Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 99: 99

Chen Feng immediately put his hand on the handle of the fire god sword. The next second, the sword was out of its sheath. Nine fire dragons jumped into the air and smashed the eight flame swords in an instant, and then went directly towards Zhang and he!

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In front of the nine flame dragons, Zhang he only felt that the fierce momentum was warning, which made him unable to hold up the slightest sense of resistance in his heart!

"How can it be?"

His strength is the great martial master's five fold, and his eight flaming swords are more superb and superb. Even the ordinary six heavy monks are not his opponents!

But in front of Chen Feng's attack, his proudest attack was so fragile that he let Chen Feng rout with one blow, even faced the crisis of death!

How can he believe it!

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At the next moment, Fang Yun appeared in front of Zhang Heshen. The long sword in her hand was cut horizontally, and a huge sword burst out. However, she was just barely able to slow down the movements of the nine dragons for a moment. However, her body method was so brilliant that she took Zhang He to the side in an instant. All the nine flame dragons hit the air and then disappeared Lost in the invisible!

"My friend, he didn't mean it. If you don't remember the villain, please spare his life!" Fang Yun looks at Chen Feng with an expression of supplication.

She can see the strength of Chen Feng, even if she can't see through, and behind him is the pursuit of the thunder sword clan, they can't provoke other strong people now!

"Zhang He, apologize to others!" Fang Yun ordered.

Zhang Heyi's face is not willing to bite his teeth!

Chen Feng sneered and said, "no, if the dog bites me, will I still bite the dog? What's more, would I expect a dog to apologize? "

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"You Zhang he looked at Chen Fenggang and wanted to yell, but he thought of Chen Fenggang's Jiulong Fantian sword formula. In a moment, his face changed and he swallowed his next words into his stomach!

Chen Feng glanced at him in the eyes and then moved his eyes.

At this time, behind the crowd, a burst of footstep sound came, more than ten disciples of the thunder sword sect surrounded Chen Feng and others.

"Hey, hey, run! Why don't you run? " A group of leading disciples of the sword clan of running thunder looked at Fang Yun with a wry smile.

"Wang Xu! You villain, you are the one who instigated Xu Sheng to find our elder martial sister Fang Yun's trouble. Otherwise, how could we fall into this situation? "

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Chen fan is furious. Zhao Ping on one side grabs Chen Fan in a moment, because with Chen Fan's temper, if he doesn't pull it, he will fight against Wang Xu!

"Chen fan, you still want to kill us!"

Opening his mouth and opening his mouth is a violent drink, and a fist is going to fight against Chen fan!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, this piece of he obviously is to vent the anger accumulated here just now to Chen fan!

"Enough!" Fang Yun shouts, Zhang he's fist stops in mid air and can't hit it!

When everyone was looking at the farce in front of him, Chen Feng saw a disciple of galloping thunder sword school squinting at Chen Feng behind Wang Xu, and then said a few words in Wang Xu's ear!

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Smooth ear skill!

"Elder martial brother, our clan waist card even reacted to that boy!" Said the disciple.


Wang Xumei's head wrinkled, instantly looked at his waist token, slightly raised a corner toward the direction of Chen Feng, as if to fly to Chen Feng!

"It's him!" Wang Xu's pupils shrank, and immediately burst out: "that boy is the thief who stole the treasure house of zongmen! Get him for me

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