Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 950: 950

When Chen Feng grabs the two fenglingsheng daggers in his hand, the momentum of Chen Feng's body changes abruptly for a few days. It is a very strange momentum, giving people a vague feeling, but it is real. The whole person gives people the feeling of ghosts!

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All the people are looking at Chen Feng and his expression becomes shocking. Although they don't understand why Chen Feng broke out with such an extraordinary momentum when he grasped the Fengling holy dagger, they can feel that Chen Feng's momentum is so powerful and weird that Zhou Chengkun can't match it!

At this moment, Chen Feng held the Fengling holy dagger in his hands, and the whole person's hand was raised slowly. The slow lifting movement, however, appeared a double shadow. The shadows flashed on his palm. All of the Zhou family were shocked to see Chen Feng. If he didn't realize what the strange momentum of Chen Feng came from, then they would It's a big fool!

"This feeling It turns out that It turns out to be... "

Zhou Chengqian only felt that his brain was short circuited at this moment. How could Chen Feng have such momentum and how could he master this martial art?!

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"What a knife?"

What is the distance between Chen Feng and Chen's hand!

What Chen Feng displays is the heaven level martial art that his ancestors of Zhou family once created -- finger knife!

Moreover, what shocked Zhou Chengkun and other Zhou brothers most was not that Chen Feng could display the finger knife, but that Chen Feng only used the starting style of the finger knife, which was three points stronger than Zhou Chengkun's finger knife which was fully used!

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It's just a start!

How can a starting move have such a powerful force?!

Zhou Chengkun is the only one in the Zhou family who has practiced the finger knife to a perfect state, and he is the one who knows it best!

In his consciousness, the strongest strength that the finger knife can explode is the greatest power he exerts. However, Chen Feng's only a starting style of the finger knife, and the strength erupted is more powerful than all his power. It's amazing that this kind of power is!

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Moreover, why can Chen Feng display their Zhou family's finger knife?!

"Impossible! Impossible! How can you use the skill of finger knife created by our ancestors of Zhou family? "

Zhou Chengkun's face has been distorted at the moment, his face can be said to be difficult to see the extreme!

This finger knife is the unique skill that the Zhou family relied on to become famous, but Chen Feng could use the unique skill of the Zhou family, and the use of it was even more powerful than Tianjiao, the only one of the Zhou family's five heroes in the Zhou family, and the first one of the Zhou family's five masters, how could he accept it!

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Zhuge Ge and others are also shocked to see Chen Feng. His eyes are full of disbelief, especially Wu Tong. He shows the most abundant expression in history!

He looked at Chen Feng for a long time!

An indescribable shock came to my mind!

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