Chapter 18- Let’s go to night school!

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It was Saturday of the week that I was invited to Nina-chan’s house.

I was riding in the car driven by my father to a junior high school in the Kanto area.

The sun was already setting, but it was probably because it was a holiday.

There were quite a lot of traffic.

“Hmm. You’re being taught magic by this Nina girl?”

“Yes. Nina-chan is very kind and teaches me a lot of things.”

“I see…”

The car slowed down because it was a red light.

“So, why don’t you practice with papa these days…….?

“No, I haven’t been practicing with you, not because I’m practicing with Nina-chan, but because you aren’t home.”


In the car, we talked about what had happened during the week that father had been gone.

He was still the same as ever, as if he hadn’t been gone a week. Well, how could a person change in such a short time?

As I was thinking this, my father slowly opened his mouth in the stopped car.

“Itsuki. Next time, you will bring Nina home.”


“I guess you were probably treated to a cup of tea.”

I see. I wonder if that’s what it was about.

In fact, I visited Nina-chan’s house one more time after that.

I understand if she wants to visit my house once in a while because it’s bad if I go all the time.

But it’s a long way from my house to Nina-chan’s house.

I’m going back home to practice strengthening my magic duration by strengthening my body, so it’s not that hard for me, but I’m sure that’s not the case with Nina-chan.

“But, papa, Nina-chan’s house is far away.”

“Then I’ll drive you both.”

“I’ll ask Nina-chan next time.”

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“It is good that you have made a friend. Take good care of her, Itsuki.”

“Yes, I’ll take good care of her.”

The reason we were heading to the middle school, by the way, was to exorcise the monsters that had appeared at the school.

According to my father’s brief explanation before the topic of Nina-chan came up, the middle school we are heading to was going to demolish the old school building and build a new one due to its earthquake resistance standards and decrepit condition.

However, two teachers who were cleaning up the old school building in preparation for the demolition have gone missing.

When we looked into the details, it seems that there was a classroom in the old school building that was called the “Open Room,” and that they had not returned since they started cleaning up the room.

“But you know what, papa?”

“What’s wrong, Itsuki?”

“Why are we going to the school at night?”

It’s a vacation, so we don’t have to go at night, why don’t we just go in the daytime? That’s what I thought, so I asked, but what I got back from my father was a simpler answer than I expected.

“They don’t appear until nighttime.”

“Why is that?”

“The monsters that live in the school are probably nocturnal. They are more active in the evening and at night. It’s not that strange.”

Come to think of it, it was night when I went bear hunting with Renji-san and Aya-chan in Okutama.

Well, basically, all ghost stories – stories of people who have encountered monsters – are told only at night and in the evening. Especially at dusk, which is the time of day when the monsters meet —“meet the monsters” is the name given to the time of the day.

It is understandable that monsters are nocturnal.

By the way, I’m not going to ask why the teachers went to clean up the old school building at that time of night.

I was a social networker in a previous life.

I know that being a teacher is a hard job, full of overtime.

“It’s about time.”

My father glanced at the car navigation system and said.

Sure enough, we were only a few hundred meters from our destination.

As he turned the wheel at an intersection, he saw a rather large junior high school in front of him.

After visually confirming this, my father moved the car to the back gate, where three adults were standing there waiting for him.

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Two of them were in their fifties or sixties, while only one was young enough to be in his twenties.

……What kind of combination?

While I was thinking this, my father stopped the car in front of the three and got off.

I followed his lead and got out.

Then the youngest of the three rushed up to us.

“Oh, we’ve been waiting for you, Soichiro-san.”

“I’m a little late. I’m sorry. I got stuck in traffic.”

“No problem! As an exorcist, I’m honored to meet the renowned Soichiro-san!”

A man in his twenties smiles.

He wears a name tag around his neck with his picture and name on it.

On it was written his last name “Sato” and “Subject: Science.

I knew it. This man is after all.

He is an exorcist who works full-time at the school.


So that’s what this means.

Does that mean that this case is the one that this exorcist gave up on?

That’s just the kind of work my father takes on.

“What about the kid?”

“He’s my son. I’ve come to show him the field so that he can gain experience in exorcism.”

“…… Your son? I’ve heard a lot about you.”

The moment my father referred to me as his son, his face blatantly stiffened.

What kind of rumors have you heard, at all?

Since the exorcism of the Raikou-Douji, strange rumors have been circulating, but it seems that these rumors have stopped circulating for a long time now. I had heard such a story from my father, but it seems that it will take a long time before the rumors are forgotten.

The young man coughed once and introduced each of the two adults behind him.

“Excuse me, Soichiro. Let me introduce them. This is our principal and vice principal.”

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The men who were introduced only bowed their heads, looking blatantly freaked out by my father.

……Well, that’s true.

That’s what happens when you see him for the first time.

He is tall, thick, and has an eye patch in one eye.

That’ll definitely freak you out.

The principal was a little intimidated by my father, but he composed himself and bowed deeply to my father.

“Please take care of Takahashi-sensei and Yamada-sensei.”

“…… I can’t guarantee their lives. I heard that it has already been a week since they were missing in the room. It is more likely that they are dead.”

“Yes, I heard that from Sato-sensei. But still, please…..”

The principal bowed deeply.

My father responded with a short, ‘I understand’.

Seeing this, I pulled myself together. People are disappearing.

If I don’t brace myself, I might be swallowed up in the same way.

Letting one’s guard down is a great enemy. “Get them, before they get to you” was my motto.

“I will guide you to the front of the room. From there, Soichiro-san, please take the rest of the way. I’m counting on you.”

“Ah, leave it to me.”

So we headed for the old school building under the guidance of Mr. Sato.

On the way there, he told me many things.

This junior high school has two school buildings, both of which are usually used, but the old one is currently out of use due to reconstruction.

When I asked if all the students could enter the classrooms, I was told that those who could not enter the school building were taking classes in a prefabricated building.

He also told me that some students stopped going to school because of rumors of a missing teacher, that some students wanted to go into the “unopened room” just for the fun of it, and so on.

As usual, we entered the old school building with our shoes on, and Sato-sensei turned on the flashlight.

A thin ray of light pierced through the empty school building.

It’s scary.

There really is no one in the building but the three of us, so the sound of our footsteps reverberates in an unusual way.

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It’s just plain scary.

But neither his father nor Sato-sensei seemed to care about that and put their foot on the staircase.

Swallowing deeply, I follow my father’s back.

The tag I had brought with me in case of an emergency like this made a clinking sound in my chest.

I climbed the stairs, illuminated by a flashlight, and arrived at the second floor.

As I headed toward the back of the room, Sato-sensei stopped in front of a door with a plate that read “Science Preparation Room”.

“Here it is. This is the ‘Open Room.”

My father let out a deep breath in front of the room that Sato-sensei pointed to.

I had to gulp.

……This is it.

My father, who quickly noticed the change in me, asked briefly.

“What’s wrong, Itsuki?”

“Papa. The door is covered with a lot of guide thread silvate. It could be a trap.”

“…… hmmm.”

It was clearly a strange sight.

The door itself is covered with countless threads of thread silvate, as if it were a broken arm.

The amount of thread silvates covered the door, as if to warn us not to touch them and it makes me feel anxious.

“Thank you, Itsuki!”

With that, my father extended his thread silvate and hung it on the door, and then slid it open. I gathered my magic power in my hand so that I could make a quick shot at any time.

Now, will a monster or a snake come out?

Just as I was preparing myself, my father’s Silvate was forcibly torn off in front of the door, and it rolled up, compressed into a cube, and fell down on the spot.

Then, inside the completely opened “unopened room”..,

“No! Hentai!!! 』

A shirtless monster with tattoos all over his body was looking at us like “The Scream of Munch”.

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