Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 866: 866

"Does Xiaoxi want to do bad things with big brother?"

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At the moment, Chen Feng seems to be a wolf abducting a rabbit, with a sly smile on his mouth!

Xiao Xi lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Feng with a sly color. The whole person was like a cunning little fox, cheering and cheering: "yes! "

it's Chen Feng's turn to be stunned!

Just now Xiao Xi was still a lovely baby. Now how can she be like a cunning little fox?

Just when Chen Feng was stunned, Xiao Xi suddenly narrowed her eyes, and her eyes twinkled with a bright light. She said with a sly smile: "my mother has never let Xiaoxi do bad things, but Xiaoxi has always wanted to know what it is like to do bad things, and why so many people like to do bad things!"

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"Hey, hey, hey..."

When Chen Feng heard the speech, he immediately laughed and said, "Xiao Xi, I'll tell you, Ow!"

"What your mother told you is right. Good children can't do bad things!"

Chen Feng suddenly serious up, small Xi immediately doubt asked: "this is not very contradictory? Then why does the big brother want to do bad things, and then say don't do bad things? Is big brother a bad boy

"It's not like that."

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Chen Feng suddenly stood in the shadow and seriously explained to Xiaoxi: "the bad things I said are not the bad things that bad people do to good people, but bad things that good people do to bad people."

"Good and bad, good and bad Ah What a tongue twister Xiao Xi was said by Chen Feng's eyes are a whirlpool, very naive!

Chen Feng said with a smile: "for example, a bad man hit you, and then you go to ransack all his treasures. You call it chivalrous to uphold justice, punish the bad guys, and retaliate against him. Why not do it?"

"But if you ransacked the treasure of a good man who helped you, it would be called vengeance. Not only the good man will turn against you, but even the irrelevant people will say that you will get revenge for the kindness and be despised by the world. In the end, you will be ruined, and you will get a bad reputation of ungrateful and vengeful. You will be hated everywhere you go."

"That's what I mean, the difference between good and bad!"

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Chen Feng at this moment, only feel like a life mentor, said the words are very philosophical, suddenly some floating!

"Ah, I see, big brother. Now we are going to do bad things to a bad man?"

Xiao Xi immediately looked at Chen Feng and said!

Chen Feng's eyes twinkled with a look of treachery and said: "yes, Xiaoxi is really smart. The big brother wants to make that bad man pay some price, and fill in my shriveled money bag by the way!"

Chen Feng said, again sneak, but dozens of rest time, Chen Feng again stood, directly holding Xiaoxi out of the shadow, the moment appeared in a magnificent huge Pavilion!

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In this pavilion, each treasure house is well distributed. Every hundred steps apart, it is a treasure house. Each treasure house also contains different spiritual materials and heavy treasures!

In front of Chen Feng, there is a treasure house with pills written on it.

Chen Feng looked at these two big characters, and his eyes were full of light!

How many high-quality pills will be put in the Royal medicine storehouse!

Chen Feng thought, is already a little drooling!

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