Shortly after, we arrived at the livestock area and continued our search from the sky. As Makina and I were scurrying about, we saw a familiar figure and a horse.

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“Hey, isn’t that Master?”

“You’re right. She has Johnny and Mora with her, what is she doing here? …… Don’t tell me, she’s planning to turn them into meat!?”



I hurriedly descended and headed for Fath-san.


“Wait a minute!”

“Uooh!? What the!? …… So It’s Lars and Makina …… It’s strange to see you appear from the sky.”

“You scared the crap out of me ……”


Fath-san and the uncle-like farmer person are rolling their eyes in amazement, but that’s not the point, so I open my mouth.


“W-Wait a minute, Fath-san, what do you plan to do with these two!? I said you can borrow them, but you can’t sell them or use them for meat!”

“Huh? What are you talking about? I only brought them here to keep the horses occupied.”



I said stupidly, and the farmer laughed at me.


“Ha-ha-ha! It’s a little early to be making meat out of such a fine horse. Fath-san lets the horses do the farming so that they don’t slow down. She also wants to buy horse manure for fertilizer.”



“Now that I look closely, I can see they’re wearing farming tools.”


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As Makina said, these two were doing their job. I was told that they also buy horse manure as fertilizer.


“I’m sorry, I misunderstood.”

“Ho-ho-ho. I don’t mind, I know you take good care of them. Anyway, could Lars fly? And what a strange thing to come to this area on a date.”

“Master, the thing is ……”


When Makina summarized the story of how we came to be here, Fath-san folded her arms and made a sullen face.


“I didn’t see her. It’s the same while I’m here, and it’s been about two hours since I came here, but I didn’t see children. How about you?”

“A child? …… No, now that you mention, I saw a small figure running this morning when the sun was just about to rise.”


“Which way did it go!”


When I raised my voice to ask, he pointed to the road leading from the field.


“She went straight here. But, there’s a big tree and nothing else. Maybe she got into a fight with her parents and is hiding. That tree is often used as a playground by children.”

“Let’s go to Makina.”

“Yes, thank you, Uncle! Thank you too, Master!”

“I’ll keep an eye out for you.”

“Oh …… I’ve never seen a flying wizard before ……”


With the words of Fath-san and Uncle Fass at our backs, we soared back towards the giant tree. We followed the path and came upon the giant tree that Uncle Fuss had mentioned. We landed and searched the area, but there was no sign of Chelle.


“It looks like she’s not here either ……”

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As Makina mumbles to herself in disappointment, I notice that the city walls are nearby. Then I look up.


“……! Makina, look!”

" "

“What? Ah!?”


The place I pointed to.

There was a branch growing strangely toward the top of the wall. It’s so thick that one child could climb it. I took Makina and went to the vicinity with the levitation, and found that, as I expected, it had extended to the other side of the wall. The way this branch was growing was familiar to me. The tree that the girl was taking care of was probably ……


“Don’t tell me that’s how she got out ……”

“If that’s the case this is bad …… if a girl encounters a demon, there’s no way out …… And a long time has passed too …… Okay!”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’ll go back to the guild and tell Sonea-san for now. After that …… I’ll be flying with all my might.”


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“I see, that kind of thing …… If that’s the case, let’s send the skilled ones outside. It’s not a given that she’s out there, but it’s more likely that it’s in Lars-kun’s opinion. The livestock area …… The west side, huh. Then it must be in the woods.”

“Please take care. Makina and I will go ahead and search.”

“Yes! There’s a party in the forest taking requests, so if you see them, ask for help.”

“I understand!”


After heading out of the guild in a hurry, I went home and got my gear ready.


“I’ll just use my Sarge Equipment, I’m used to it, after all.”

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“I’m all set!”


I locked up the house and flew at full speed to the giant tree in the livestock area. In addition, I went over the wall and looked around from where the roots of the tree were stretched out, and I saw faintly small footprints.


“…… I didn’t want to hit too hard, but ……”

“It can’t be helped …… Let’s go, I hope we can make it ……!”


We ran out into the forest that stretched out before us. This forest has a narrow gap between the trees, so there is little advantage to flying, so we switched to searching from the ground.

I clenched my sword and Makina clenched her fist, and we walked fast, both of us carefully directing our gazes deep into the forest as we went. The footprints were hidden in the grass along the way, making it difficult to find them.


“Is it still deeper, given the time frame ……?



–It’s been about an hour since we set foot in the forest, and despite our vigilant progress, no monsters have appeared, let alone Chelle.


“No monsters have shown up.”

“Yeah. I’d be grateful for a forest with fewer demons, but maybe we need to go deeper.”

“Where’d you go, Chelle-chan ……?”


If she’s being attacked by a monster, we’re bound to encounter one, so it’s strange not to see at least a few of them. It is also possible that she’s waiting somewhere for help.


“I’m sure the other adventurers will be here soon–“


The moment I muttered that–

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I heard a high-pitched scream!


“Wasn’t that a girl’s voice!?”

“Oh! So she’s still alive!”


I set the direction of the voice and ran out at once. Just hold on a little longer ……!



Now for the climax! Is Basleigh coming out!


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“I’m curious to know what the monster is.”

Well, It’s the usual.

“Sexual type?”

What’s that!?


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