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“T-The branches is coiling around, U-Ugah ……!?”

“It’s only one …… but it’s stronger than the Black Treants!”

(T/N: The Treants that attacked them in the open space is the black treant.)


A few minutes had passed since the battle had started.


It’s only a few minutes, but it’s still a few minutes …… the adventurers were severely injured in that amount of time.

The giant, glowing Treants is not as defensive as the black Treants, and although they can be slashed with swords, they are so quick that they are hard to hit.

In addition, the Treants attacked with outstretched branches, and showed a variety of movements such as tightening, poking, and sweeping.


“Don’t falter! Go around it and stop it! …… Mu, it’s you, Makina-san!”

“I’ll stop it! You all should be aim at that moment!”


Makina dodges through the branches and approaches with cuts on her face and arms. I glanced at the scene for a moment and then followed Croix on the Treant with my levitation.


“Don’t think you can just watch from the high ground!”

“Whoa …… haha, that’s what I’m talking about! …… Shh!”



I pulled the water jail with my left hand and make him lose balance, taking advantage of the opportunity to swing my right sword over his shoulder. But even though he was limping on the precarious spot on the tree, he still took my attack with his dagger.

As well as his sense of balance, he’s a frightening guy to withstand a blow with increased power ……!


“Then I’ll do this, !”

“That much is– ……!?”

“That’s what you’d do if you were capable of that move ……! There you go!”

“Guh ……!? You’re good ……!”


When I fired a fireball at close range, Croix sees it coming and twists around to avoid it. I’d already predicted that out, so I kicked him from the side he avoided. I’m sure the damage is quite large, since Croix jumped into my kick. As evidence of this, I could see his eyes twisting in pain as they peered through the bandages.



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“You can’t hit me with that.”

“Not yet!”

" "


“[Kaiser Knuckles]!”



Makina lands a heavy blow from below, shaking the Treant so hard that it knocks Croix off balance.

In addition, it’s obvious who has the advantage with me being able to move in all directions and Croix being unable to keep his footing. 

I continued to attack with my magic and sword without a break. The sound of metal clanking echoed loudly in the air.


But there was no way that the dagger alone would be enough to endure it, and the burns and cuts on Croix’s body were slowly increasing, and I was feeling the effects. 

Nevertheless, he’s strong …… He’s not as strong as Tigre-sensei, but he’s close in terms of evasion ability. But I’m convinced that this one has more drawbacks than the others.


“Give up! If this continues, you will die! .”


The wind blade strikes Croix, tearing his entire body to shreds. He was covered in blood, but he held out his dagger and smiled happily with his mouth open.


“Hahahaha, great! This is just what I expected! …… At any rate, I’m getting tired …… now ……!”

“!? I won’t let you!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”


After unleashing the Wind Thrust, he immediately slashed at me, forcibly twisting his body to get close to me. A normal person would be frightened, and a mistake would result in a blow to the carotid artery through the neck.

But Croix pretended to be tired, lured me in, and attacked me, laughing as he spurted blood.

I realize I’m one step ahead of him and plunge my sword into his stomach, and he grabs it and starts to fall from the Treant’s back.


“This height is a bad idea, I guess ……!”


As I hurriedly pulled on the water jail and chased after Croix to grab him, Cave called out to me from below, restraining the branch.


“Isn’t it alright to let a guy like that die, Lars-sama!?”

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“He’s the one who holds the evidence! I want him alive and I want his testimony. Otherwise, Kelbrem may claim there is no evidence!”

“Haha, nice thinking. But I don’t plan on getting caught.”


As he said this, the falling Croix snapped his fingers. Just as I was about to reach him, something unbelievable happened.


“Uguh ……!?”

“No way!?”


The Treant swung the giant tree and blew Croix away, wobbling under Makina’s attack!

Immediately after, the water jail was torn to shreds and my outstretched hand could not grab anything.


“To blast himself away in this situation ……! I’m going after him, Makina, you–“


“It suddenly acted up!? …… Damn it, ha!”


Just as I’m about to leave the Treant in the hands of Makina and the others and go after Croix, it changes its target to me and starts flailing its arms around. While blocking it with my sword, I shout to Conrad and the others below. 


“I don’t care who it is! Go after the blown away Croix, we can’t let him escape!”

“O-Okay! Borzov, please.”

“I’m on it! Samo, Kavanya, come on.”



As the three of them began to run, we fought off the onslaught of the Treant. If you look down, half of the adventurers are badly injured, which tells you how strong this glowing Treant is.


“Break! …… Ha …… Lars, is this thing taking damage?”

“Fireball! From the looks of it, yes.”


The Treants was cracked, and some of the branches were broken, but it didn’t care and went on a rampage. If the adventurers are getting beaten up like this, they’re going to be on their last legs …… while thinking of that, I put my hand on my bag.



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“Ah! …… Okay, I get it.”

“What’s that, Makina-chan? ! Kyaah!?”


When I threw the Sarge equipment to Makina and handed it to her, Sifol-san, who had been shooting magic to divert it, asked curiously, then was struck by a branch and rolled on the ground. When Makina changed her equipment, she repelled the branch that was trying to chase, and jumped close to it in a forward leaning posture.


“Go ……!”


When Makina struck the Treant, the earth rumbled, and she moved to the other side, gouging out the Treant’s torso, then quickly turned on her heel and ran back through, gouging out the trunk. The power of the new equipment was amazing.


“It’s over! The rest can be done with Sarge Blades ……!”

“Gyuoooooo ……!?”


As soon as Makina pierced it, I unleashed the Dragonic Blaze, which wrapped around the Treant’s head and caused a massive explosion. I could have left him there to die, but just in case, I pulled out Sarge’s sword and sliced him in half with Dragon Fang. 


“What a sharpness ……! I can’t compare that to my mithril sword!?”


Conrad raised one eyebrow in astonishment. It’s a sword made from dragon fangs.


“This …… ends it!”


I swung my sword out once more, splitting the torrent lengthwise and rendering it completely motionless.


“I-Is it over ……?”

“…… Oh, it stopped moving. I think it’s dead now.”


Cave approached fearfully and poked it with his sword, but the Treant slowly lost its light and crumbled away.


–And then…



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The mangled Sifol-san pointed to the pond of mud, which erupted like a geyser. I immediately went down to Makina and used magic.


“Auto Protection.”

“Wow, thanks Lars♪”

“Uwah!? Puepue …… It’s raining mud now, what a pain!?”

“…… Did we get all of them ……?”


Conrad muttered and went to the pond after making sure that all the mud rain had fallen. But I immediately flew in the air with Levitation soon.


“Sorry, I’ll leave that to you! I’ll go after Brzov and the others!”

“Be careful!”


I nodded to Makina and began to move towards the back.



I feel like every bone in my body is about to fall apart ……


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“As expected of a pervert! His escape method is also top-notch. “


You can think of it as a death-defying experience.




And please blow this guy up, too.


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