Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 959: 959

"Zhou Chengwu, tell me quickly, when and where did you get this magic touch?"

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Chen Feng's eyes with a look, forced to ask Zhou Chengwu road.

However, Zhou Chengwu seemed to hear something very terrible at the moment, and his eyes even flickered with a bit of panic!

In front of Chen Feng, he was not too frightened. He was shaking with fear at the moment!

Looking at Zhou Chengwu's performance, Chen Feng immediately determined how terrible the background or strength of the organization or individual with magic touch is!

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"Say it

Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Yes Three years ago, when I was traveling in the Changxi mountains, I came across a cave. The cave was full of countless terrible things, all of which were packed in a jar filled with green liquid. Some of the severed heads could move the eyes! "

Listening to Zhou Chengwu's words, all the people present were shocked. Looking at Zhou Chengwu, Zhen Yun didn't believe that such a strange thing could happen. His head in a bottle could move his eyes. It's amazing!

But at this moment, Chen Feng is a look Su, eyes are squint up!

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Biochemical dishes!

Hearing Zhou Chengwu's words, Chen Feng was shocked. Zhou Chengwu's words must be true. But the Changxi mountain range is just a small mountain range. Compared with the other mountains around the Imperial City, it is very small. Even the most monster beasts are the seven grade monsters from other mountains!

In addition, Tiancai Dibao is very rare in this mountain range, and the geological soil is not suitable for the growth of Tiancai Dibao. Therefore, most monks would not go there. As a result, only a lot of small animals live in the mountains.

But no one would have thought that the Changxi mountain had been regarded as a stronghold, and even the Petri dishes were set up in the Changxi mountains!

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"Changxi mountains? Is it the mountain range nearest to the imperial city Zhen Yun said with a frown at the moment.

Listening to Zhen Yun's words, a flash of color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. The Changxi mountain range is one of the mountains closest to the imperial city!

if the person who organized behind the scenes used all the biochemical technology to create biochemical transformation people, there might be a disaster in the imperial city!

Just don't know, this Yanlong emperor knew this matter, what expression will be!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, but he just think, Yan Long emperor's imperial city and he has what relationship, and Yan Long Emperor may be the Yan Long royal family in his dream, he will not be kind to tell the emperor!

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What's more, this terrible thing appeared at the foot of Yanlong emperor. If Yanlong Emperor didn't know anything about it, Chen Feng would not believe it at all!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, eyes in the twinkle of fine awn, perhaps, the emperor of the Dragon secretly colluded with that mysterious organization!

"Go on!"

Chen Feng said with a cold drink.

Zhou Chengwu looks frightened, but at this moment, Zhou Chengwu suddenly screamed. A strange energy burst out of the whole person, which instantly enveloped Zhou Chengwu's body. This strange ability turned into an infinite purple black flame and burned instantly. Zhou Chengwu suddenly howled, and Chen Feng's face changed suddenly!

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