Unrivaled Tang Sect

Chapter 200: 200

Chapter 200: Perfect Complement, Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice

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Huo Yuhao felt a chill run down his spine. He beamed as he said, “Uncle Tai, surely you won’t bully me, right?”

Tai Tan said righteously, “Will anyone care about seniority on the battlefield? When you hunt for soul beasts, do the ten thousand year soul beasts show mercy on you just because you’re young? To be the best among the best, you must be able to face any form of difficulty. Let’s go.”

A deep blue light flashed past, and someone became an ice sculpture again… The Snow Lady was delighted as she flew above Huo Yuhao’s head. As she messed with his hair, she grinned at Tai Tan’s ice sculpture.

Huo Yuhao tried to control his laughter before turning around and fleeing.

As the broken ice hit the ground, Tai Tan couldn’t help but shout out, “Little wretch, watch out!”


Clear Sky Peak. Peak of the mountain.

It couldn’t be felt in Clear Sky Castle, but the moist, chilly wind was immediately obvious once someone stepped outside. Clear Sky Castle was constructed from some unknown material that warded away the chill and the damp, both of which were evident and uncomfortable after leaving the comfort of those walls.

Of course, this was nothing for Huo Yuhao, who had his Ultimate Ice. He was in fact used to fighting in such a cold environment.

The Snow Lady didn’t seem to feel cold after leaving the castle, either. The orange-gold light from her body shone even more brightly in the chilling wind. The gentle light accentuated her small figure. Everyone’s attention was drawn to her at this moment.

Niu Tian said, “Yuhao, attack me. Do your best. I’ll try to retaliate accordingly.”

“No! Elder brother, let me do it!” Tai Tan wasn’t going to stand on ceremony. After being frozen by the Snow Lady several times, he was furious.

Niu Tian glanced at him and said, “You can do it too, but there’s a condition. You can’t use your martial soul. You can only use your own strength.”

“Okay.” Tai Tan agreed without any hesitation. With his cultivation, he was still very strong even if he didn’t use his martial soul. Most Soul Sages and Soul Douluo wouldn’t have a fighting chance against him, even without his martial soul.

Niu Tian turned to Huo Yuhao and said, “I heard Wang Dong say that you’re also a soul engineer. You can unleash everything against Tai Tan. Don’t worry about hurting him. You can only develop her potential by giving your all. Tai Tan won’t hurt you for real, either. I’ll be watching him from the side.”

“Alright. Thanks, Uncle Niu.” Huo Yuhao wasn’t very worried. If the two of them wanted to harm him, they didn’t have to do this. They could just attack him.

Tai Tan stretched out, and his attention moved from Huo Yuhao to the Snow Lady. He extended his right index finger and hooked it at her in a provocative gesture.

She wasn’t provoked. She only stuck her tongue out at him and made a clown face.

This was Huo Yuhao’s first time fighting with the Snow Lady. He wasn’t tense, but excited. He took in a deep breath, and his aura suddenly changed.

A layer of dim golden light was released, engulfing his entire body. His spiritual energy was greatly enhanced.

Niu Tian looked and nodded his head. The combination of Huo Yuhao’s spiritual and soul power was known to him as fighting will. Without a doubt, Huo Yuhao’s fighting will was way beyond that of most people. He didn’t appear afraid at all, even though he was up against Tai Tan. On the contrary, his fighting will grew even stronger. He was worth complimenting just based on this point.

“Come on, kid,” Tai Tan gestured at Yuhao. His arms were at his sides, and his dark-yellow eyes held a strong fighting intent. At this moment, Huo Yuhao felt as if he had returned to the moment he first saw Tai Tan when he entered the Clear Sky Castle. Even though Tai Tan didn’t unleash his martial soul, the spiritual suppression that he unleashed was bearing down on Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao released golden light, along with his Spirit Eyes. In front of Niu Tian and Tai Tan, there was nothing for him to hide. One white and three black soul rings surfaced on his body.

What drew the two elders’ attention wasn’t the three black soul rings, but the white one. With their abilities, they could tell that it wasn’t just a ten-year soul ring. However, they couldn’t tell what level it actually was.

The orange-gold Snow Empress’ Spirit was enough to astonish them. However, neither of them had thought that Huo Yuhao had another strange soul ring on him!

Tan Tian’s aura relaxed a little in his surprise. Huo Yuhao exploited this opportunity to burst out like a bolt of lightning. He used all his strength right from the start.

As he recalled what Wang Dong had said, he didn’t use soul tools, using his own capabilities as a soul master to fight. He was like a vigorous panther as he leapt forward. The golden light from his body became more and more intense as he advanced. He drew back his right fist forcefully, like a sun shining brighter and brighter.

At this moment, he managed to overcome Tai Tan’s spiritual suppression and burst towards him like a golden meteor.

“Nice move!” Tai Tan shouted.

Huo Yuhao’s fist was simple and direct, but it was filled with his understanding of spiritual power and the Sovereign’s Descent. This was also his first time unleashing a strike with all his might after his body had undergone its metamorphosis, a peak display of his fighting strength.

BOOM…! This shocking fist stopped at Tai Tan’s right hand, the scarlet-gold blow struck the blocking first hard.

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His target was his chest, but Tai Tan’s right hand was waiting for him there.

The golden light surged. The instantaneous explosive force was even converted into a golden halo that spread out around him. The surrounding air started to distort wildly.

However, the golden halo didn’t sweep past Tai Tan’s body. All the explosive force was dissipated before it reached him.

Huo Yuhao felt as if he had collided against a mountain that couldn’t be crossed. his attack dissipating even as he struck it.

Tai Tan smirked, “Good fist, interesting! Come again!” As he spoke, he moved his right arm, and Huo Yuhao was flung away. However, he wasn’t hurt.

Huo Yuhao spun his body in the air and broke his fall as he landed on the ground. The golden light around his body weakened as he looked at Tai Tan. However, the light from his eyes became stronger and stronger.

His third eye slowly opened. A strange, golden streak of light shot out and hit Tai Tandirectly.

Tai Tan shook slightly, and revealed an appalled look in his eyes. A golden skull now floated above his head.

The evolved Destiny Soul Gaze.

Huo Yuhao hadn’t used this Destiny Soul Gaze during his time in the Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy under Elder Mu’s direct instructions. However, he wasn’t too wary against Wang Dong’s elder, and finally used this special ability again.

Niu Tian was shocked when he saw this. He looked at Tai Tan, and they could both sense what this streak of light was.

After the Destiny Soul Gaze, a streak of white light shot out from the Eye of Destiny. Mass Enfeeblement – Single Target Version!

The rise in his spiritual power increased Huo Yuhao’s control of his soul skills along with it. This was his first time converting a mass control-type skill into a single-target control-type soul skill. He didn’t expect it to succeed. However, he sensed that he needed to open his Eye of Destiny before he could complete this skill, given his current spiritual power and his control over it. He couldn’t do it just based on his Spirit Eyes.

In addition to the golden skull above his head, there was now another layer of blurry white light around Tai Tan’s body. Even his strong suppression had become weaker, and his aura fell.

However, he wasn’t bothered, and smirked at Huo Yuhao before hooking his finger at him.

Huo Yuhao moved and switched his martial soul. One red and four orange soul rings suddenly rose up around him. His entire aura changed. The chilly wind at the peak of the mountain suddenly became harsher. The wind wasn’t blowing stronger, but its temperature had dipped even further.

Tai Tan shut his eyes before shouting, “Open!”

He didn’t really do anything, but the white light around his body scattered.

This was the gap between their abilities. Even though he hadn’t unleashed his martial soul, his soul and spiritual power were still beyond the control of Huo Yuhao’s control-type soul skill. Huo Yuhao’s Mass Enfeeblement was strong, but it didn’t have much of an effect due to the gap in their cultivations.

However, the Destiny Soul Gaze revealed its strength at this point. While Enfeeblement was overcome, the golden skull still continued to hover above Tai Tan.

Huo Yuhao burst towards Tai Tan again. His eyes were now covered by a layer of azure-green light.

Diamond ice crystals engulfed his entire body – it was the Ice Empress’ Armor. His Ice Empress’ Pincer had also been unleashed. An extreme chill was released from his body.

Since he couldn’t threaten his opponent using pure fighting techniques, he needed to change his fighting methods.

As he used the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, his figure suddenly turned illusory. Tai Tan and Niu Tian revealed smiles on their faces when they saw the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track. It was like they had seen something they were very familiar with.

Under cover of the illusion, Huo Yuhao sneaked his way up to Tai Tan’s side. He leapt up suddenly and used his right hand to strike Tai Tan’s shoulder.

Tai Tan chortled and allowed Huo Yuhao to strike him. He jerked his left arm and struck at Huo Yuhao. From the look of it, both parties were going to suffer in this collision. However, Huo Yuhao knew that he was the only one that was going to be hurt if he was hit.

However, an azure-green light shone extremely brightly at the instant Huo Yuhao drew closer, and an extreme chill spread out – the Domain of Perpetual Ice!

Even though Tai Tan’s cultivation was very high, he still shivered as he was subjected to Ultimate Ice soul skills inside the Domain. Sharp blades appeared from Huo Yuhao’s right hand – the Darkgolden Terrorclaws!

Against Tai Tan, Huo Yuhao didn’t have to hold back, and used the complete version of the Darkgolden Terrorclaws immediately. He had been saving this attack for a long time. The huge claws reached out over ten meters, and the dark-golden light they emitted seemed like they wanted to cut heaven and earth apart.

Tai Tan was shocked. As he panicked, he lifted his left arm to block.

“Be careful!” Huo Yuhao couldn’t help but exclaim. He only had one goal in challenging Tai Tan. He would be pleased as long as he could force Tai Tan’s martial soul out. However, the man didn’t unleash his martial soul even under such a situation. On the other hand, he used his body to block the Darkgolden Terrorclaws’ sure-kill technique.

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However, Huo Yuhao’s words soon stuck in his mouth. As the lights of the claw flashed by, they left five marks on the ground. The loud boom caused the mountain peak to shake slightly.

And what about Tai Tan? He was standing there as if nothing had happened. There were only a few tears on his shirt…

“Kid, you’re going to have to pay me for this shirt!” Tai Tan laughed.

Seeing that he was fine, Huo Yuhao immediately unleashed his next attack. Azure-green light engulfed his body, and a streak of icy blue light that used his backbone as a cross-section shot out. Tapping into the Domain of Perpetual Ice, this azure beam absorbed all the moisture in the air as it struck at Tai Tan.

Tai Tan staggered a little as he was stunned once again.

However, the Ice Empress’ Wrath didn’t cause any harm to him. It didn’t even manage to restrict him. Tai Tan was still fine as he stood where he was.

Huo Yuhao was getting a little dejected. He was using all the methods at his disposal. He didn’t use Spiritual Shock because he knew that he was only going to trouble himself if he used it, given the huge gap in their spiritual powers.

Unless he used soul tools, he didn’t have any stronger capabilities to continue fighting. At this point, he realized that his skills were useless in front of a truly strong individual. It wasn’t that they were lousy; it was that his cultivation was still lacking.

However, it wasn’t all bad news. In this series of attacks, Huo Yuhao could sense the changes in this cultivation after he gained his fifth soul ring. The depletion of his soul power when using soul skills had dropped significantly. Even after using all his previous attacks, he had only expended about twenty percent of his soul power, even though every skill he used was rather strong. He had even used the Eye of Destiny! In the past, that alone would have used up half of his soul power!

However, nothing seemed to affect Tai Tan at all.

“Is that all you got, kid? There’s nothing else?” Tai Tan brushed the icing off his body and looked at his torn sleeves before nodding to himself. After the series of attacks, he had a deeper understanding of Huo Yuhao’s cultivation. The soul skills that he used at the end weren’t too impressive to him, and Huo Yuhao’s Ultimate Ice couldn’t threaten him. He had been shocked the most by Huo Yuhao’s first fist. The fist had combined his spiritual power, aura, and soul power together, leaving a deep impression on Tai Tan. From that fist alone, Tai Tan could confirm that Wang Dong wasn’t Huo Yuhao’s match.

Huo Yuhao laughed bitterly. “I’m too lousy compared to you.”

“Yi yi ya ya!” At this point, the Snow Lady’s voice rose. She drifted over in front of Huo Yuhao, unconvinced as she pointed her finger at herself.

Huo Yuhao laughed, “Are you saying there’s still you? Where did you go just now?”

The Snow Lady made another small action that made Tai Tan cringe. She lowered her head and pointed her two index fingers to the front, wearing an indignant look on her face.

Huo Yuhao rushed to comfort her, “Don’t worry. We are too far behind Uncle Tai. It’s normal that we’re losing.”

“Yi yi ya ya!” yhe Snow Lady shouted again. Even Tai Tan could tell that she wasn’t pleased from her voice.

“What is she saying?” Tai Tan asked curiously.

Huo Yuhao translated, “She asked me to try again.”

Tai Tan chortled and said, “Come on, try again! Oh yes, I was too bothered with assessing your abilities, and forgot to whack you to vent my anger.”

Huo Yuhao couldn’t help, but laugh. While Tai Tan’s temper seemed very short, he was in fact quite cute.

Huo Yuhao glanced at the Snow Lady and said, “I shall depend on you, then?”

“Yi yi ya ya!” The Snow Lady lifted her chest, and her white robe shook slightly. If one didn’t know that she was a Spirit, he might think that her arms and legs were getting cold from being exposed.

Huo Yuhao squinted his eyes and quickly connected his mind with hers. He was sensing her opinion.

A stunned look flashed across his eyes. In the next moment, the Snow Lady had already lifted her right hand.

She looked very amusing as she lifted her right arm, especially when she extended her little fingers to point into the sky. Her deep blue eyes appeared very serious, but there was only one word to describe her – too cute!

Tai Tan felt that he had great affinity with her. No matter how he looked at her, he absolutely adored her. Furthermore, he liked her the more she pranked him.

“Yi yi ya ya!” the Snow Lady shouted, and a magical scene occurred.

Azure-green light expanded from Huo Yuhao’s body. It was the Domain of Perpetual Ice. At the same time, an intense orange-gold light shot out from the Snow Lady’s body. The second out of the four orange-gold soul rings on Huo Yuhao’s body started to shine very brightly.

The temperature in the air dropped significantly, and it seemed to have fallen below negative twenty degrees Celsius. Furthermore, this new temperature covered all of Clear Sky Peak.

The mountaintop became a world of ice and snow. Heavy snow raged under the effect of the strong winds. The three of them even lost track of where the others were.

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Even Tai Tan and Niu Tian needed to circulate their soul power to resist the cold under such conditions. Tai Tan was shocked to find out that he couldn’t pinpoint Huo Yuhao’s position.

At this level, one didn’t need his eyes to know his opponent’s position. He could feel it. However, he couldn’t sense anything in this brutal snowstorm. It was as if his senses were sealed.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao realized what the greatest strength of the Snow Lady was – her ability to complement him perfectly.

The Snow Lady didn’t just bring him soul skills. She could use her soul skills to assist Huo Yuhao, supplementing his abilities precisely.

There was a secret spell in Shrek Academy’s inner courtyard that allowed one to coordinate several soul skills with their body. However, the effects of the soul skills were additional. The Snow Lady’s help enabled Huo Yuhao’s abilities to multiply all by herself.

With Huo Yuhao’s current cultivation, he could maintain the Domain of Perpetual Ice within a region that spanned several dozen meters in diameter. However, he couldn’t cover as large an area as she did now, or reduce the temperature so drastically. After he completed this Domain with the Snow Lady, he was shocked to find out that the depletion of his soul power was much less than he had expected.

All the clouds and air around this mountain peak had become a part of his strength. They were continuously converted into chilly wind and sharp snowflakes under the effects of this powerful Domain.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao felt as if he really were controlling ice and snow.

This was the second of the four soul skills that the Snow Lady brought him, the Frigid Dance of Ice and Snow. Combined with his Domain of Perpetual Ice, it was called the Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice.

This was a new Domain formed by the combination of the two Domains. Not only was it very strong, but it also helped Huo Yuhao greatly in conserving his soul power.

Not only could this Domain restrict his opponent, it could also enhance the Ice Empress’ soul skills and conceal his location. Even Tai Tan couldn’t detect where he was.

Huo Yuhao made some estimates. According to the current strength of the Domain, he could hold it for about ten minutes. The domain also covered a region more than five hundred meters in diameter. This was a true Domain-type soul skill! Huo Yuhao was already pleased with the help of one soul skill, but in this Domain, his abilities increased significantly!

Of course, he also understood that the Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice was so strong right now because of its close connection with the local environment.

The surrounding clouds were the best terrain for his domain, as they were filled with water. If this were a dry and humid place, his Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice’s strength would’ve been greatly reduced.

Currently, Huo Yuhao was akin to one of the thousands of snowflakes in his domain–he’d completely assimilated himself into it.

“Yi yi ya ya.” The Snow Lady’s voice echoed in Huo Yuhao’s head. She’d asked for him to act according to her instructions.

Although the Snow Empress was newly-created, her presence seemed to be similar to a martial soul fusion, which he was experienced at doing with Wang Dong.

Huo Yuhao opened his mind and followed her will; he wanted to see what abilities she’d show him.

When the Snow Lady moved, his body moved alongside hers. Huo Yuhao immediately felt his body become lighter and felt himself drift into the air like a snowflake. His movements also complemented the dancing snowflakes that filled the air.

Huo Yuhao gradually felt like he was becoming one with heaven in this snowy-white world. A moment later, he also began to feel a strange force gathering in his left hand.

This force didn’t originate from his body, but rather from the chill in the Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice.

Huo Yuhao’s hands would become very smooth and shiny when he used the Mysterious Jade Hands, while his palm would be covered in a layer of diamond-like ice crystals when he used the Ice Empress’ Pincer. At this moment, both the Mysterious Jade Hands and the Ice Empress’ Pincer had been activated. However, they were present in a special form.

Not only was Huo Yuhao’s left hand as smooth and shiny as jade, but it was also as white as snow. It was as if it had been carved from a precious piece of white jade.

Tai Tan remained where he was while using his soul power to resist the extreme cold attempting to invade his body. As he spread his senses, he tried to figure out where Huo Yuhao was.

If he’d only admired Huo Yuhao before, then he was completely astonished now. His spiritual sense could be ranked amongst the top ten on the continent, yet he couldn’t even catch a glimpse of Huo Yuhao in this domain. It was as if he’d completely assimilated himself into this world of ice and snow.

The delicate snowflakes in the air continued to incessantly unleash strong attacks. Amidst the cold, they created sparks as they flitted past Tai Tan; they were evidently very powerful

Niu Tian was equally shocked. He’d been brothers with Tai Tan for many years, and had previously been standing very close to him. Even though he couldn’t tell where Tai Tan was in the domain, he knew for sure that Tai Tan hadn’t moved. He took a few steps until he was beside Tai Tan. Only then could he make out the vague silhouette of his brother.

Suddenly, the raging snowstorm stopped in an indescribable manner. The instant that it did, it was as if time and space had frozen. Every single snowflake froze in midair, while the chilly wind immediately came to a halt.

This happened so abruptly that both Niu Tian and Tai Tan were momentarily shocked.

Without any warning, the snowflakes were crushed, and their power disappeared, the powdery ice in the sky blurring their vision once again. The chill in the snowflakes seemed to have disappeared too, and the air suddenly felt much warmer.

“Be careful, this is the Gentleness Amidst Warmth, Snowless Glacier!” Niu Tian suddenly shouted.

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Tai Tan was petrified. Something serious must have been happened since Niu Tian had warned him. After all, he had acute senses too. When his sense of crisis appeared, he lifted his right arm and to move it through the air.

Suddenly, he felt his right arm rapidly cooling down. He groaned and then swept it in front of him yet again. As his vision cleared up, he saw Huo Yuhao’s body being pushed aside. The moment that he did, he lost all feeling in his right arm.

The extreme chill seemed to have caused the temperature in Tai Tan’s arm to hit absolute zero. Even with his cultivation and by activating all of his soul power was he able to slowly defrost his frozen arm. It wasn’t just his blood that had been frozen; the soul and spiritual power in his arm had also solidified. It was as if his entire arm had ceased to exist. His shoulder seemed to be joined to a block of ice.

Huo Yuhao appeared twenty meters away. When he did, he seemed to magically squeeze his way out of a snowflake.

An orangish-gold light drifted behind him, followed by a strange scene: The orangish-gold light on the Snow Lady’s body began to brighten, and her body instantly elongated. In a matter of moments, she’d turned into a young lady who appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen years old.

Her eyes were still deep-blue, but her ravishing beauty reminded one of the Snow Empress. Although she still looked somewhat innocent, the sense of elegance that belonged to the Icesky Snow Lady was present.

Everything happened nearly instantly. When Tai Tan saw Huo Yuhao and the transformed Snow Lady, Huo Yuhao had already lifted his right hand high into the air.

The now-older Snow Empress also lifted her right arm. Her figure seemed to fuse with Huo Yuhao’s, and a deep blue sword that seemed to be entirely made up of ice crystals appeared in Huo Yuhao’s hand.

Before Niu Tian and Tai Tan could take a clear look at the sword, Huo Yuhao had already swung it. A deep blue light appeared and created a fan-like projection that gradually grew lighter as it extended until it was finally white. As the frightening sword light swept through the air, turtle-like patterns appeared. It was as if the air was frozen and then cut apart.

“Unparalleled Chill, Empress Sword!” Niu Tian said almost immediately.

The Snow Lady detached from Huo Yuhao’s body as soon as he swung the sword. She then pointed her left hand at Tai Tan, while Huo Yuhao subconsciously lifted his left hand. However, he realized that something was amiss and immediately exclaimed, “Snow Lady, we can’t do that!”

The Snow Lady hesitated for a moment, then turned back to face him.

“Bam!” A loud boom came from Tai Tan’s direction, who’d lifted his left arm to try and resist the now-white sword light. Huo Yuhao’s sword had also disappeared once he’d created the sword light.

Tai Tan’s body expanded to twice its size as he readied himself, and black hair that shone with a metallic glow engulfed his body. His burly body was immediately filled with a terrifying yet dominant aura, while his right arm began to defrost at an astonishing speed.

However, he was still turned into an ice sculpture the moment that the deep blue sword light struck him, despite the fact that he’d unleashed his martial soul. He took a full second break free from the ice.

This second was incredibly important—this was the second after Tai Tan had unleashed his martial soul! As a Transcendent Douluo, his abilities were obviously immense. However, he’d been stopped by Huo Yuhao and the Snow Empress’ Spirit for an entire second!

“Impressive!” Tai Tan didn’t attack Huo Yuhao. At the moment, he didn’t have any intention of attacking him. Rather, he was completely shocked.

The Snow Lady shrunk down and returned to her infant state as she returned to Huo Yuhao’s side; she was evidently fatigued. She appeared to be unhappy as she looked at Huo Yuhao, and even used her hand to mess up his hair.

“Uncle Tai isn’t an enemy!” Huo Yuhao said seriously, “How could we hurt him?”

Tai Tan almost spat blood when he heard him. What’s going on? Hurt me? Am I the Titled Douluo, or is he the Titled Douluo?

Tai Tan was unhappy and shouted, “Rascal, show me what else you’ve got!”

“Use what? You’ve already lost.” Niu Tian kicked Tai Tan’s butt, causing him to reel.

“How did I lose?” Tai Tan turned and glared at him, but seemed to realize something very quickly. His face turned red. “It was subconscious, it was subconscious!”

Niu Tian snapped, “Do you always have to be a sore loser? If you lost, you lost. There’s no need to make up excuses. Furthermore, your loss was justified. Soul skills must have been unleashed repeatedly when the Snow Lady pointed at you. That strike could have even hurt you. You must have also released your martial soul because you felt a sense of crisis. Am I right? Otherwise, what subconscious feeling are you talking about?”

“That seems to be the case.” Tai Tan was honest and didn’t deny it.

Niu Tian looked at Huo Yuhao, “How did you do it? How do you feel? Is there anything that you haven’t used? If I’m not wrong, the two of you have only used three soul skills. There should still be one left.” The Snow Lady had added four soul rings to Huo Yuhao’s Ice Empress.

Huo Yuhao shook his head. “For some unknown reason, the Snow Lady can’t unleash her fourth soul skill. She can’t tell what’s going on either.”

Niu Tian gestured towards him, and he immediately walked over.

After taking a deep look at Huo Yuhao, Niu Tian said from the bottom of his heart, “I’ve got to say that you’re definitely capable of surviving on your own now. The Snow Empress’ Three Ultimate Techniques are impressive! I didn’t expect that the Three Ultimate Techniques, which made the Snow Empress famous, would be transferred to your body through this Spirit. Even though they’ve been divided into four soul rings, any soul skill formed from the essence of the Snow Empress’ seven hundred thousand year cultivation is bound to be vastly superior to that of an ordinary ten thousand year soul skill. Moreover, she perfectly complements your abilities.”

“The Snow Empress’ Three Ultimate Techniques?” Huo Yuhao was stunned as he looked at Niu Tian. He’d heard the names of every soul skill he unleashed when Niu Tian shouted them previously. He didn’t know what they were, thus wanted to use this time to find out.

“Oh. It seems that Shrek Academy didn’t fully explain the situation regarding the Ten Great Savage Beasts.” Niu Tian replied.

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