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"Mortal Arsenal Formation activate!"

Everyone looked at the event unfold in great shock.

The one that betrayed everyone warned Sect Master Wang, while the strongest expert of the Fallen Leaf Continent's human race betrayed the empire!

'What kind of event is this?!' 

Wang Guan's stomach is wounded severely, he didn't pay it any heed as he saw the orange-yellow light.


More than a hundred experts at their enemies' side had been impaled by sharp weapons.

Everyone looked with great shock, what had happened?

The Blood Mist Shadow Sect was winning a few moments ago, their force was pushing with great momentum and morale, yet, at this moment, every one of them lost their phase and stopped on their track.

More than a hundred of their comrades had been struck by a weapon from behind.

Those struck couldn't believe it, they tried to reach for the weapon and pull it out, but some couldn't even touch the weapon before they started falling on the ground.

As soon as they fell, the sword embedded on their bodies immediately flew up and targets another expert.

The awareness of the flying weapons caused the enemies to be on their guard, they fended it off easily too.

"BRAT!" The blind man howled, he couldn't see the event, but he felt the powers of his subordinates deteriorate, some even died immediately.

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There are hundreds of Heaven Encompassing ranked experts that died, and a few dozens of Immortal Foundation ranked ones that are lingering between life and death.

Mo Xie's ambush won the other side a great amount of trouble, but for some reason, the weapons targeted members of the Blood Mist Shadow sect only.

This caused the three experts to be filled with rage.

Mo Xie sneered, he wanted to take back the weapons but sadly, the formation is a one-time use, he has no formation plate to manipulate the formation, still, it used it at a very opportune time, causing great damages to his enemies.

One of the things he didn't foresee is Wang Guan receiving grave injuries.

With Wang Guan and Wu Shan Mei, they could still make a few struggles and defend themselves for a while so Mo Xie could create a plan, but with the former almost disabled, they'll definitely be in a predicament even he couldn't prevent any more.

Mo Xie entered the area of the three sects and ordered: "Everyone, please listen and decrease the defensive area, make it as small as possible! Defend and do not attack!"

At this moment, they didn't know if they will listen to Mo Xie, but Wu Shan Mei ordered: "All members of the Celestial Azure Pavilion listen to him for now!"

Wang Guan grits his teeth, the pain is too much to bear but he circled around Duan Tian as he fought his way in again.

But left eye and right eye also joined, injuring him further without being given a breath to take.

Mo Xie couldn't help but see the situation grew direr: "All those capable, assist Sect Master Wang!"

The Elders of the Piercing Mountain Sword sect felt dismayed for a bit before they shook their head: "Listen, the members who will fight for just, enter and create a small defensive zone!"

He looked at Wang Guan before feeling pity himself: "I will help Sect Master Guan, those that can, join us!"

Wu Shan Mei also made her way to Wang Guan: "I will help him, those that can't stay inside!"

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Peak stage Immortal Ascension could definitely not win against Immortal Saint ranked experts, but they can still hold their own a few attacks from death, Wang Guan is a rare case, he's a brute man that has his body completely enhanced through his own physique with complete compatibility with his cultivation arts.

His strength is almost on par with a normal Initial stage Immortal Saint ranked expert.

With the reinforcements, Wang Guan finally had a few margins to breath and escape from the encirclement and started to return to the inner protection.

"Sect Master Duan, please tell us that this is all a lie!" An elder that respected Duan Tian from the bottom of his heart spoke gravely.

All members of the Piercing Mountain Sword Sect heard Duan Tian's words from earlier, they too couldn't believe it. They prided themselves as members of the sect that Duan Tian is the master of.

But now, they felt that they are a headless chicken, would they follow someone like that? Or continue to believe what they had been believing from the moment they joined the sect?

All of the fighting spirit they had as they led the charge vanished without a trace, the elders tried to cheer them up to increase their morale, but to no avail.

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh, it's like a strategy of killing the head to destroy the enemies, he can do nothing about it.

Duan Tian smirked at the elder: "I am and had always been… a member of the Blood Mist Shadow Sect, I can accept you all as my subordinates, but you have to make your decision now."

As he spoke of this, he threw another punch at Wang Guan but was then blocked by Wu Shan Mei.

Boom~ Boom! Ba Bang!!!

The two experts also poured attacks after attacks, a few elder personalities blocked but a few also died.

Many of the elders that died are from the Piercing Mountain Sword Sect's side, but the disciples saw no reaction from Duan Tian, actually, he's still smiling that none of it matters to him.

Unlike the Piercing Mountain Sword Sect, the Supreme Crimson Spear sect had been completely briefed of the betrayal, hence, they were doing what they can. Some felt dejected, while some felt joy, they will be ascending as the ruler of the Fallen Leaf Continent, some even thought that they'll be invited to follow the Blood Mist Shadow Sect.

Mo Xie felt a little tired, the weapons from the Mortal Arsenal Formation had been decreasing, he used two hundred weapons, but after the first ambush, the weapons couldn't kill anymore.

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Truth be told, the weapons are only capable of defeating Sky Shattering ranked experts, but with the ambush, it killed a few dozens of Immortal Foundation ranked experts and more than a hundred Heaven Encompassing experts.

Although for some, it's painful to lose many 4-star soul weapons, but to Mo Xie, it's merely expendables, well, he could've used it to equip members of the Mo Family, but every one of them had something better from the Pagoda he retrieved, hence, these are all things he can just throw.

At this moment, Wang Guan and the rest returned.

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh as he saw Wang Guan's body completely covered with blood.

"Bring him to me."

Wu Shan Mei who's assisting Wang Guan over her shoulder nods her head and sat the latter beside Mo Xie.

"Friend… I, ha… I apologize for…" Wang Guan is in no shape to talk.

"Master!" The two that Mo Xie blasted earlier came, completely fine without a scratch.

Wang Guan felt shocked: "Weren't you dead?"

The two shook their heads: "No, that… we were told to play dead by some voice when we were hit hence, we did…"

"The power that struck us are merely wind attacks meant for pushing not for injuring."

Wang Guan couldn't help but smile wryly at Mo Xie, sadly, his smile looked scary for some reason.

Mo Xie shook his head: "I just felt that there's still a traitor hiding, hence, I played the role."

As he spoke of this, he checked Wang Guan's pulse and sent his spiritual energy in: "Don't resist."

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Wang Guan chuckles: "E-even if I wanted to, I-I definitely can't now."

He's been completely exhausted after all.

Mo Xie looked at the battle, the disciples of the two sects are getting injured and are getting replaced by their comrades, he shook his head, he then looked at the Thousand Peaks Mysterious Cavern: "I think that's the only way we can live."

Wu Shan Fei shook her head: "I'd rather die than escape."

Mo Xie looked at her sternly: "And help the enemy win easily? We should just escape for now and live to fight another day, I am not confident in escaping the cavern, but we'll definitely be able to help the bigger picture of we do."

Wu Shan Mei remained stoic, she wanted to fight, but she too knew that they'll only die.

The enemies have many Immortal Foundation ranked experts, while there are also Immortal Ascension ranked, they numbered to more than a dozen, and within their group, there are only eight Immortal Ascension ranked experts, and only two, Wang Guan and her that are at the peak.

It's a one-sided lose for them no matter what happens.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie had looked into Wang Guan's state and couldn't help but shook his head: "If I had enough time and materials, I could definitely save you."

Wang Guan smiled: "T-that is okay, I-I will d-die t-today, I will b-bring d-down as m-many as I can."

Mo Xie didn't respond and continued checking for Wang Guan's talent, the soul sea is normal but the physique…'Immovable Brutal Giant Physique…'

Mo Xie thought of something immediately, but the time is not right: "We… we should escape now while we still have many, we do not have the manpower or strength to resist them, luckily, they are conserving their strength, else, we would've already been dead."

All the elders and two sect masters nodded in agreement.

If these are the force that joined to destroy the Empire, then, they'll definitely need every and each one of them to attack.

But that's only if these are the people they bought, if now… the empire's doom is nothing but almost certain.

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