“Ugh …… It’s dark ……”

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“Just hold on to me, Makina. At any rate, they’re moved out so fast, the light in the corridor is some kind of fire magic tool.”

“It has a certain atmosphere. It’s like being in a dungeon.”


When we left the owner’s room at around 11pm, there was no sign of anyone in the hallway, and the actors and idols had already disappeared.

The quiet, dimly lit corridor is a place where even if you’re used to it, the atmosphere you’re about to encounter will send chills down your spine, even if you’re not Makina, as Fath-san says.


“Let’s make the lights a little brighter. ”


I used to use fire as a light, but considering the concern of it catching on fire, I decided to use the life magic light up in Glasco territory.

I didn’t learn much about life magic because I specialized in attack and ancient magic, but as Makina trained, I thought I should learn more, so I’ve been learning magic in my spare time.


Anyway, I floated the light-up over my head and walked down the corridor where the light was slightly brighter. Then Urka, who was spreading out a map of the theater, called out to me.


“This theater is old, but quite spacious. It’s amazing that something like this was built a hundred years ago. Er, this is the theater, and the second floor has the same layout …… Behind the theater is a dormitory where the performers rent rooms, with women on the left and men on the right.”

“Milfy was in the quarters, wasn’t she? Helena is with her mother, so she’s at home.”


Urka was right, there is a dormitory at the back of the theater. The only way to get there is from the back, where the waiting rooms and dressing rooms are. There are also two other halls: the main large hall for plays and the medium hall for idol performances. There are also two smaller halls that can be rented by the general public. It exists on the first and second floors in the same layout.


“Where are the ones that are supposed to be used?”

“The main hall on the second floor and the middle hall on the first floor. In the middle hall, when Milfy came back to the hall to get something she forgot, she said she saw a man standing there in the audience.”

“They said it was a fat man in the main hall …… W-Which way do we go first?”


Makina asks fearfully. I decide to head to the middle hall on the first floor, where most of the sightings were.


“Middle hall on the left. It’s where Helena has performed before and there are a lot of sightings. I know someone who works there, so let’s take a look first.”

“Y-Yeah …… Let’s go then ……”

“Umu, that’s the spirit, Makina. You know Lars, you may have to challenge a dungeon someday, so conquer your fears while you still can.”

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“Do I look like the kind of person who would do such a crazy thing ……?”


The three of us nodded as I turned around, unconvinced by Fath-san’s words. And then Sarge said to me with a laugh.


“Well, I’ll certainly try to help if everyone’s in trouble, but I’ve decided not to be reckless, so I don’t think I’ll go to places like dungeons unless I have to.”

“But you never know that since Lars always gets caught up in something? Right, Sephiro.”



Makina chuckles and says something like that, and Sephiro blooms. I think it’s mostly Basleigh-sensei’s fault but …… I thought as I opened the door to the middle hall.

The stage was silent, not as hot as the last time I was here. Only my eyes is moving, but I think that the slight brightness induces fear more. Makina grabbed my sleeves with both hands and held on to them tightly at the waist.


“Urka, can I leave it to you?”

“Of course [Spiritual Arts].”


Urca closes his eyes, concentrates his magic, and uses his skill. Well, I hope this solves the problem but ……


◆   ◇   ◆


“Wow, you’re good, Ash.”

“Good boy, good boy!”


“Haha, if you keep on with Ash, the little snow tiger will be sulky.”


–Nora and Aina were playing with Ash in the living room of the house. Two hours had already passed since Lars and the others had left, and it was almost past twenty-three.

" "


“Fuh, it’s already this late. Shall we go to bed now, Dedite-kun?”

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“Yes, I guess so. Aina is usually asleep at this hour, so let’s get some rest.”

“Ehhh, Aina wants to play some more.”

“I’m sure she’ll be asleep soon, since she’s tired from washing the bears. She’s probably just excited to be in a different house. I used to be like that when I stayed at Verna-sensei’s house.”


When Dedite gently stroked Aina’s head, she meekly agreed, though she looked a little unhappy.


“I’m going to get the bed ready then.”



And then Nora left the living room and something unusual happened to Ash.


“…… Kuoon? Kuoon!”

“Nyaan …….”

“What’s up, Ash and the kitty?”


Ash and the little snow tiger began to scamper around the room, sniffing frantically. When Dedite saw this, he rushed to call Nora.


“Nora, I’m sorry. I’ll do the bed for you. Can you stay here and take care of the monsters?”

“Ehhhh, but I’ve only been away for a while? They must’ve really like Lars-kun.”


“Kuoon! Kuoon”



The reason why Lars called Nora. The reason for this was to get Ash and the others’ attention with [Animal Lover] skill when they went out. When she uses her skills, she can make an animal as friendly as or even more friendly than its owner, Lars, so when Nora is distracted, they can slipped away. 


It is almost like a kind of fascination effect, and unless Nora consciously deactivates the skill, she won’t notice it so easily. 

However, Ash and the others, who love Lars, realized that Lars was not there the moment Nora left and started searching the house in a panic.

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“Kuon ……”

“Ugh, they look kind of depressed, Nora-chan ……”

“Hmmm, did I do something wrong? I think it would be better if we were together. But they’re doing their job, so I hope they can bear with me.”

“Nyaan ……”


In the end, the two of them couldn’t find Lars and continued to cry. Eventually, they got into Aina’s arms and went under the covers together.


“…… Kuoon ……”


As soon as he was out of Aina’s reach, Ash shuddered and went to the living room, passing through the private doorway into the garden.





The little snow tiger followed him and climbed on Ash’s back. The two tried to get out by shaking the bars and climbing trees, but their small bodies could not get over the walls.




The two animals were at a loss. Aina woke up to find that her body pillow was gone and came over. Aina can also bend down to get through the monster door that leads to the garden.


“Ahh, I found you. Let’s go back. Lars-niichan will be very angry with us.”



Just as Ash was about to droop, he heard a familiar voice.


“Good grief, I’m working way too hard for me to be working this late …… Well, now that the Gospel’s Descent’s investigations have begun, maybe I’ll be able to ……”

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“Kuon! Kuon!”


“Uwoaah!? A monster I’ve never seen before is in my garden!? …… isn’t that the little snow tiger on top of Ash. No, you can’t howl now. If you don’t behave yourself, the neighbors will skin you. Oh, Aina-chan, you’re in the garden too?”

“Welcome back!”


Basleigh wondered why Aina was in the yard, and the moment she opened the bars to enter the yard ……




“Ahh!? W-Wait, you can’t go out!”


Ash took a chance and slipped past Basleigh’s feet and went out. Aina was surprised and followed him.


“Ash, wait! Don’t go!”

“You can’t go, either!? I have to go after them! …… Wait, we have to lock the door. Wait, please!”



She’s done it!? Can you catch up, Basleigh-sensei!


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“I feel like they won’t be able to get inside even if they get there ……”

Well, I’ve thought of something ……


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