Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 458: 458

As Kara covered Mo Xie, the latter smiled, he waited for a while, and then, when the pillar he had struck started to collapse, he smiled: "Come to me."

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He stored the Earth Vein in his storage ring leaving behind the Blood Lava Stone. The Blood Lava Stones were the foundation of the secret chamber, but the Earth Vein is the very essence that is holding it in position and providing support to it.

It took a few seconds before the whole chamber started to crumble due to the disappearance of the Earth Vein. Without the source to keep it stable, it mostly becomes useless and turned into a normal room.

Mo Xie smiled not knowing what to do, he really wanted to just get out of this place and escape to another place, but he's not a lone cultivator anymore.

"Just compensate them..." Mo Xie couldn't help but utter helplessly: "Haaaa, this life..."

Meanwhile, in the Tu Clan's grand hall, Tu Xuanfeng had just sat on his seat and his wife immediately asked: "Feng, our son, he'll definitely be alright... right?"

Tu Xuanfeng was also worried, but remembering Ouyang Tou and the two princes' words, he couldn't really think steadily. If it's in any normal event, he'd be furious, but witnessing Mo Xie's capabilities added to the three people's words that he trusted the most, he couldn't help but sigh.

He's one of the strongest experts in the world, yet, he felt that whenever Mo Xie is looking at him, he's nothing but an insignificant expert that you can see everywhere.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #..._51877339990124531 for visiting.

Tu Xuanfeng smiled at his wife lovingly before patting her shoulder: "It's your brother that said he has unparalleled medical skills, if you're doubtful, maybe it's your brother that had betrayed us instead?"

Hearing this, she pouted her mouth cutely like a teenage lady before speaking: "I didn't mean it like that, why do you always have to corner with words me whenever I'm worried."

Tu Xuanfeng smiled: "Well, I myself am worried, but we can't really do anything."

"If we called a few physicians here and they found no problem, we'll have your brother's ire, he'll pester me that I couldn't even trust him."

Qianfei smiled wryly.

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Xuanfeng smiled: "Don't worry, I will not let anything harm our son."

The atmosphere took a drastic turn as the duo became quite romantic. Then, when their lips are starting to moist, it slowly started to come closer to one another.

Breaching the gap between them. Both of their breathing started to become heavier as Xuanfeng smiled gallantly while Qianfei looked at him graciously.

For Xuanfeng, something is slowly crawling all over his body as it started to heat up when their lips are about to touch each other...


A large noise echoed as the grand hall trembled.

Tu Xuanfeng and Qianfei's eyes knitted into a frown. Qianfei then asked: "This isn't an ordinary earthquake."

"What happened?" Xuanfeng immediately started to spread his divine energy throughout the whole of the empire's territory, but to think that the epicenter came from just the back of his grand hall!

"It came from the secret chamber!" Xuanfeng looked at his wife in disbelief.

Qianfei couldn't believe it, she immediately thought of something as her temper started to soar. "He must really be a spy?"

Xuanfeng also had the same thought, but it's best not to think of it till they have solid proof, his frown deepened as he spoke: "Let's check it out first."

"Un!" Qianfei nodded as the two of them made their way to the secret chamber.

After arriving, a few dozens of elders and hundreds of disciples already arrived.

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Seeing Xuanfeng, all of them immediately greeted: "Patriarch!"

Xuanfeng frowned seeing the chamber completely destroyed, it's their clan's heritage, although he didn't know why it's so valuable, he still treasured it like one: "What happened here?"

An elder walked up: "Patriarch, the ground started to tremble, at first it was just an ordinary earthquake and was about to stop, but seconds later, the trembling suddenly increased and pieces of the ground started to fall."

Xuanfeng frowned even deeper this time, his grandfather vanished with the Ouyang Clan's patriarch, Ouyang Tou's son. Hence, he didn't receive any information about this secret chamber.

'What if the people responsible for their disappearance have something to do with Mo Xie? What if he is behind it?!' Xuanfeng's aura started to heat up, but he tried his best to control it.

"Hmmp!" He harrumphs as the debris of the secret chamber started to float, soon, only Mo Xie's figure remained.

Xuanfeng frowned, Mo Xie remained unscathed, he seriously wanted to slap this person right now, but he held it in.

Seeing this, Mo Xie smiled at Xuanfeng, but his smile disappeared and was replaced by a frown: "You said that this place is extremely durably, but I only used a single strike and it actually got destroyed."

"I don't know what to say, is this even the Tu Clan's way of treating their guest?" Mo Xie couldn't help but say as he shook his head repeatedly like he had been wronged.

Tu Xuanfeng and the others didn't know what to say as all of them remained speechless.

Mo Xie sighed seeing their stoic faces and said: "Tu Xuanfeng, shouldn't you at least give me compensation?"

Tu Xuanfeng felt speechless: 'You destroyed our Tu Clan's secret chamber yet you want compensation?'

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But he couldn't really refute his words, after all, it really is him that promised the other party, and all of his words are valid without any reason to refute it whatsoever.

Mo Xie sighed, he shook his head and then showed his palm: "Protecting myself, I still suffered grave injuries."

As he spoke, he showed a rather deep wound on his arm and showed a rather pained expression.

"......." Everyone was speechless.

Xu Tuanfeng felt rather annoyed as well, he couldn't really revoke Mo Xie from any of his words: "Then, how do you think we should settle this?"

Mo Xie pondered for a bit before smiling: "Well, since I am the one that broke the secret chamber, I'm willing to step back and say that we're even."

Tu Xuanfeng and the others felt speechless not being able to say anything, a mortal wound is equivalent to their Tu Clan's secret chamber?

And how did you even get that wound?!

When Kara felt Xuanfeng's presence, she immediately reported it to Mo Xie, hence, the latter ordered her to cut his arm and retreat.

There wasn't even a hint of hesitation as she struck Mo Xie's arm ruthlessly and vanished without a single trace.

'I hope Kara learns some sort of feelings, I'd be troubled if she doesn't...' Mo Xie sighed, but at the very least, her superior's orders are absolute.

Tu Xuanfeng looked at Mo Xie as the latter smiled at him innocently.

At the end of it, Xuanfeng merely shook his head: "Then, we'll call it even, we'll just rebuild it again."

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Mo Xie nodded satisfyingly and shook Xuanfeng's hands: "As expected of the magnanimous and greatest clan of the Empire, I'm impressed."

Xuanfeng felt helpless at this person, but then, he noticed that the arm Mo Xie is shaking his hands with is the one that had been mortally injured. There wasn't any wound on it.

"Y-you, where is your wound?" Tu Xuanfeng felt shocked, even their greatest pill for injury will never be able to do something like it that fast, at most, it'll at least take a week or so to heal that kind of injury. For Mo Xie's case, it wasn't even a full minute yet, the injury had already been healed?

Mo Xie looked at his arm: "Oh... well I guess I healed it?"

"........." Everyone felt speechless, if they didn't see it personally, they would've thought that it was an illusion!

Mo Xie smiled at them and chuckled: "It's nothing much, I'm a medical saint anyway."

As he spoke, he started to stride out of the ruined secret chamber.

"..........." Everyone felt speechless, but for Tu Xuanfeng and Qianfei, they now know what old Tou was saying. The time that the three people had repeatedly praised Mo Xie that seemed quite overestimating the latter now felt rather an extremely understatement instead!

Qianfei looked at Xuanfeng: "Feng..."

Xuanfeng remained silent for a while before he nodded his head: "That, we need to recruit him, if we can't, we better form a connection with him, at the very least, we shouldn't offend and make him an enemy... for now."

The Myriad Earth Abyss Continent is filled with experts, powerful allies, and foes everywhere, and even Tu Xuanfeng couldn't guarantee that he'll always win a fight.

But for a person that can be quite capable of medical skills? There are only a single hand full that managed to be etched into history as one!

And right now, with the Empire and the Church at each other's throat, Mo Xie as a medical saint is definitely a massive boost to any force he helps!

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