Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 408: 408

Before entering the village, Mo Xie tasked Kara to spread her children throughout as far as she can.

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Also, Kara is to go personally to collect information.

She was tasked to do two things, one is to find the current events of the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, and two to search for the said problem solver.

Mo Xie entered the village and couldn't help but sigh, for transactions, coppers amount to nothing, even silvers has almost no use.

Only gold and spirit stones are used as a regular currency in this place.

The most popular one is traded, trading one low-tier spirit stone for 1,200 pieces of spirit stones.

Regularly, a low-tier spirit stone is equivalent to 1,000 pieces of spirit stones, but this trade is for those traveling with limited space for their spirit stones.

Traveling with 1 low-tier spirit stone is better than with 1,000 pieces of spirit stones.

(I've changed it from 10,000 to 1,000 since it's too huge of a discrepancy.) 

He then remembered something and looked into the ring Bingyun had given him before, it still has 24 pieces of low-tier Spirit stones.

"At least I have some spare change to use."

Mo Xie and the group didn't really need to stay at this village, 

With not much money to buy anything from the village, they decided to just move on.

Their next target, the Suryun Kingdom territory's city, a medium city of the territory, Sparrow Line City.

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Halfway through their journey though, they spotted a carriage being ambushed by bandits.

Duan frowned and prepared to take action but Mo Xie waved his hand: "Oh, what will these good sirs be planning to do?"

"That... Patriarch, shouldn't we help them?" Duan asked as he looked at the carriage being raided by bandits.

Mo Xie chuckles: "Oh, help who?"

"Of course the carriage!" Duan replied in a matter-of-fact manner.

Mo Xie smiled, but before he could reply, Aiqing puffed her flat front and spoke: "Do you even know who those people are?"

"Who's side is correct and wrong?"

"Or even, are they really just ordinary people?"

"Are they good or evil in your perspective?"

"What if they are evil merchants that's deserve of death?"

Aiqing continuously spoke justly, she shares her father's morals too, there are no good nor evil in this world, only victors that vilifies the losers.

Mo Xie smiled, he nodded at Aiqing in agreement, but then, she did something.

Aiqing smiled: "Watch how I do it!"

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Mo Xie's intention is to actually ignore it as something like this is too common, and if they were to involve themselves, whenever they go to another city, they will encounter at least one of these events.

Aiqing flew down from Zhuding's back and landed in front of them, the two forces that were fighting earlier stopped as they looked at Aiqing speechlessly.

Also, Nantian arrived beside her: "Y-young miss, what are you trying to do?"

Nantian is already at the Sky Shattering rank, hence, he could already fly.

Aiqing smirked at the two groups and proudly asked: "Which one of you are the bad guys?!"


'Didn't you just say there are no justice and evil? Only victors?'

They felt speechless as they looked at Aiqing.

Meanwhile, Nantian felt a little excited; 'This is one of those legendary encounters!'

He glanced at the carriage and saw a lady staring from her side of the window. The carriage was dark and a few vertical spaces are

Pleading beautiful eyes... although Nantian couldn't see her face, but an image started to be built inside his head.

'A legendary saving the maiden plot!' Nantian couldn't control himself anymore as he glared at the bandits and pointed his finger at them: "What do you want? Tell me about it so we can settle this peacefully!"

Right, Nantian is not only a Sky Shattering ranked expert, but has no skills to fight! He's a pure alchemy expert! He had not learned any combat arts from Mo Xie yet!

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Hearing this, the group of people from both sides looked at each other before staring at Nantian in a bewildered manner, like they are looking at an idiot.

All of the carriage's guards and the bandits are Immortal Foundation ranked experts each led by a single Immortal Ascension ranked one.

For a Sky Shattering ranked expert and an Immortal Ascension ranked one to but in on their fued, is it really alright?

Though Aiqing being an Immortal Ascension ranked expert can tide any side to win, but why is a Sky Shattering ranked expert being such a nosy person?

At this moment, the carriage door opened, a slim beautiful legs move out and followed by another, the hand came next as the full person came out.

Nantian couldn't help but gulp down.

Then, she spoke: "Mister expert, please help us, these people are ambushing us to get out treasure!"

"We've never done anything wrong nor had we done something to others, please help us!"

Nantian smiled, but the moment he looked up at her face, his smile froze.

He shifted his gaze at Aiqing: "Young Miss, why are you making troubles for me, your father said that we shouldn't meddle with the mortal affairs!"

"As a disciple, we should always stay neutral like the both of your beliefs!"

Hearing his word, the two group froze while Mo Xie and the rest couldn't help but face palm.

Nantian couldn't help but sigh himself, he was chivalrous first and now he became a shameless person!

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He slowly uttered in a low voice: "A person of perfect body but the face..."

"We call that shrimp!"

"That... is mister also disgusted by my appearance..." The lady spoke, her voice trembled hearing him starting to avoid helping at all.

Aiqing couldn't help but giggle as she made her way back to Zhuding: "Well, since you want to be the one to solve this, let us all witness your glory, kukuku."

A smile filled with teasing laughter can be seen plastered on Aiqing's face.

"That..." Nantian sighed speechlessly; 'Better just go with it!'

Nantian, when he was Perlito lived in a world where face is equal to value, and money is equal to power!

Nantian then thought; 'Right, I can't really be picky, I'm not even handsome myself!'

Since there were no mirrors anywhere, Nantian hadn't had the chance to check his face yet, but after he took the drop of Tyrannical God's physique from Mo Xie, his whole body evolved to become an above average looking person with extremely fit body!

Nantian looked at Mo Xie: "Master... should... should I settle this?"

He does not know nor can feel what's the difference between a bronze rank and an Immortal Foundation ranked expert, he can only feel that someone is stronger than the others.

Mo Xie smiled, he took a 4-star soul weapon from his storage ring and threw it towards Nantian: "Do as you deem fit."

Nantian looked at the sword that struck the ground, a smile formed on his lips, but it's a weird smile; 'Master... I wanted you to help me get out of this situation! Not the other way around!'

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