Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 436: 436

Mo Xie had continued training them without stopping.

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No clear winner between Duan and Tian on the first day, same with Huolin and Luoyin.

But for Yan Meng and Wentian, there was a result. Yan Meng suddenly overpowered Wentian and almost took his life, but at the critical moment, Mo Xie appeared and stopped him.

Mo Xie asked Wentian if he wants to give up, but the latter shook his head filled with determination and replied: "Master, I can still go on!"

Mo Xie of course was delighted, he helped all six of them recover and let them continued their fight.

Meanwhile, Fei Lin lost her consciousness about 50 times that whole day, every time she woke up, she was already completely healed up.

On the 2nd day, Wentian managed to finally hold his ground against Yan Meng, although he still lost again, he managed to hold on a lot longer than before while the other two group is still on a standstill.

Nantian and Xuan Yuan moved from reading to practicing the art through sparring.

Fei Lin this time lasted a lot longer, but the more she lasted, the more fiercer Mo Xie became, and she fainted 60 times.

3rd day, Mo Xie changed their sparring to a rotation, they six will be doing a rotation every day, exchanging partners. Huolin suffered a huge loss from Wentian while Tian won against Luoyin.

Yan Meng and Duan managed to go on a standstill.

Meanwhile, Fei Lin lost consciousness 30 times this day but managed to successfully block Mo Xie's attack, she tried to counter but to no avail at all.

4th day...

5th day...

6th day, Fei Lin lost consciousness one time and couldn't wake up for the whole day.

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7th day, Fei Lin became a bloody mess while sparring with Mo Xie and got healed and slept for the whole day, Yan Meng had to carry her to their rendezvous point with the Empire's people.

"You've come." Ouyang Tou greeted.

Azula and her people already departed the 2nd day and went home. There are about a thousand people from the Empire's side and a few hundreds of prisoners that are being dragged.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "I'll take the siblings with me, I need to make sure they are properly taken care of while on the journey, do you all have flying mounts?"

Ouyang Tou nodded his head: "Of course."

"Then, let's go." Mo Xie spoke as he called: "Zhuding!"

Zhuding appeared immediately, all of his disciples and boarded his back, Mo Xie took Ouyang Chen while Tanya took Bingyun.

After asking for the direction, Mo Xie moved out immediately.

Ouyang Tou looked at them, as they summoned their own flying swords and followed Mo Xie's path.

The travel is estimated to last for a whole month, a lot of battles that's on their path halted as they scattered everywhere, nobody wishes to block nor be an eyesore in front of a massive number of experts.

Clashes between clans and sects are everywhere, but witnessing thousands of experts on their way, they stopped and retreated immediately.

In a day, they would see at least one or two skirmishes happening, it's actually quite rare for a day to pass where they couldn't see any battles.

They would sometimes take a break to restock their food and sightseeing for the rest of the day.

It took a whole month and fifteen days for them to arrive closer to the Empire, mostly due to Aiqing wanted to spend a whole day to buy some sweets and other good things.

Other than witnessing skirmishes, the journey actually went quite smoothly.

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"We're almost there." Ouyang Tou.

As he spoke, they looked from afar and saw a dotlike area thing that can be seen from afar: "We'll reach there in about three hours."

Mo Xie nodded his head, Nantian felt quite shocked to be honest: 'We've been traveling, I think 500km per hour, and we've just come close?'

The closer they come, the bigger the dot became, and Nantian couldn't help but open his mouth wide from shock as they came close, it's like a whole continent made into a city! It's the size of almost one hundred huge mountains!

"This is a city?!" He couldn't help but utter in shock.

They saw a lot of Kingdoms the size of the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, but this is the first time he saw the Empire.

"The Empire in Fallen Leaf continent and here is like heaven and earth in difference..."

Aiqing rolled her eyes as she replied: "Bumpkin."

Nantian pouted, he had lived his whole life inside a ship, when he was brought to this place, it was his first time seeing lands, oceans, and the sky itself that he only heard of in fairytales.

But soon as he was taken, he was actually imprisoned in a cave after being caught by a monster, he then remembered it and made his way to Mo Xie: "Master, I think I forgot to mention this before."

Mo Xie looked back at him and asked: "Is it something you can't let others know?"

Nantian pondered for a bit before he nodded his head: "Yes."

Mo Xie nodded his head, Nantian is his direct disciple, their concern is his. That is one of his principles. He then held Nantian's shoulder and brought him immediately close to Zhuding's tail.


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"Master, you've found me in a cave right?" Nantian asked if his master remembered.

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle: "Of course."

Nantian fiddled with his fingers as he uttered: "Master, I think I have a somewhat immortal body, I mean, the one that doesn't die that easy."

"I don't know how it works yet, but whenever that monster killed me, I would wake up after a while with all of my limbs intact."

Mo Xie hearing this couldn't help but frown, he had heard of the Golden Phoenix Physique before, but that is a really rare physique, it has one side effect too, that is, if you die, you will slowly turn into a golden feather.

You need to hide in a secret place where you won't be seen, and if you are able to be safe for a hundred years, you will be reborn again.

The golden feather is really docile, even a mortal stepping on it will destroy it, hence, hiding in a specially made compartment or passing it down as a heritage to be kept locked in by a powerful family is actually much of a choice.

The only benefit is, you retain your intelligence while your cultivation is burned to its roots and you need to start all over again.

Mo Xie looked at Nantian: "How many times had you died?"

Nantian counted with his hand and replied: "I think it's six times, the experience was just too horrible for me to even remember..."

Mo Xie then asked: "I remember when I found you, you still had scars right?"

Nantian nodded his head, he then looked at his body and found that there really are six scars, but all of them are on his chest part, almost covering it completely.

Mo Xie frowned: "Come here for a bit."

Mo Xie held his arm and touched his palm, after checking, he touched Nantian's chest and let his spiritual energy enter his body.

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He kept scanning his body and found that... his heart is weird, there is a normal heart in the middle of his chest, in the middle! And there are three little hearts that looked like it's on its deathbed, but it's actually recovering slightly.

He frowned: 'If he died again, it must be his last life... I've never seen this kind of physique... is this even a physique?'

He needs information about it, he looked at Nantian before closing his eyes again, he then tried to heal it but his spiritual energy is being rejected.

'It seemed like it can only heal itself... for now.' 

Mo Xie started to think for a bit. He can see the Tyrannical God's blood is helping it, so it's all good. And the Tyrannical God physique is slowly building itself in Nantian's body as well.

"Master?" Nantian called out.

Mo Xie looked at him, he patted his head and spoke: "I don't know what your status is, but for now, you're fine, try not to die again till I find anything about your situation."

Nantian nodded his head: "Yes, master."

Mo Xie smiled: "You need to be stronger, so you don't even have to rely on that part of yours."

Nantian didn't know what Mo Xie meant, but he still nodded his head: "Yes, master!"

Mo Xie smiled, the two of them returned to the front as they arrived at the empire.

"We've arrived." Ouyang Tou spoke, he looked at Mo Xie: "We welcome you."

There are people flying everywhere, the streets buzzing with people, many houses that stretch as far as the eyes can see, courtyards, big families, clans, and sects.

An empire this big actually has 10% of its population as cultivators, and the population is almost close to two billion already.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Let's go."

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