Chapter 12: Mystery

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The man in the black suit, whom I hadn’t seen in two years, was the driver who took us to the “Kamiarizuki” house for “Shichi-Go-San” when I was three years old.

“Please get in.”


It’s not only the driver who hasn’t been in the car in two years.

It has also been two years since I got in the car.

If anything, it was the first time I had been outside my house in 2 years.

I, who possesses extraordinary magical power called “Seventh Rank”, can’t be taken “outside” because I haven’t properly learned magic.

That’s why I was looking forward to this day, 

…… Even if I would meet some monsters on the way.

I vaguely look out the window while watching the scenery accelerating into the residential area.

With me on the side, the driver started the conversation.

“I have heard rumors about your son, that at the age of three, he has mastered the art of shijutsu, the art of threading.”

“He’s such a genius, I can hardly believe he’s my own son.”

“What? Even you, Soichiro-sama?”

I could see in the rearview mirror that the driver had rolled his eyes in amazement.

I’ve only heard stories, but I’ve heard that my father is very strong.

Not just a little bit, but a hell of a lot stronger than I thought.

Apparently because I only know “strong” from hearsay.

“Itsuki is a seventh rank, a genius who is born only once every few hundred years. I’m not even close to him.”

“How humble…”

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While talking like this, the car drove through a residential area to a main street.

The car then headed for the interchange.

“So, Itsuki-sama, have you already trained in magic?”

“No, I’m teaching him swordsmanship right now. It would be better to start building up his body from now.”

Just like my father said, I’ve never been properly taught magic unil now.

We practice only two of the basic fundamentals, Kaijutsu  and Shijutsu .

“But why don’t you teach Itsuki-sama magic? It seems to me that it is a waste of your treasure.”

“I think now is the time to improve your skills in magic manipulation. You can learn magic later on, but there is a big difference between practicing magic and not practicing it from an early age.”

“……You are right.”

The car passes through the ETC lanes and enters the highway.

Acceleration. The scenery outside the window drifts back.

The soundproof walls of the highway are in the way and you can’t see out. ……Even though it’s outside.

The moment I thought that.

“Shall I show you? 』

I heard a voice.


“Here, I’ll show you.”

A moment later, the soundproof wall exploded!

Douttsutsutsu! ! !

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An explosion that resonated to the pit of my stomach.

A large hole opens in the soundproofing wall toward the highway, as if it was hit by a violent impact from the outside.

And with that impact, debris flew toward the car that was running in front of us.


My Silvate stopped it.

It was a spur-of-the-moment event, but I was able to stop it in time.

It seems that this body, unlike the one in my previous life, which was hopelessly inadequate in terms of athleticism, has recently shown great potential.

I looked in the direction of the voice, relieved that I had saved someone’s life.

“Let’s have fun!”

I looked toward the voice and saw a hairy monster running alongside our car going 100 km/h. It had four huge eyes, and it looked like a beast.

Four huge eyes gawked at me and a mouth full of fangs laughed.

“….We’ve been hit. I didn’t expect a monster of this level to come out.”

The moment my father said so and was about to knead his magic power, I interjected.

“Wait, Papa.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ll take him down.”


“It’s okay. I want to try it.”

I said that, and pulled out my “Silvate”.

There are five of them.

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“Are you going to be okay? You haven’t taught magic yet?”

“Yeah. Because I saw papa using it.”


My father gasped slightly.

And nodded.

“Okay. Go ahead and give it a try. If it doesn’t work, papa will help you right away.”

“…… yes. Please.”

I nodded and stretched out my “Sylvate” thread toward the monster running on the highway.

But the monster jumps and avoids my thread.

That’s fine. The first two lines are a decoy bluff.

My main target is the other three. My aim is right on target, and the monster floating in the sky is entangled in my line, and is trapped trapped in a tight knot.


I exhale and change the nature of my magic power.

In the next instant, my “Silvate Thread” becomes a sharp blade, and the monster is torn to pieces!

“Lookl! I did it!”


My father, who was standing right beside me, gasps.

As I watched the shredded monster corpse roll to the ground and disappear into a black mist, my father wasn’t the only one. My mother and the driver both widened their eyes at my magic.

“Hey, Itsuki! How did you do that!?”

“I just imitated you and Renji-san using magic …….”

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“Imitate …….”

My father was stunned by my response, but that was no lie.

I wonder if it’s because of my true eye.

I can see how my father uses his magic.

So I imitated it. Of course, I didn’t try it because it was last minute. In fact, when my parents went to bed, I secretly practiced with a tissue.

I’m glad it worked, though …….

It was the first time I’d ever used it in a real fight, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Doing magic without being taught by anyone.”

“Hey I’m getting a little dizzy…….”

The driver and my mother said such things in tandem.

I wonder if it’s okay to be dizzy? I’m worried about my mother’s health.

“It’s true that he used  Kaijutsu without being taught by anyone. It’s not surprising that he could use magic, but ……”

The first time I used it, I began to reflect on the magic I’d used, despite my father saying that.

The power is good. But the problem is that it is a little slow to activate.

…… is still not good enough.

The monster this time was weak…which was good…but if it had been stronger, it would have broken free of its restraints before I could have used  a blade.

I sighed in my heart.

My father had told me many times that if I let my guard down, I would die in the world of an exorcist.

He said, “Win the battle and put on the helmet,” and this time I might as well practice so that I could turn the magic into a blade more quickly.

With these thoughts in my mind, the car headed toward the Kamiarizuki house.

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