“Ghosts, huh? The theater was old, so it’s possible, but did Helena and the others saw one?”

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“I’ve never seen one, but Milfy has.”

“Ah, yes …… we sometimes get up late at night and see vague figures in the passageways, and–“


As Milfy was talking and shaking her fist in excitement, she heard the front door open and the usual person appeared in the living room.


“Hey, you have a visitor! Oh, isn’t that Helena-chan. And …… someone I don’t know. ……”

“I met you when we had pudding, you know!? I’m Milfy.”


“Oh, yes, it’s been a long time.”

“What’s up, Basleigh-sensei? You’re home very early.”


I called out to her, and after giving Ash a quick pat, she sat down in her chair to eat and opened her mouth.


“I came to watch Lars-kun and Makina-chan’s lovey-dovey scene …… No, I came to pick you up because I thought we could have lunch together since I’ve finished my work. I thought we could go to the dining room in the castle sometime.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting! Hey, let’s go, Lars!”


Basleigh-sensei made an unusually sane suggestion, and Makina loudly agreed. But I can see Makina’s intentions, so I hold her hand and say.


“Makina, just because you’re scared doesn’t mean you can’t listen to what Helena has to say, okay? It’s not even noon yet, so it’s not scary. Nothing will come out.”

“Uh, you got me …… O-Okay.”

“I’m here, so It’s going to be okay.”

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Makina blushed and nodded, and Milfy put her hand on her cheek and said, ‘Kyaah! They’re so in love with each other’, she said. I think it’s normal, though. Then Basleigh-sensei looked at Helena and asked.


“What do you mean ‘nothing will come out’? Oh, are you having a bowel movement, by any chance?”

” ” “That’s not it!” ” “

“Ohh!? The three of you is in coordination together, are you such close friends!? …… Then, what is it?”

“They said there’s a ghost appearing in the theater. So what are we supposed to do?”


Then Helena winked, snapped her fingers, and replied.


“Well, you’re so easy to talk with. But it’s easy, all you have to do is find out who the ghost in the theater is!”

“Find out, you say …… Did the owner, Kleinert-san, agree to that?”

“He will from now on!”

“I think you’re supposed to ask permission first, though …… I’ll say this just in case, I’m an adventurer, so I expect that I’ll be paid.”

“Of course. I didn’t see it, but I do see other kids getting scared.”


I see …… There are quite a few witnesses. But if it’s ghost-related, I have a friend who’s suitable. What should I do? When I’m pondering, Makina pulls my sleeve and starts talking.


“Isn’t it quicker if you asked Urka for something like this?”

“Yeah, I’ve thought about that too, but it’s going to take some time to get him here …… Oh, no, wait …… Ok, then send the request from the theater to the guild. Once they receive it, we can start investigating.”

“I understand. Is that okay with you, Milfy?”

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When Milfy replied cheerfully, Helena smiled and made a circle with her finger towards us. So you’re looking after her, huh.


“Are you finished with your talk? Then let’s all go have lunch together!”

“Oh, well, we’ll be on our way–“

“Do you have time? If you have time, why don’t you join us?”

“Are you sure? I’m off today, so I have time. What about you, Leila-san, Milfy?”


Helena nodded that it would be no problem, and they began to prepare to go to the castle. As we hurriedly began to move, Sephiro climbed on my shoulders, Ash and the little snow tiger looked up at us and asked me something like, ‘What’s wrong?’.


“I’m sorry, but we’re going to the castle today, so you guys are going to have to stay here. I’ve prepared a meal for you. I’m going to make it a sumptuous dinner.”




…… Well, I don’t think he really understands. I think they understands the meal part, but they rubs up against my leg. Oh, I feel a little guilty.


“I’ll get the carriage out then. Where’s Fath-san?”

“She’s not back yet. I’ll just leave a note.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’m back.”

“Oh, Master.”

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Fath-san came back to the door and I explained the situation to her. She said it was fine and let Basleigh-sensei and the carriage out together. The horses whinnied happily, as if they thought they could go for a walk, and Makina took them and tied them to the back of the cart.


“Then, we’re off.”




I left Ash and the baby tiger in the yard and closed the iron fence, and they charged the fence with startled faces.


“Kuoon! Kuoon!”

“Nyaan ……”

“I’ll be back soon, so behave, okay? Let’s go then.”


As I began to walk the horse, Ash began to cry loudly from the yard, and the little snow tiger cried with all his might. When I turned around, I saw the neighbors gathering around, wondering what was going on.


“Hey, Lars ……”

“Hmmm …… Basleigh-sensei, would you mind if we take the little guys?”

“Let’s see. Horses are no problem, but I’ve never taken a monsters with me …… Well, it’s fine.”

“That’s light ……”



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In a short time, Ash and the little snow tiger were on the lap of Makina and me. It’s a great moment to be a tamer.


“It’s my first time going to the castle before.”

“M-Me too! I never thought I’d see the day when I could go there ……”


Well, let’s get something to eat before we start the request!



Through the castle to the theater!


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“New writing is done ……”

Now revising ……


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