Field Battle of Sobakrien II

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“Deputy Commander, a part of the front line is now protruding towards the enemy. What is the meaning of this?”

Noticing the uneven battle formation of their front, Orado asked Mepler.

“T-this is……”

Though angry that his orders was not followed, Mepler chose not to express it, and instead swallowed his next words.

“The way these things are going, the engagement will start sooner than we have planned!”

“Your Majesty. As you have said, the engagement will occur at any moment now. However, even if we have taken the initiative in a …… unintelligent way, with the vast difference of the number of our soldiers than the enemy, we will surpass and overwhelm them eventually. Rather, rushing into the enemy this way, if we managed to break through the center of the enemy formations, the current unplanned situation will also turn in a complete change”

“Hmm, I see. So there is something like that too, huh”

Upon hearing Mepler’s explanation, Orado didn’t cover any further and went silent. In response to the king’s request, Mepler once again calls for the messenger to not to engage the enemy until the main unit catches up and instruct the second and third divisions to increase their marching speeds.

“How did it become like this……”

Behind Mepler who is giving excuses was Ahmad, who could only give a sigh as he watched the movement of the Royal Army not showing any form of coordination.

With greed and desire occupying the minds of these kind of commanders, control is the last thing you should expect from them. For them, who are thirsty for recognition, at the stage where the gates of war is not yet opened, leadership is yet to be established. Hence, it is only obvious for them doubt orders from you, an inexperienced leader. Well, same goes for every one of us, I guess.

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“Regiment Commander, the enemy is retreating little by little”

“I knew they were afraid of us! Increase marching speed so that we will not be overtaken by other units!”

Stimulated by the sudden retreat of the enemy’s center, Murtina gave order to his units.

“But sir, the headquarters…… they gave us orders to retreat back again”

“Are the people in the headquarters stupid? Right now, the enemy forces are trying to flee in front of us in fear. How could they miss this opportunity? Just leave them be!”

Murtina no longer cared about the orders, no matter how his subordinates emphasized the command was from headquarters.

“Regiment Commander, the enemy front line will soon enter in the striking range of our spells”

“Good. Everyone, prepare your spells! To those monkeys at the enemy’s frontline, let’s show them that the magic swordsmen are the strongest existence in the kingdom!”

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Along with those words, Murtina began the chant for ice manipulation and, keeping his words, tried unleashing his spell towards the enemy. But at that very moment, something passed by in front of him at a high speed.

Then, something pierced on the side of his subordinate’s head, who was only next to Murtina, then collapsed.

“A-arrow attack!”

“From the sides!”

To the cry of his subordinates behind him, Murtina looked at both sides in turn, only to see enemies who knows where they came from crawled out unnoticed, and numerous arrows from above continuously dropped towards the first division.

“D-Damn it!”

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“General, the enemy’s first division was trapped as planned into our crane wing formation”

Receiving Royce’s report, Linen nodded satisfied.

“Is that so? Well then, continue raining arrows to that foolish vanguard of theirs. They will become our bait to lure their main force”

“Understood. Is it time, sir?”

“Yeah. Contact the Magic soldiers. It’s their turn now. As for their target – it’s the enemy’s main force”

Receiving Linen’s instructions, Royce hurried up the preparations and issued instructions to use up all of the arrows and push further the offensive against the Royal Army’s first division.

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“Your Excellency, The first division is trapped under the enemy’s encirclement. They completely failed to lower their marching speeds and have now been isolated to our enemies”

“Shit, that stone-headed fools. However, we cannot just abandon them. Increase the marching speed further!”

To the report of the blunder of the first division, Mepler raised his voice. With the sudden change of the situation completely diverting his plans, along with all the strategy that he spent most of his time with before setting up to the battlefield, all disappeared into the air like bubbles.

Seeing the state of unrest and anger of his executive, Orado spoke to Mepler.

“Mepler, our military seems to be having a hard time”

“Your Majesty, be at ease. Certainly our situation is not as good in the moment, but we will break through it eventually”

“I see. That aside, isn’t it a bit hotter than a while ago? Is it normal for the battlefield to be this hot?”

“Of course as it’s currently summer, but aside from that, it is also His Majesty’s first campaign. Certainly it is also because of the tension”

“Certainly the sun’s rays are stronger when it’s summer, but if that’s the way it is, then what is that?”

The time Orado said it, he looked up at the sky. From there, two suns are shining right before their eyes. No, one of them was a sphere emitting light that closely resembled the sun, floating above the Imperial Army.

When Orado poined out the sphere that emitted light, the other military staff raised their voices in surprise.

“A sun-like sphere? What does it mean?”

“What is that? Magic spell of the Imperial Army?”

As soon as they realized the appearance of the shining sphere, the headquarters is thrown to an uproar. However, no one in the headquarters could explain what it for is.

“It cannot be helped. Call Second Rank Officer Nexim!”

As Mepler gave orders to his subordinates, a call was sent to Nexim Von Rudolaf who is currently in command of the second division. After a while, Nexim appeared to the headquarters.

“What seems to be the problem, Deputy Commander?”

“Nexim, a strange sphere suddenly appeared behind the enemy. We suspect it is some kind of magic spell by the enemy, but do you have any ideas?”

“Behind the enemy……H-how?!”

“What’s the matter, Nexim?”

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“T-there is no doubt that is a magic spell. B-but, I have never seen such an enormous amount of magic power before……”

Nexim was unable to suppress the trembling of his voice filled with fear.

“We don’t care about the size and volume of the magic power. We just want to know what that thing is!?”

Mepler who is ignorant about the subtleties of magic power demanded a further explanation to Nexim.

“I don’t know. It is probably made by a magic soldier that possess an enormous magic power I have never seen before. However, for what that kind of thing that is……”

Nexim could not answer Mepler’s question, and shook his head from side to side. At that time, while the military executives were preoccupied by the magic spell, all of a sudden the left side of the third division became noisy, and along with that an urgent report came in.

“Count Shalem! Count Shalem has betrayed us!”

In the battlefield, innumerable cries of betrayal were transmitted, but the headquarters, who were also upset by this, weren’t able to prevent the current situation, and now the chain of command began to lose control.

“So that was a signal of betrayal to Shalem! Shit, so you choose to betray us after all, you Shalem snake!”

Mepler ground his teeth to the sudden betrayal of the count, but eventually kept his feelings in check immediately.

“However, we still have the upper hand in terms of numbers. Their trump card for sure is not Shalem. If we surpass this obstacle our situation will change completely. Chief of Staff, I will leave you five thousand soldiers to take care of those Shalem pigs. We on the other hand, will break through the enemy camp as it is”

“Understood. We will prepare to intercept immediately”

Upon receiving the order, Ahmad moved five thousand soldiers from the headquarters and prepared for an assault towards the left wing, to the direction of Shalem.

The fight between the Royal Army and the Shalem betrayers turned out one-sided in a short time. As expected, even though there is an overwhelming difference in fighting power between the regular soldiers and the private soldiers of Shalem. With the power of numbers, Ahmad’s troops pushed through Shalem’s troops little by little from the third division on which the headquarters was located.

Then, as the Kingdom’s army recovered from the temporary confusion and prepared to rush to the center against the Empire’s forces once again, at that time, a soldier muttered by reflex.

“O-oi, that ball of light, isn’t it getting bigger than before?”

That question of the soldier was a small doubt at first. However, that heat-generating source that was at the size of a private house a while ago gradually began expanding, eventually resulting to identical mumbling spreading throughout the Royal Army, along with unrest in its wake.

And while unrest spread throughout the Royal Army like an epidemic, the heat-generating source enlarged further, to a size several times from the original, along with the heat and light to the surroundings.

“Wh-what the hell is that thing!”

Orado, hearing the voices of unrest from the soldiers felt uneasy about the sphere’s expansion. At that moment, Nexim who was still in the headquarters muttered unexpectedly.

“D-don’t’ tell me, it is a spell synergy………”

“Are you a fool? Spell synergy? Spell synergy is, at most, a magic spell that can only be casted when about five magic powers are synchronized with each other. How can you call that a spell synergy, you dolt!?”

“B-but even so, with that power, it is not possible to generate such powerful magic spell by ordinary human beings”

Although Mepler, who has little knowledge about magic denied that fact, for Nexim, who was so familiar with magic that he was regarded with a high authority in Magicology in the Kingdom of Claris, he could only imagine the terrifying power and the fear that could be caused from the enormous magic power of the heat-generating sphere.

“B-but if you think of it further, the magic soldiers were predominant on the composition of their army. If all of the magic soldiers are participating in that Spell synergy as what Nexim said……No way. All troops, spread out!”

“I-its impossible sir! Our troops are already rushing into the enemy’s center, and the left and right wings are locked by the enemy. There is no place to escape!”

A subordinate cried out at the instructions of Mepler. In order to catch up with the fist division and try to break through their center, it penetrated too far into the enemy fronlines that laid the crane wing.

“Then let’s retreat. Anyhow, we must take distance from that!”

“It’s impossible! The light, the light is coming down………UAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!”

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Though Mepler issued instructions to retreat in a hurry, the enormous light sphere had already come down from the sky above the Imperial Army towards the center of the Royal Army.

“So this is the end, huh……Elise, Fina, please forgive father who ends here”

While the ball of light created by the enemy creeping towards the Royal Army and crushing everything on its way, Orado could only mutter the names of his two beloved daughters in the end.

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“The headquarters of the Royal Army was almost annahilated! The enemy is now in disorder! General, your orders!”

“Alright. Now is the time to show the power of the Empire. All troops, Charge!”

Along with the voice of Linen, the Imperial Soldiers rushed towards the Royal Army who have lost their leaders and now in confusion.

The battle from then on was a one-sided massacre. The net encircling the first division gradually shrined, eventually causing them to surrender. Also, the second and third division who lost the headquarters were unilaterally massacred by the offense of the Imperial Soldiers.

“Report. About the enemy army, their first division has surrendered, while the second and third divisions were almost annihilated. The only remaining ones are the troops that were initially fighting with the Count of Shalem as they did not receive a direct hit of the Spell synergy, so the battle still continues. However, their numbers are insignificant and seems to be withdrawing already. With this, the outcome of the battle has pretty much been decided”

“Hmmm, then set out an order to that Shalem to pursue. Let us maximize the use of that traitor while we can”

Upon receivieng the report of the messenger, he immediately gave instructions of pursuit immediately. After that,, Royce who was waiting behind him delivered another report to the commander.

“General, we have receive reports from the frontline that both King Orado the enemy army commander and deputy commander Mepler have died in our assault. Most probably they breathed their last when they received a direct hit from our spell synergy Grenzen・Kugel.”

“I see. Their king died, huh. With this, they have lost their leaders and almost all of their mobilized forces. After we sweep away the remaining routers, let’s slowly advance toward their capital”

“Understood. That aside, the power of that Grenzen Kugel is terrifying. Although it is the power of our own army, even I felt fear just by looking at it. But with this power, not only Claris, but also the noisy Nobamim Autonomous Region, the magic-crazy Filament Principality, and finally that Kisretine republic will no longer be the enemy of our army anymore”

“Hehe, don’t think too far ahead. We still haven’t conquered the capital of the Kingdom yet. As for the other countries, we will think about it after the fight is over, slowly and surely”

Linen, although already feeling that this war was already won, reproved Royce who was already thinking of invasions in the future.

“Sorry for my rudeness sir”

“It’s fine. After cleaning this place up, take a rest then treat the soldiers with booze to celebrate our victory. After that, we resume the attack on their capital Eltobourgh”

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