Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 897: 897

"Your majesty! Why let such a non Royal boy enter first? "

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The ancient Hezhou immediately raised a high voice to ask a way, immediately did not comply with!

All the friars at the moment are the same as the ancient Hezhou. The emperor Yanlong frowned when he saw this!

"I say let whoever comes in. What's your problem?"

Yanlong emperor's eyes suddenly burst out a burst of fire, the voice is like a thunderbolt in general, roared: "or you to make a decision?"

"No! Dare not

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The ancient Hezhou hears the speech, deeply knows own just now's words is how does not pass the brain!

In front of him is the emperor of the fire Xuanguo, which is a golden tongue. Who dares to make a decision for him?

If he really made the decision for emperor Yanlong in ancient Hezhou, I'm afraid he thought his life was too long!

All friars are aware that the Emperor Yan is really angry. They dare not say anything. Even their expressions have become serious. They are afraid that the Emperor Yan will see his dissatisfaction with the emperor's decision!

In an instant, Chen Feng said with a smile: "in this case, thank your Majesty the emperor Yanlong!"

With that, Chen Feng took all the people of the ancient temple directly to the bronze door!

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Hu Zhan looked at Chen Feng behind him. His back was full of cold sweat!

But Chen Feng actually let Yanlong emperor agree, Chen Feng led the ancient temple to take the lead into it, can't help but also confused!

"Is Chen Feng the illegitimate son of emperor Yanlong? How did the emperor of Yan Long comply

Hu Zhan thought to himself, but he didn't say it!

All the friars watched Chen Feng step into the bronze door, gnashing their teeth one by one. They were extremely envious and full of hatred in their hearts!

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This is the first one to enter, which means that it is possible to get all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures one step ahead!

Chen Feng, Zhuge Pavilion, Zhang Jiuling, Wu Tong, Zhen Yun and Xu maocai entered into it. They immediately felt the majestic aura coming from their faces. They took a deep breath. The whole person was fresh and fresh, which was totally different from the usual feeling. Even the body was light and comfortable!

Looking at the expression of Chen Feng and others, all monks are dark hate!

I don't know why, they just want to be the first to absorb the aura in the bronze door!

At the moment, Chen Feng seemed to feel the sorrowful eyes of the monk behind him. He immediately turned around and looked at Chen Yurou and Xiaoxia, who were over the age. They were smiling and waving to him. Chen Feng looked at the corners of their mouths and said, "it's a pity. If I can, I really want to bring you two in to breathe the fresh aura here."

Chen Feng said jokingly, but Xiaoxia and Chen Yurou all know that Chen Feng is talking to those friars!

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Suddenly, two people are smiling: "brother, have a good journey!"

"Brother Feng, we'll wait for you to come back."

They did not want to go with the meaning, but Chen Feng is some regret!

But Zhuge Ge Ge then whispered in Chen Feng's ear: "boss, isn't Yurou your sister? Why is she older than you? "

"You fat, you skin itches, don't you?"

Chen Feng suddenly waved his fist. How can he not be curious about this, but he knows that there must be an unknown secret hidden in Chen Yurou's body!

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