-The Empire’s Assault-

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“is that true?”

“It’s true. About forty-thousand soldiers dropped by the Asashimo Fortress at their border, and are now in the midst of trespassing our country’s borders”

An old man overlooking the streets of Eltobourgh from his window on the fifth floor closed his eyes upon hearing the report.

“Currently, the Royal Army of the Kingdom is about forty-thousand, and it is in the middle of mobilizing the local forces of each region and is gathering about twenty thousand more. As planned, we will mobilize a total of 60 000 soldiers and form a defensive line at Sobaqlienne"

“Is the commander one of those politicians?”

“It’s not sir. It was the supreme commander of the Defense Force, King Orado himself……”

“The king himself has come to the battlefield!?”

Only about thirty years has passed since the present king was inaugurated. In the past, skirmishes with the Empire near the border has occurred many times. But before his reign, both sides have come to a mutual ceasefire, thus it didn’t lead to a large scale all-out war. Because of such circumstances, the reigning King Orado has spent much of his time in the politics of the kingdom, never experiencing a taste of the battlefield even once. But now, this has become the worst thing for him, as his first campaign is against an all-out invasion of the Empire.

“Either way, if we lose this defensive battle, our country will be no longer. That being the case, he wanted to raise the morale of his soldiers even a little, as proposed by State Minister Mepler. Well, actually, once they made it pass Sobaqlienne, this capital will be surrounded at once”

“But bringing His Majesty who does not even have any idea what a war is into the battlefield, moreover on his very first campaign, this is utter foolishness! It would be much better if one of those political houses were to do it! Thus even if we were to receive a heavy loss, we might be able to escape the downfall as long as we protect the king……in the end, I can only say that this is a very shallow thinking indeed. Are they even aware that they are confronting the Empire at its very flesh?”

“I think it’s very likely they are not. To them, who can only think of protecting their own positions, this is their chance to haggle factions to join them, you see……”

That said, the man who reported shook his head.

"But why did the Empire choose to invade at these times?"

“We still don’t know. This time there are no just cause for them to launch an offensive, so this is a completely one-sided aggression. Of course, it is clear that these guys want the magic stones in your territory, but……”

For the Empire who were unable to excavate magic stones in their own lands, almost all of their magic stones are imported. Therefore, it was evident they wanted to secure a source of these magic stones. However, ever since the Empire was established, there had been never a case like this to dispatch at this timing.

“Well, whether or not we should ask them, and whatever their reason is, the only thing necessary is whether we win or lose this war. I want to hear it from your mouth. Can we win this war?”

“Perhaps, is what I’d like to say. If we base it from the numbers, we were able to prepare a total number of 60,000 soldiers, more or less. However……”

The man who reported paused, hesitating. Then the old man looks up at him, urging him to continue.


“To tell you the truth, the composition of the Empire’s forces is strange. Thirty percent of the entire army, about twelve thousand men are composed mostly of magic soldiers, as if they are a different unit altogether”

As the man who reported described so, the old man felt uneasy for some reason, and asked.

“Mobilizing twelve thousand troops in the battlefield? Isn’t that nearly every magic soldiers in their country! What are they thinking gathering such people in such an act?”

“We also don’t know. Fortunately, because of the number of magic soldiers, the speed of their march has gone slower, but……”

The man looked back at the documents at his hand, then gave a sigh.

“I see. So, is that fellow going to the battlefield, too?”

“No. He was excluded. Recently he has gained much attention lately, so they are afraid it will threaten their positions if he were to gain even more merit in this war”

“Those fools!”

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The old man spat out in anger, and as for the reporter, while lack of motivation could be seen on his face, soothed the old man while thinking calmly of the future.

“They may be, but I’m glad it has come to this. If he was made to participate and were led into a bad situation, and I mean it has a huge possibility it will come to that, he will be used as a sacrificial pawn in the end for sure”

“I, see. True. There was that perspective as well. But now that we know that he’s fine and all, what are you going to do now?”

“I, as the chief of staff, will also go with them. I came here today to bid you my farewell”

The reporter noticed that the old man was now staring at him, with a glum look.

“It’s still too early to say goodbye. This old man has made it to live up to this day, and a man like you still have lots of work to be done for the country. Don’t die. Ya hear me, Ahmad?”

“I hear and obey, Your Excellency Rheinberg”

After those words, the reporter did a salute and left the headmaster’s office.


Two days after the news of the invasion reached the upper echelons of the army, the Kingdom of Claris immediately prepared for an immediate counteraction to the Empire’s aggression, dispatching forty thousand troops, about ninety percent of the entire royal army as their core. The remaining ten percent were left behind, including the members of the Elite Guard Corps which include Yui and his men. 

Yui and his company, being ordered to stay in the royal capital, headed to the plains at the south of Eltobourgh where the ceremony of the Royal Army’s departure is being held, and aimed at the tent of the staff headquarters while pushing aside the soldiers who worked on the preparations.

“But Yui, why are we staying behind?”

“Coz we have no choice. Or perhaps I should say, because we are the bodyguards of Her Highness the Princess that we cannot go to the battlefield” 

“That’s certainly right, but……”

Lute who cannot help wanting to go out to the battlefield snarled at Yui, but his tone became weak hearing Yui’s words.

“Well, to put it simple words, we are being ostracized. After all, I wasn’t even invited in the conference for the mobilization plan”

“Ostracized, huh”

Even Alex who’s always smiling couldn’t help but make a bitter one.

“Totally. However, I’m also grateful for not going through all that crap they call meeting though”

“Well, in Sir Yui’s case, even if you were invited in that conference, you will just probably sleep throughout the entire discussion”

Eins, who is getting sulky because Yui, who had been throwing all the political and financial-related projects and affairs at him recently, spat out a sarcasm. 

“Now that you mentioned it, I think I should have attended that meeting. I really need a good nap from all of this”

When Yui’s muttering entered his ears, Eins made a big sigh on purpose so Yui can hear, then asked for what the meeting was all about afterwards.

“And, why are you bringing us to the war departure ceremony that is being held today – even though we are not invited?”

“About that, our old geezer will also be going out in this campaign. Before they depart, I have been told to come with you all and see him”

“You mean, Chief Ahmad is also going to the frontlines?”

Lute didn’t know Ahmad is going to war, and was quite surprised that that big shot of the military is now going to participate in this campaign.

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“Well, he is our chief of staff to begin with, you know. Look there. I could see a large tent from here. Must be the general staff headquarters” 

Yui told so, pointing at the tent of the staff headquarters that has become closer and closer to them. Yui then hastened his feet.

“Hey, Sir Yui. Why are you in such a hurry?”

“That’s because if we took our time the departure ceremony will start soon”

“Oh? I see. Now that you have now become an officer, you want to participate in those ceremonies”   

“Nope, don’t want to. Once the ceremony begins, it will draw so much attention to get out. That’s why, I’m just intending to show my face before that, then go home as soon as possible”

As Yui said so and advanced his foot, Lute “That’s why as a soldier, you should quit that mentality of yours , and……” started lecturing Yui, who then closed his ear canals with both of his index fingers as they walked by.

“Oi, you three dropout stooges. Why are you still in the military?”

Because Yui was using his fingers as earplugs not to hear the scolding of Lute, he wasn’t able to notice the presence of a certain person. Lute, on the other hand made a disgusted face to that familiar man with a quirky tone currently standing in front of them.

“Oh, Murtina. So you were in the Defense Force too...”

“Isn’t that obvious? If I will not be chosen, then who is?”

Murtina spoke as he gazed with despise to Yui and the others.

Murtina Von Meniel was a classmate on the same batch as Yui and the others when they were still in the military school and belonged to the Magic Division. He is the second son of Duke Meniel, one of the four Archdukes, and also the chief of the cadet council[1] in Yui’s generation. As the leading icon of all the cadets in the military school, at the time of admission and graduation, there is a custom of the cadet council chief to perform a speech as its school year representative, and of course, as one of the son of the most powerful nobles in Claris, he was given a certain degree of consideration to the test results, as if it was the right thing to do so.

Although he is also a son of the four archdukes, Eins didn’t actually need consideration and acquired the leading position in the cadet council with only his ability. However, In Murtina’s case, because of the existence of some three cadets who are far too superior to him in terms of ability, it took him a lot of consideration just to acquire the seat, so much that he was bathed with ridicule and sneer from the surroundings, and thus held a strong complex against them.

“However, based on what I see, you lot won’t be participating in this campaign correct? Must be frustrating to have a guy who kept pulling your legs just like you”

“Yeah, I can really relate to that. Well, all is well now that Murtina’s here. We wish you luck”

Yui said so, and tried to finish the conversation early, but as soon as he tried to walk past Murtina, as if offended by that attitude, Yui was then grabbed by in his collar.

“Yui, are you trying to pass by without a salute to me?”

“But isn’t it just fine? We were classmates, remember?” 

“Don’t kid with me! Towards a higher ranking superior like me, it is natural for a low ranking subordinate like you to salute, you hear?”

In Yui’s words, Murtina was enraged, and as he was about to hit Yui. Alex who was watching the situation called out to him from behind.

“Would you mind waiting for a moment? Murtina, you seem to think Yui is ranking lower than you. What rank are you?"

"I am the first commander of the Royal Army’s Magic Battalion this time, I am fifth rank, different from that relegated man over there”

Murtina replied with nose up high. Alex, with a smile filled with compassion, then said unto him.

“Fifth rank, I see. Yeah, quite amazing, ever since we have graduated, which was six years ago, to be able to reach that far in such a short time is a lot. Unfortunately for you, Yui reached fourth rank the other day so……”

“Wh-what! This fool is……this man who has not any willingness to do anything is now fourth rank?!”

“You can’t believe it, right? Me too, me too”

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Yui who was still grabbed by his collar said so, while scratching his head.

“Absurd! For such a man rising on top of me……impossible”

“Yui is the commander of the Elite Guard Corps of the First Princess. I regret to say this, former cadet chief”

Lute said so, grasping Murtina’s arm which was holding Yui’s collar, and by putting so much force as if he intends to crush that arm. with face distorted with pain, Murtina then let go of Yui afterwards.

After confirming that he has completely released Yui, Lute lets go of his arm, while Murtina then glared at the two with hatred in turn.

“Lute, if I remember you have recently failed as an escort and was made to be in house arrest just recently. Don’t get carried away. Hmm, failed as an escort? Now I see. Yui, I take it that you must have taken advantage of that idiotic first princess, deceived her and made a career out of her, am I wrong?"

“Well, that sounds nearly acceptable, but it sounds so wrong in many ways, too wrong that I’m kind of troubled on how to reply”

Yui gave a bitter smile while scratching his head, but as for Lute, he could not stay silent anymore and opened his mouth.

Yui, you are being insulted here, so deny it firmly. And you, Murtina, this will be the last time I hear you saying bad things about Princess Elise. Even if Yui, says nothing, this I cannot forgive” 

Glared by Lute fiercely, Murtina took a step back, as if pushed by a certain force. 

“H-hmph. Do what you like you lot. Because once I go out this campaign, I will be third rank once I get back. And that time, Yui, the difference between me and you, along with your bottom feeder friends, I will show you in this battle”

Not being contented of just Yui, Murtina hurled insults towards his companions, who then in turn shot him with a sharp glare from all directions, making the mood worsen than before.

“Is that so? Then we are hoping for your success. Oh, by the way, I am currently a fourth rank official. Now could you mind your tone when speaking to your Sir Yui? And where is your salute, officer?”

“How dare you!”

At Yui’s provocation, Murtina turned around and was about to go at it to him again, but, 

“What is this fuss all about?”

A voice behind him made his movements to a halt. Everyone’s eyes followed the direction of the voice, and from there standing was Ahmad. He heard a report saying there are officers having a dispute outside, and ran towards that place.

“Being lively is a good thing, but choose the proper time and place for it. Also, Murtina, aren’t you busy with the war preparations? Hurry and get back to your post as soon as possible”. 

Murtina, with a glare so intense as if it was trying to kill Yui, left the place as told by Ahmad.

“Really, you guys are same as always. You are not students anymore. Try to act like an adult even a little”

“Ahaha, I have no qualms to that, teacher”

Looking bashful, Yui faced Ahmad who was making a vague expression.

“Now then, so far, you guys seem to be fine. Oh and Eins too”

“Even though I’m the relative I’m treated as an extra?”

“I always meet you at the mansion of the duke. Surprisingly, we haven’t met much because of you being busy with your nightlife 'duties'. Setting that aside, there are a lot of eyes here, so let’s go to the General Staff Headquarters for the meantime”

After observing the four people in order, Ahmad turned his back and waked towards the tent as it is. Yui then looked back at the three, and giving nods to each other, went to the tent after Ahmad.

After arriving at the tent, Ahmad sat on the chair then faced towards Yui and the others.

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“Now then, I made you guys – and only you guys come here for a reason. That is for you to hear my thoughts after we lost”

“Director Ahmad, that is too……”

Lute was surprised by Ahmad’s sudden words.

“No. I mean it, otherwise we’re not going to have a conversation like this if I think we’re going to win. There is no worries if you win, but in case you lose, you need to have urgent countermeasures. Even if there is a low possibility, a preparation is still necessary, even if you don’t want to think about it”

“However, I heard that a lot of soldiers are clearly prepared this time. I don’t really think that defeat is impossible, but……”

Alex also told Ahmad that it was unthinkable for a defeat considering their superior numbers.

“Sure, we’re overwhelmingly superior in numbers. Not only that, we have the geographical advantage against them, with our battlegrounds being our mainland. But such things are not that simple”

“Why would you say that?”

Alex urged Ahmad to talk.

“There are two disturbing factors that will affect this war in a big way. The first one is the issue of the upper echelons of the military. While King Orado was the commander, Minister Mepler was the vice-commander, I myself was only a chief of staff. Adding more to that, are the group of officials mainly composed of high-ranking bureaucrats in every unit, whom Mepler had assigned personally. Those guys really went out and removed the people on site”

“What are those bunch doing with our personnel? Chief, pardon me for saying this because you also belonged to this criteria, but normally thinking, with these government officials acting as our military officers, we won’t be able to fight this war properly. What on the world are they thinking?”

Alex told Ahmad, one of the top brasses, leaving him amazed by his bluntness.

“Unfortunately it is now a fact. At this time, when we were able to mobilize more people than the enemy army, the top management has already expected to win this war. They even made plans on the promotion of personnel after the battle. The saying “Don’t count the chickens before they are hatched” has fitted the situation quite perfectly”

“They are fools……”

Eins, astounded by the carefreeness of the top management, could only mutter that sentence.

“This is the real identity of this defensive battle. Of course, they also thought about what to do when they lose. That is where the king enters, a scapegoat to be blamed on so that they can escape without taking responsibility. In other words, it is a battle with no-risk high return. Neither did they know, that if they were be defeated here, the thing that they will lose is not their power, but this country!”

Ahmad hit his right fist against his desk in anger. Based on his reaction right now, Yui somewhat felt that Ahmad had resisted this event but was defeated. 

“And what is the other disturbing factor?”

Eins asked, making the atmosphere heavy again.

“The other factor is this military formation. Of our Royal Army of 60000, there are 20000 local forces, right? Hear this, 4000 of it belonged to Shalem’s protégés. Do you know what this means?”

“Even though there is Shalem’s issue of betrayal? They postpone the issue to ‘accompany’ them in this latest campaign. Isn’t it good for them?”

“I have also thought about that, Eins. However, this does not apply in the battlefield, where one can freely stab the other in the back. It is still better if you have a firm grasp of your hand on the table rather than having a wild card that can make you lose whenever”

“So we are in a situation where we are having problems with the front and back at the same time, huh”

Eins couldn’t help to frown at the two disturbing factors of Ahmad.

“That’s why, Eins, Lute, Alex, and you, Yui. In case something bad happens, I’ll leave the kingdom to you”

Feeling he had said all he need to say, Ahmad closed his eyes and calmly sat on is chair.

[1] I used “cadet council chief” instead of “student council president” here, if you noticed. First, because the word “president” does not suit the medieval system in the story, though it’s kind of unique (the first usage of the term was way back in the establishment of the Commonwealth, so it was still kind of modern). Also ‘cadet’ instead of ‘student’ for obvious reasons. Though having a military school in this era is a bit…… well who cares about this. I’ma just continue with the other chaps~

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