. I plan to make some good things and leave. I didn't expect that you are going to move the whole treasure house of penlei sword clan!"

The fat man looked at Chen Feng as if he was looking at a god man and said, "brother, if you are seen by the galloping thunder sword clan, I'm afraid you will be the eternal enemy of the galloping thunder sword clan! As soon as their hunting order is issued, I'm afraid you can't stay in the whole Baiyun city! "

Hearing the fat man's words, Chen Feng didn't care: "do you mean the order of killing by galloping sword clan? It's already on me. "

"God horse?"

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Fat one listen, pupil suddenly shrink!

"Do you have a killing order from the flying thunder sword clan?"

How ugly is the look of fat man at the moment!

However, Chen Feng went directly to the side of the shelf where his martial arts skills were placed. In a flash, those skills disappeared in an instant!

Staring at Chen Feng, the fat man's connection is more and more ugly.

"Brother! You have the death order of the flying thunder sword clan. You Why didn't you say it earlier? "

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Fat some hysterical, but at this time, Chen Feng already knew why the fat man would be like this!

Just listening to the outside of the treasure house, suddenly there were countless footfalls coming, and they only heard the voices of those people shouting in disorder: "the thief sneaked into the clan's gate, and now he has sneaked into the treasure house! There is no excuse for sin! "

In a flash, those footfalls were pouring into the treasure house!

Among them, Chen Feng can feel the breath of the old man who guards the treasure Pavilion!

After looking at the progress of the system's transformation, Chen Feng laughed. Although it's not half of it, it's enough to hurt the European thunder sword!

At this moment, Chen Feng was shocked to hear the old guard's voice ring out and said, "hateful thief, I've sneaked into the treasure house under my eyelids. Really I don't exist?"

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