Chapter 33- Arithmetic Time

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Irena asked me, “It’s easy for you, right?”

I can only put a complicated expression on my face when she asks me.

It’s true that my magical power is 7th rank.

It is more than normal, but it is only the total amount of magic power I have, which does not necessarily equate to a higher output.

In other words, to put it simply, the tank that contains my magic power is very huge.

But that doesn’t mean that the faucet attached to that tank is big.

But I’ve been training to increase that output, too.

I can’t use magic due to the [closed world] created by the monster, I think as I support Nina-chan by myself after all.


Elementary school classes are boring.

I was so bored that I was secretly training during class to increase the amount of magic power I put into the silvate without being noticed by others.

Since I became friends with Nina-chan, I have been putting a lot of effort into practicing [alchemy] so my output has only increased by about 1.2 times between before training and now…. Still, it is true that my output has increased.

So I was about to knead the thread silvate, but at that moment the monster shrugged..

“Let’s not do this anymore. This is pointless. I don’t want to die. You don’t want to die either. If that’s the case, then we’re on the same page here. 』

The monster releases a thread of silvate from its hand.

“Let’s call a truce. 』

The monster transforms the silvate as it says so.


The target was not me, but Irena-san.

Hearing my voice, she kicked off the ground.



The next moment, an ice bullet from the silvate shattered Irena-san’s former location.

Irena tried to summon a fairy spirit, but it was no use.

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The fairies disappeared from the edge when they were summoned.

Still, without changing her expression, Irena asked the monster.

“Aren’t you going to make a truce?”

“Oh, of course I want to make a truce. It’s scary fighting an exorcist! Scary! 』

The monster shrugged and replied to Irena-san, who avoided the magic.

“I feel like I’m going to tremble』

At the moment he said that, icicle created by the monster were released like bullets.

Irena and I dodged the icicles as we rolled, but Irena, who is bigger than I am, couldn’t avoid them completely and got an icicle stuck in her leg.




“I’m fine, Itsuki. More importantly, focus on the monster in front of us.”


Irena says this as she pulls the icicle from her leg.

It’s not alright…

Irena-san can’t use magic.

With her leg injured, there was no way to avoid the monster’s magic.

The only thing left was to become the monster’s target.

Is it really safe to say that?

It can’t be.

“I’m sorry. I’m not very good at magic. It was supposed to be an intimidation tactic, but I guess I hit you unintentionally. 』

The monster laughs as he says this.

I know that what he is saying is not true after dealing with him for this long.

This thing in front of us unleashed magic with the obvious intention of killing us.

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But because we dodged it, he makes it sound like he wasn’t aiming at us in the first place.



It’s too flimsy.

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

“what’s wrong, Itsuki Kisaragi?”

“I find something a bit strange.”

I said that and laid Nina-chan down on the ground.

While putting laying her down, I kept an eye on the monster.

Then I faced the monster head-on while standing between it and Irena san.

Facing each other, I kneaded the guiding thread silvate.

“If you don’t want to fight an exorcist, why don’t you run away from us?”

“I tried to run away from you guys, but you were the same ones that stopped me.”

“No. There were plenty of other chances to escape. But you stayed by creating a [closed world]. That’s why I think you are not as scared as you say you are.”

There are two ways to increase the amount of magic that flows from the tank.

One is to install a large faucet.

This is the most obvious and simple way.

The second is to install a myriad of small faucets.




This is still achievable in terms of producing more.

“So I thought to myself, what’s the point of this? Trying to feed off of Irena-san and Nina-chan’s magic.”


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“How many more do you need to get to the sixth rank? I don’t really understand it all, but if you eat me, you can skip all that and become the seventh rank.”

The moment I said that, the corners of the monster’s mouth turned up.

It went up and up, until it swerved to his ear.

The monster laughed with an open mouth.

“You’re rude. Itsuki Kisaragi. Then it’s as if you think I can beat you. 』

“Can’t you? Isn’t that why you created a [closed world] and even though you sealed our magic, you still didn’t run away.”

When I say that, the monster said nothing.

Instead, what is kneaded is thread silvate

Again, the monster’s magic.

However, the next thing the monster aimed at was not me, who was relative, nor Irena-san, who had injured her leg and was unable to move, but Nina-chan, who had fainted and collapsed.

That’s why I used magic techniques.

After coming to this world and being exposed to the existence of magic, I realized something.



That is the nature of magic power is multiplicative.

For example, the second rank is 30 times higher than the first rank in measuring the amount of magical power.

The third rank is 900 times the first rank. It is like that, it is a multiplication.

This is not just about ranks.

It is the same for the magic power consumption of “compound attribute magic” and “trait transformation”.

But difficult magic doesn’t just increase the amount of magic power consumed.

The power also increases in proportion to the magic power consumed.

If the magic power consumed is increased by 30 times, the power is also increased by 30 times.

If that’s the case.


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The power of the magic will be 1.2 times that of the thread silvate – if 60 of them are superimposed on top of each other.

“Hey, the monster that possessed sensei.”

So I asked the monster that was about to unleash the magic.

“Was it okay not to shoot me?”

The monster looks at me as if searching for the meaning of those words.




I think. The point of the magic is slightly dulled.

Dull. Everything it does is too dull.

My magic has already been released.

“Shoot through. –Beam of light.”

At that moment, the sixty thread silvate I had gathered into a single thread shone brightly, and were shot toward the monster’s heart.

The enormous amount of magic energy that was available shone brightly, and it looked like a large ray of light.

That’s why I called it [Beam of Light]

The next moment, the body of the monster touched by the light got vaporized. The vaporized body explodes.

With that blow, the monster died.

However, the extremely large laser I shot didn’t stop there. It couldn’t stop.

When it touches the school building in the [closed world] it melts, evaporates, and penetrates.

It’s no wonder. Nothing remains.

There can be no residue.

If you use 60 pieces of thread silvate with 1.2 times the output, the power is 1.2 to the 60th power, which is…, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s a big number.

“Thank goodness I exorcised it properly.”

I exhaled as I returned to the real world, relieved from the bottom of my heart that no one, including myself, had died.

“So…. I win.”

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