Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 977: 977

"If I give you a Huaren pill, I don't think you will refuse it!"

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Chen Feng said with a smile, looking at the marsh snake mother's eyes full of confidence!

"I said, I don't need to trade with you at all!" Marsh snake mother slowly turned around and was about to leave, but she was always on guard against Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng started, it could make a counterattack instantly!

After all, his strength is infinitely close to Wuzu. It can be said that in this secret place of Yanlong, there are only a few powerful beings!

"Hello, don't you hear me clearly? It's Huaren Dan! Melt! People! Dan

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Chen Feng looked at the swamp snake mother turned around and left. According to the truth, Huaren pill is a dream for monsters. No matter what kind of monster it is, as long as it has intelligence, it will be fascinated by Huaren pill!

But the swamp snake mother had no expression at all, as if she had not heard the word Huaren Dan!

Chen Feng immediately bit his teeth and made a lot of pronunciation to the marsh snake mother. This may be the most standard chanting of animal language by Chen Feng!

"Isn't it Huaren Dan Wait what you were saying? You say that again? "

What did the swamp snake mother react to at this moment? In an instant, she looked at Chen Feng. There was an uncontrollable burst of breath on her figure. You can imagine how shocked and excited she was at this moment!

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Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, he knew that the swamp snake mother just did not hear clearly, now this reaction is the swamp snake mother's most real reaction!

Chen Feng is also the most satisfied response!

"Yes, you didn't hear me wrong. What I said was Huaren Dan!"

Chen Feng eyebrows a pick, eyes in the twinkling of a cunning light, but this light moment is to let him use lying skills to hide the past!

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The marsh snake mother is shocked to see Chen Feng. Her eyes are fixed on Chen Feng. She doesn't move. She seems to want to see if Chen Feng is playing with him!

However, after a long time, the marsh snake mother's eyes suddenly changed, which turned into the same pupil as human beings, round eyes and dark pupils!

CHEN Feng's hair exploded in an instant. This horrible and strange change made Chen Feng a little uncomfortable, but his fear resistance started instantly, and Chen Feng regained his calm!

By a snake with human eyes, this feeling is very strange, frightening feeling, let Chen Feng who dare not see the horror film is instant hair explosion!

But at this moment, the swamp snake mother's body was suddenly wrapped up by waves of water ripples. The inner part of the water ripple could not be seen. However, Chen Feng could see that the swamp snake mother changed her body in an instant and turned into a snake man with a snake tail. Her face had a strange look Although there is no expression on that face, it does have a kind of snake's seductive feeling!

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And this snake man is very hot, the upper body is enough to be proud of the world, appears still charming, that kind of woman's temperament let Chen Feng can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva!

At the next moment, the water curtain composed of water ripples disappeared instantly, and the beautiful snake man instantly appeared in front of everyone!

In an instant, men salivate, women envy!

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