Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 938: 938

"Hum, do you want to be restrained now? It's late

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Chen Feng sneered, the space seems to be congealed, a layer of invisible ice seems to freeze the water molecules in the space completely and turn into pieces of ice flowers in the space!

The sudden cold sound made the five people tense their muscles in an instant like a frightened rabbit. Subconsciously, they looked at the place where the sound sounded. Suddenly, they saw six figures, five men and one woman, giving people a very bad feeling!

All of a sudden, in addition to the big brother, the other four people are instantly face color change, eyeground flash a touch of panic!

But it was the elder brother who stood up with his hands down and hid the ring finger of his right hand behind him naturally. If Chen Feng didn't know that the thunder iron wood heart was on the elder brother's body, he would think that they were just ordinary monks!

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When he looked at Chen's face, he was calm!

In front of him, the man who is able to find this kind of adversity is the one who can find this kind of adversity!

The young man's very indifferent face, sword eyebrows and stars, gives people a very strong feeling, and his plain eyes are full of Unwilling ordinary pride. At this moment, even seeing Chen Feng and other people appear, they are not in the least flustered, and even the bottom of his eyes is a flash of a hidden killing opportunity!

This is a very good cover up. If other people encounter these five people, I'm afraid they won't feel such a fleeting light killing machine!

"Mr. Chen Feng? Zhen Yun

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The young man recognized Chen Feng and Zhen Yun for the first time, but at the beginning there was no fluctuation at all. Until now, he suddenly said in surprise!

How could Chen Feng be deceived by his appearance of deliberately pretending to show them, and sneered again in his heart!

"Are you?"

Zhen Yun frowned and wondered whether she had met this man.

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The elder brother of the four immediately looked at Zhen Yun and Chen Feng with a face of admiration. He clasped his fist and said, "in the next week, Chengwu."

Zhou Chengwu a face of low posture, obviously in his proud heart, has a good at forbearance of the soul!

"Zhou Chengwu?"

Hearing the name, Zhen Yun immediately remembered something and asked in surprise, "are you Zhou Chengwu of the Zhou family?"

"Exactly Hearing Zhen Yun say his name, Zhou Cheng's armed model immediately said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Zhenyun fairy could still remember the name of my last family in the imperial city. Chengwu is deeply honored."

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"Zhenyun fairy, we are four of the five heroes of the Zhou family." One of the four youths, who was second only to Zhou Chengwu, immediately introduced himself, but there was a kind of ostentation in the introduction!

"Presumptuous! It's just a name. What can you show off? " Zhou Chengwu scolded the way of feigned posture.

The four men were immediately scolded by Zhou Chengwu, which made them lose face. However, they did not dare to say anything. They could only bow their heads and stop talking.

When Chen Feng watched Zhou Chengwu perform in front of him, he could feel that Zhou Chengwu was clearly thinking about how to deceive himself and others. Then he took the opportunity to kill all the people who might know that they had got the thunder iron heart!

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