Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 975: 975

Although the marsh snake mother was shocked by Chen Feng's ability to speak animal language, she still showed a sneering expression when listening to Chen Feng's words!

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Chen Feng even said that he could give himself some good fortune. Even the adult who lived a million years ago didn't dare to make such a promise to himself. What kind of person is the boy in front of him? How dare he say such a big story!

"Do you know what nature is to me?"

The marsh snake mother's eyes are tightly fixed on Chen Feng's eyes, and the corner of her mouth which is constantly spitting out letters seems to raise a slightly ironic smile!

Marsh snake mother can't believe that Chen Feng can give it some good luck!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, marsh snake mother needs the creation, is not the transformation of human?

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Maybe for the swamp snake mother, the dragon is the next thing it wants to do, but Chen Feng knows that every animal wants to evolve into an adult. After all, human beings are the real masters of this world!

Monsters often need millions of years of cultivation before they can break through another level. However, human beings only need to practice for decades or even hundreds of years. This gap makes every animal want to evolve into human beings and obtain the qualification of human beings!

But after all, they can't get rid of the animal shape, and can only continue to work towards the goal of Hualong!


A flash of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes and said, "you just want to turn into a dragon, so that you can soar into the sky and your strength will soar. You may even enter the legendary universe and become a strong man comparable to the realm of Wu Zu of human beings. From then on, you will be invincible in Xiaoqian world."

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The marsh snake mother's eyes flashed a touch of light. Chen Feng was right. She just wanted to be a dragon. As long as she became a dragon, she would be able to go to the great world to find the adult!

He has been separated from that man for millions of years. He has also evolved from a small swamp Python to a swamp snake mother. Finally, he has practiced for a million years. Finally, he has reached the level of nine grade monster, and is one step away from breaking through the legendary realm of sacred beast!

Holy beast realm, which is comparable to the strength of human realm Wuzu level!

In that case, he can be qualified to enter the world!

"Yes, I just want to turn into a dragon. Can you give me such a nature?"

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Marsh snake mother does not believe in Chen Feng at all, just think Chen Feng is talking big!

Maybe it was Chen Zong who wanted to take back the beast!

How could a demon beast with a great and complete martial god realm let such weak human friars as Chen Feng accept him!

In a flash, the eyes of the swamp snake mother were full of fear, and even her momentum became a little fierce. The whole snake's muscles were tense, standing like a long gun, still like a mountain, moving like a dragon gun!

Chen Feng has no doubt that if he had been the other friars to face the swamp snake mother, he was afraid that he would not have pierced the heart of the swamp snake mother, and the dead could not die again!

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But fortunately, it is Chen Feng himself who stands in front of the marsh snake mother today!

"Marsh snake mother, if I say, I can help you turn a dragon?" Chen Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Can you turn me into a dragon?"

When the marsh snake mother heard it, she suddenly burst into a burst of heart, but instantly she sneered!

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