Chapter 1: Exorcists are High Earners

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A house was built.

The rainy season has ended, July has arrived, and it’s going to be really hot from now on in the summer. But it’s already hot. While thinking about such things, the house had already been built.

Due to the complete destruction caused by Raikou-douji, the debris of the house was removed, the house was rebuilt from the foundation, and then constructed on top of it. I think it’s quite impressive that it was built in just about half a year, but according to rumors, a regular house these days takes about 2 to 3 months.

In both the present world and my past life, I have only lived in apartments, so I have no idea how long it takes to build a single-family house. When I said to my mother, “Houses can be built quickly, huh?” She taught me about it.

That being said, our house is bigger than a regular one and has a rare traditional Japanese-style architecture. Perhaps that’s why it took time to build. By the way, we finished moving in less than a week.

I am in the living room of the new house, or at least that’s what I assume it’s called, a traditional Japanese-style room serving that purpose. It’s a room next to the kitchen where the whole family gathers to eat.

In that living room, there’s a low table that we specially acquired――calling it such a fancy name feels embarrassing, but it’s a chabudai.

On top of that chabudai, there’s a white cake, chicken, salad, and other similar items placed.


At first glance, it might look like a Christmas scene out of season, but it’s completely different.

What’s different is that the air conditioning is running in cool mode. Also, there are no decorations inside the room.

As for the situation, the Shimotsuki family gathered to celebrate because the house was built. They brought the cake and chicken as a gift.

Perhaps it was a way to redo what was missed during Christmas. Though it’s highly unlikely.

While contemplating such thoughts, we were suddenly directed to smile by the adults in front of us.

“Okay, Itsuki-kun, smile!”

Called by Renji-san’s wife, Momoka-san, I put on an awkward smile. Aya-chan is beside me, and Hina is sitting on my lap.

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“Okay, cheese!”

Saying that, Momoka-san took our picture and shared it with my mother.

As for why the chicken and cake are both on the table, it’s for the sake of the photo. As soon as the photo shoot was over, I hastily put the cake back in its box.

In these commemorative events, we’re always photographed, but I still haven’t gotten used to it

I quickly found the answer when I pondered why.

It’s because in my past life, I hardly had any opportunities to have my picture taken.

If I think calmly, the last time I had my picture taken in my past life was when I took my employee ID photo at the printing company I had just joined. Before that, it was my high school graduation album. During my university years, I didn’t join any clubs, and I didn’t work part-time because I had a scholarship, so I had no connection to photographs.

Thinking about it, the number of photos that capture oneself may be an indicator of the intensity of one’s life. I wonder if the number of photos taken of me in my past life might not even reach double digits…

As I contemplated about photos, I felt like I was about to realize a slightly terrifying fact, so I took a deep breath and dispelled unnecessary thoughts.

The moment I dispelled those thoughts, Renji-san approached me with a smile.

“It’s good, Itsuki-kun. Your house is built.”

“Yeah. Living in an apartment was nice too, though.”

“Really? Isn’t it tough not having your own room?”

If I were to say whether it was tough or not, it was tough at first.


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I couldn’t practice magic before going to bed, and I had fewer opportunities to secretly look up technique names in the dictionary without my parents noticing. But as they say, you get used to it after about a month.

However, I couldn’t bring up such a topic, and just as I was about to say, “It’s totally fine,” Hina tugged at my clothes and spoke up.

“Nii-chan, it wasn’t tough at all! Because you were with Hina.”

“Oh? You were in the same room as Hina?”

“Yeah! Because I was with Hina, it wasn’t tough.”

“So, Hina-chan has her own room now?”

“Yeah. But, sometimes I go to Nii-chan’s room.”

“I see. Is big brother kind?”

“Yeah! He’s kind.”

At the timing of moving to the new house, Hina also started sleeping alone.

Well, she became like that, but she still hasn’t fully adjusted, so she occasionally comes to my room and we sleep together.

After receiving enough attention from Renji-san, Hina headed to where Aya-chan was. I suppose there are places where girls get along well with each other.

While pondering about such things, Renji-san sat down right next to me.

“I heard, Itsuki-kun. You exorcized two Rank 5 monsters in a single day, right? You’re already an impressive Exorcist.”

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“That… It’s not just me. Irena-san was also there…”


Renji-san is probably talking about when Nina-chan and I were trapped in school.

It was the day I successfully summoned Raikou-douji for the first time and used the superposition of ‘Guiding Thread Silvate’ on the same day.

It’s been over a month since then, and the flow of time feels terrifyingly fast.

If I don’t cherish each day, the years will pass by in an instant.

“Oh? If Itsuki-kun says so, let’s go with that.”

“Renji-san, are you injured or anything?”

“No, I’m fine.”

I poured orange juice into Renji-san’s cup as he smiled, and I also poured some into my own cup.

This is a common occurrence among exorcists, but I don’t drink alcohol in principle.

It’s not that I can’t drink, but I choose not to.

Part of it may be due to not knowing when an urgent job may come up, and even though I’ve only been in this world for six years, if someone were to ask me if I want to drink alcohol when I become an adult, I would shake my head.

Indeed, I have no idea when or where monsters will appear.

Drinking alcohol and dying from it is absolutely out of the question. That being said, since my past life, I haven’t done anything like drinking or smoking, so there’s no problem at all. I’m just living my normal life.

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“Are you practicing magic properly, Itsuki-kun?”

“Y-Yes! Right now, I’m practicing ‘Conjuring Recollect’… uh, well, I’m practicing British magic.”



“Did Irena-san teach you?”

“N-No. I’m learning from Nina-chan, Irena-san’s child.”

“I see. Her, huh…”

Renji-san said that while his eyes seemed a bit distant.

Come to think of it, my father was like that too, but does everyone know something about Nina-chan’s past? Is she that famous?

However, from the brief conversation I had with Irena-san, it seemed like a topic I couldn’t delve into, so I haven’t been able to ask further.

“But if you’re practicing, that’s great. Actually, I came here with the intention of inviting you and Hina-chan to something.”


I tilted my head in confusion.

“Summer vacation starts in two weeks, right?”

“Yes, that’s right, but…”

“When it’s summer vacation, you know what’s always there, right? It’s the ‘Summer Training Camp’!”

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