Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 447: 447

With Mo Xie's performance, the elders started to pay attention to him, even the disciples felt wry about Mo Xie.

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Such a person with that much control over their spiritual energy clearly is a threat.

Bu Ten then waved his hand: "Bring them in."

"Yes!" The servants immediately replied as they brought a few human-sized dolls.

Mo Xie couldn't help but applaud in his mind: 'Those are cultivation teaching dolls!'

But he frowned after it: 'But... it's too low quality, how many years can these dolls actually be tested for? Could it learn at least for two thousand years? Well, one thousand is also great... I wish?'

Cultivation teaching dolls are something of great use to the previous him. It's made by soul mechanics. It has one function though, and that is, to see the limits of the arts, cultivation technique, and limits of one's own cultivation technique.

It's mainly used for experimenting, for example, is, Mo Xie can teach it his newly developed technique or arts, and with these dolls, he can check how far, how strong, or how great his techniques or arts are.

And its most valuable assets? Experts like him don't need to risk themselves with the new technique.

After all, a new technique or art can cause cultivation deviation, cultivation explosion, at the worst case, death!

Hence, cultivations teaching dolls are priceless for Mo Xie from his previous life, it's his one and only companion that can move! A lifeless companion that he could only talk with!

Oh, how lonely it is to be invisible... Well, for him that is. An Anti-social person at the peak!

A high-grade cultivation teaching doll can ill.u.s.trate the peak of a technique or art depending on its years of capacity.

If a cultivation teaching doll has a capacity of 1,000 years, and you taught it a technique, it will learn the art and will cultivate it. It'll ill.u.s.trate what the end results are, in short, it'll be demonstrating what the status of a person is in 1,000 years if they cultivate that art.

The results are many, success, failure, death, etc.

And after that, the cultivation teaching dolls will be unusable for half the time they can perform. 

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(Ex. 1,000 years = unusable for 500 years.)

Mo Xie smiled: 'They are using these for exam every ten years, they must have a lot!'

But his interest fell after Bu Ten's next words: "Since there's a new person taking the exam, I'll explain it first."

"This is a cultivation training golem."

"As future elders of the sect, you'll be in need of teaching the disciples, hence, these golems will be a way to measure how much you can teach a disciple."

"You will pass to it your knowledge, teach it, and let it a breakthrough."

"It'll demonstrate the future result of your teaching. The result of ten years of a person that'll cultivate your art."

"The minimum requirement is Heaven encompassing rank."

Mo Xie's still smiling, but his expression froze as slowly, the light in his eyes dimmed: 'Ten..."


It felt like he had gotten excited for nothing!

Mo Xie sighed as he knelt on the ground lifelessly, kneeling with his two hands on the floor.

Everyone saw him and couldn't help but be dumbfounded, still, they took it as Mo Xie being shocked at their means.

After a while of introduction, Bu Ten commenced the second exam.

The ten disciples immediately started teaching the dolls.

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Mo Xie sighed, he looked at the dolls... or golem in their changed name: 'Even the name became stupid...'

He couldn't help but be disappointed at the ten-year dolls, he gave up on getting a few for himself.

Then, after moving on from his disappointment, he started to think of the fastest yet lowest of the arts he had created. "Oh, that will do!"

"First off, gather spiritual energy within one's body, every drop to be nurtured carefully through one's meridian before entering the soul sea."

"By making it pass through all available meridians, one can cleanse it as much as you can. Removing all of the impurities within before consuming it within one's own soul sea."

Mo Xie had started with teaching the doll how to cultivate, following that, he then taught the doll the chant for the art.

"From southern frost to the northern blaze, western breeze will dance like a maze."

"Deceiving is a..."

Mo Xie kept chanting as the doll cultivates.

Silently, Mo Xie's doll started to break through, he couldn't help but sigh as he guided it internally.

Meanwhile, the first elder couldn't help but smile: "As expected, they really are the greatest disciple the sect had ever had!"

"Right, they just lack experience now, sooner or later, they will replace one of us old foggies." The 8th elder remarked.

Bu Ten also nodded his head: "Right, they were better than me when I was at their age."

"Yutian really is a great genius, as expected of the sect master's own disciple." The 3rd elder couldn't help but praise.

"We say that, but look at Zeqing, she's toe in toe against Yutian, the two of them really are geniuses."

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"Xin Ya and Ha Qiqi are also not losing out, the two of them aren't on the same league as the two, but they aren't far either."

"Right, even Zhao is chasing close to them even after joining the sect two years later than them."

As they were talking, Mo Xie's also observing the eight remaining disciples.

'They call them genius but all of them only have their cultivation, tenth for own effort while the remainder is solely based on one's consuming of pills and potions...'

'Well, excluding those two.' He's referring to Zeqing and Zhao, the second rank and eight rank inner court disciples.

Although they were aided by pills and medicines, it's at the point where they only needed it as a boost and not for breaking through to the next stage.

In the future, Mo Xie estimated for these two to soar beyond the people gathered in the sect: 'Well, if they entered as my disciple, I wouldn't mind.'

After an hour of waiting, the exam ended, Bu Ten then commenced: "Now then, let's see the results!"

"Yutian, as expected of the sect's number one disciple, peak-stage Immortal Foundation rank in just ten years."

"Zeqing, it's alright not to have as much accomplishment as others, still, to be able to teach a mortal to be an Immortal foundation rank at the initial stage within ten years, it's really great. Even I'm not comparable to you in my youth."

"Xin Ya..."

Other than Zeqing and Yutian, no others managed to train their dolls till Immortal Foundation rank, there are also two that failed.

Zhang Zhao almost couldn't make it as he only taught his doll till it reached Heaven Encompassing rank initial stage.

Mo Xie couldn't help but remark in himself: 'You're telling a fish to climb a tree, a bird to swim in the ocean... I'm afraid that even in a thousand years, you're only able to produce one or two great experts and will be called a once in a ten thousand year genius because your training suits their means.'

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh, but he couldn't really blame them. After all, it's not like everyone is like him. If it's him, he can definitely provide more than a million different techniques to millions of different disciples that suit their own soul sea, physique, and body.

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But not every sect has as many cultivation techniques or arts as he does. To be exact, he does not even know if there is one that exists.

Because, he accepts one thing. Not everyone could've had lived as peacefully as he did in his previous life. Due to his boredom, other than protecting the whole realm, he created techniques after techniques.

Luckily, he didn't cultivate the arts that he had used before, because, he knew, that kind of art wouldn't work against beings above his previous stage, an example would be... Nya Poto.

As Bu Ten reached the end, he glanced at Mo Xie: "This is... why can't I sense anything?"

Mo Xie looked at him as he woke up from his trance: "Oh, that..."

"Well, let's begin."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers: "Serene Moon Art."

They weren't expecting much from Mo Xie, why? Because the person is only a Sky Shattering ranked expert! To add to that, he also is about 20 years of age.

But just from him passing the first exam with flying colors, they'll make an exemption and recruit him in the Innercourt as a disciple! Or even better, to accept him as their very own disciple.

Just as they were preparing for their speech to recruit him, they couldn't even think properly the next moment.


"How can this be..."

"That... Why... W-what?"

"Is this... even possible?"

Because, the next instant, the doll from Mo Xie started to dance, not only that, it's cultivation? Celestial Phenomenon rank lower rank!

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