When I returned from the park, the time was around seventeen o’clock, and I opened the iron fence and walked into the house, thinking that it might be a good time for dinner.

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“Good. First, you have to learn to make it come out as if you were breathing.”


In the garden, Makina was practicing her , firing at a human-shaped target made of straw, which she had prepared some time ago. I’ve been watching for a while, and it seems that the accuracy of the magic isn’t very good.

I also thought it would take a lot of effort to get it to stay in your fist.


“I remember that I had a hard time getting the fire to stay in my hand, too. Verna-sensei is a gentle but spartan teacher. Now, let’s get started.”


She didn’t seem to notice me, so I went straight to the kitchen without interrupting her training, washed my hands well and spread out the ingredients and got to work.

It’s a good thing that cooking utensils like bowls and spatulas are generally the same as in the other world, so there’s no need to worry about cooking itself.


“Mix well and ……. I guess this much is okay for the bread and milk.”


…… By the way, I didn’t add any eggs.

Japanese eggs are too good, but since foreign eggs are full of germs, you can’t eat them raw. The hamburger will be crunchy, but I like it that way.

By the way, I heard at the grocery store that there is some kind of refrigerator that uses ice magic or something. There’s also a “magic shop” that sells tools that contain magic, or something. There’s still so much to do …… Sounds like a good way to keep me occupied.


I am enjoying cooking in a good mood. I’ve been at home for sixteen years, but I can still use my alone living skills, I think as I flip the hamburger over. Satisfied that one side was golden brown, I put the lid on the pan and started making the ketchup sauce.


“The asparagus and carrots will be sautéed in butter and it’s ready. The rice is almost ready to cook.”


Rice is a must for hamburgers. I’d like to have some miso soup, if possible, but I’ve been told through Leor-san that he doesn’t know about miso and soy sauce, so I’ve given up on them quickly as I never leave town.

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“Hey, Makina and Fath-san. Dinner’s ready, do you want eat now?”

“Oh my, it’s already this late. What do you want to do, Master?”

“I think that’s it for today. We’re done for the day. Let’s have dinner and a bath.”

“Yes! …… It smells so good.”


When Makina entered the house, she immediately responded to the smell of hamburgers and shouted. It’s not on the table yet because it’ll get cold.


“This is going to be a fun dinner! Huh, is Basleigh-sensei not home yet?”

“Yeah, she was early yesterday, but she hasn’t come home yet today. Let’s go ahead and eat.”


Then Fath-san came into the house from the garden with a towel in her hand and opened her mouth.


“Why don’t we wait until she comes back? You’re sweating and it would be nice if you could take a bath first.”

“Yes, that would be great. Lars, I’m going to take a bath first to wash off the sweat.”

“Ok, I think it might taste better if you freshen up.”


After watching them go to the bath together, I sat down on a chair in the living room and drank some water. It’s been a relaxing day.


“…… It’s so quiet.”


There’s no training in the garden, and it’s nighttime, so it’s pretty quiet around here. As I closed my eyes and wondered what I would do tomorrow, I heard the front door open and saw a figure come into the living room with a flurry of footsteps.


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“I’m back! Yaya, something smells good …… Is this dinner?”

“Welcome back, Basleigh-sensei. Makina and Fath-san have just gone to take a bath.”

“Well, I’m glad I made in time for dinner! I think I’ll take a bath after I get some food. Oh, yes ……”


Basleigh-sensei sat down in her chair and immediately sat down at the table and started talking about what had happened today. She said with some amusement that Himmel-san was coming to interfere with her work, and that Kedi-san was not looking hard enough.

I get out of my seat and head for the kitchen to heat up the hamburger, when I hear a voice behind me.


“What did you do, Lars-kun?”

“I went out and did some shopping. I looked around the town and it looks like there’s still a lot of interesting things to do.”

“Well, it’s bigger than Gust. You can come and visit me at the castle.”

“…… I’m afraid I’m going to be forced to work, so no thanks.”

“I don’t like kids that are good at guessing …… Have you gone to the theater?”


She chuckles and leans back in her chair as I prepare a plate for Basleigh-sensei.


“Not yet. I’ll go see it with Makina and Helena soon.”

“I’m sure they’re busy, but I’m sure they’ll be willing to meet with Lars-kun. Ohhhhh, this is ……? Is it meat?”


As I was arranging the hamburgers, Basleigh-sensei rolled her eyes and looked at the hamburgers on her plate. At that moment, Makina, who had just gotten out of the bath, came trotting into the living room.


“Welcome back, Basleigh-sensei! Eh, I’ve never seen this dish before!?”

“I’m back, Makina-chan. I see, you don’t know it too ……?”

“Hoh~, that looks delicious. Yesterday it was fish, today it’s meat.”

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When the two of them were seated, I put the rice on a plate, distributed it to everyone, and we ate. I cut the hamburger with a knife to see how it turned out.


“Oh, there’s also meat juices flowing. …… Yes! It’s good!”

" "

“……! What’s this, it’s soft and …… delicious, unlike steak!”

“*Eating* ……!”

“Hmm, this is great! The umami of the meat is so concentrated.”

(T/N: Umami means “essence of deliciousness” in Japanese, and its taste is often described as the meaty, savory deliciousness that deepens flavor.)


Good, good, all three of them are eating the hamburger with big smiles on their faces. I was satisfied to see the smile on Makina’s face as she slowly chewed, and ate the rice and hamburger.


“Mmm! It’s delicious! The ketchup sauce goes well with it, and the vegetables on the side have a nice buttery taste. I can feel my tired body recovering ……”

“It was worth the effort if you say so.”

“*Munch Munch* ……!”

“Basleigh, can’t you eat a little more calmly.”

“Gulp …… Indeed …… it would be foolish to lose such a delicious food so quickly. At any rate, where do you get this kind of food, though? I’ve never seen it before, not even in the Royal Capital.”


It was a natural question, but I knew I would be asked this, so I said the answer I had been thinking of.


“This is a dish that I came up with. Scrap meat …… No, I thought it would be good if I mixed ground meat and grilled it. It’s called a hamburger.”

“Hamburger …….”


Of course, it wasn’t my idea, and the name Hamburg came from Germany, so it wasn’t true, but it was probably safer to say that. Makina nodded her head and opened her mouth.

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“Lars is also involved in costumes, so maybe he is good at creating things like this.”

“Ah, you’re right. But it’s still delicious. …… Maybe I should have the king and the others try it too ……”

“I’m afraid of that, so please don’t do it …… Oh, I wanted to ask you something Fath-san, do you have a day off Makina? I want to go see a friend of mine named Helena, and I was wondering if Makina has any free time. I know things have been a bit hectic, but I wanted to let you know as soon as possible.”

“That’s all right. But not tomorrow, so that you don’t forget how you felt today. I’ll permit you if it’s the day after tomorrow.”


Fath-san said as she threw a hamburger into her mouth, and Makina’s day off was decided.


But two days later, I saw that girl in the park–



Whoa, is that the smell of a case?


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“Okay, the story is moving!”

Well, it’s a simple case, isn’t it?

“Isn’t it mostly okay if we give Basleigh a bad time?”

That would be absurd ……


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