Last night was a disaster–

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We had planned to get home around nineteen, but it took longer than expected to drop the ghosts off, so we didn’t get home until after twenty-three.

When we arrived home, Basleigh-sensei had already returned, and we could hear the panicked voices of my brother and Nora inside the house, so we rushed to the living room to see what was going on. And what we found there was–


“Ufufufu …… Isn’t it alright to eat it just like this ……”

“That’s raw meat that hasn’t even been cooked yet, you know!? It’ll ruin your stomach, so you can’t!”

“Nora, I’ve got the chicken meat! Let’s go outside for now–“

“Let, me, eat ……”


Basleigh-sensei chases after brother and Nora, who are running away with suspicious movements, aiming at the bowl of hamburger and fried chicken that I have already prepared.

The Fried chicken aside, the hamburger is only baked, so she thought she should bake it herself, but I stopped Basleigh-sensei binding her arms behind her back.


“Stop it, Basleigh-sensei. I’m sorry I’m late, I’m going to prepare dinner now, so please calm down.”

“Oh, ohhhhh ……! You’re back!”


She turned her muddy-eyed face toward me and shouted with delight. I’m relieved and loosen my restraints, and Basleigh-sensei turns to me and opens her mouth.


“…… But it is true that you’re late. If think about the fact that I was about to starve …… Please make today’s hamburger bigger than usual ……”

“No, that’s …… well, okay.”




The delighted Basleigh-sensei grabbed Ash’s hands, which were near my feet, and spun around, then took her seat. She’s so clever …… And then Makina came and told me.

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“Are you sure? I’m sure there’s plenty of meat prepared, but will there be enough?”

“Don’t worry, I have an idea.”

“Ash-chan, I’m looking forward to the hamburgers.”

“Ku-Kuoon ……”


That’s what Basleigh-sensei said while stroking Ash on her lap. It’s true that I came home late, and I’m glad that you are looking forward to it, but the ingredients are limited.


“Wow, that smells good!”

“I can’t wait to see the food that Lars came up with.”

“I hope it’s to your liking, you should try it.”


With my words, each of us grabbed a fork and knife and started eating. I should say I knew it, and that’s when Basleigh-sensei says me. 


“Why is mine the same size as usual!? I thought I said it should be bigger than usual!”

“No, originally, Basleigh-sensei’s hamburger was half that size, you know? It was about the size of Ash and the others. So half of it is now back to its usual size …… That’s how it is.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhh ……!?”


When Basleigh-sensei noticed the trick, she made a face of shock and then groaned and started to eat her dinner. She looked as if she’s going to kill someone.


“Ahhhh, as I thought, It’s really good. It’s now available in the dining room in the castle, but it still can’t beat the original.”

“You change so quickly …….”

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–As soon as she took a bite of the hamburger, she put her hand on her cheek and her eyes lit up. And, well, aside from Basleigh-sensei, who had originally eaten it, what about the reaction of brother and the others?


“Wow …… It’s so soft and delicious ……”


Nora narrowed her eyes and savored it, while Sarge skillfully used a fork and knife to bring the hamburger steak to his mouth. Sarge, who loves vegetables, was also tasting the meat juice.


“This is my favorite …… I wonder if I can make it at home ……”

“I can give you the recipe, or if you want, I can teach it with Nora, if you want?”

“Please! I like this a lot better than steak, and it would be fun to change the sauce.”


It’s rare for my brother to lean forward and smile at me as he speaks. He’s always so calm, so he must have really liked it. After that, his eyes widened at the fried chicken, and it was funny to see that he liked it even more than the hamburger.


“Hmmm, As expected of Lars, I guess. The fried chicken is my favorite. The hamburger with cheese is really good too.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Urka did the most work this time, so this should help you relax.”

“Thank you. I also got more money from Lars, so I can’t thank you enough. Nn, It’s delicious! You’ve eaten it before, haven’t you, Milfy-san?”

“Yes! We also had a very tasty dessert called pudding, which is made from eggs! I’m sure Nora-san and Aina-chan will like it.”

“What!? Dessert? L-Lars-kun, do you have any?”

“That’ll be done tomorrow, I think? Look, Aina, there’s sauce all over your mouth, turn here for a second.”

“Mmm. Lars-niichan, this is really good ……”

" "


When I was wiping her mouth, Aina narrowed her eyes and smiled at me. Aina is very quiet when she is eating.

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She eats the meal happily as I listened to her happy screams. Brother and Nora couldn’t come with us, so as we were talking about the ghosts and the theater, Brother asked me.


“Anyway, it looks like the commotion is over for today. What now, I guess we’re done here?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes. But I can’t just say goodbye like this. I’d like to show you around the city and I’ve got this with me, so let’s go together.”


I took the theater ticket out of my breast pocket and showed it to him, and Makina opened her mouth.


“I’m going to pay for the souvenirs since Aina-chan and Ash ended up following us and Dedite-san and Nora just stayed at home. Now that we’ve been paid, it would be great if you could take something for Luciel and the others too.”

“Yes! Ehehe, I haven’t been out of town since I got married, so I’m happy. The only time I went out with Makina was when we received a request at the guild club–“

“W-Well, back then …….”


I remember we used to be together a lot when I took the initiative to exterminate monsters. Especially those who can play vanguard, such as Ryuuze, Naru, and Kudelica. Then Fath-san, who had finished eating and was drinking tea, said with a smile on her face.


“Fumu, It’s good to hang out with friends for the first time in a while. Training can be done at any time, after all”

“Thank you very much, Master!”

“Yay! Let’s play together!”


Fath-san has a soft spot for Makina, after all. Well, that’s the good thing about Fath-san, though.

And I laugh at Aina, who is happy, and Sarge, who said something like a guardian.

Then Basleigh-sensei, who had been eating in silence, finished eating, drank all the water, and started talking.


“Fuh …… That was good …… I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t been able to eat hamburger …….”

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“You’re exaggerating, no matter what. By the way, you seem to like hamburgers now, but didn’t you like shrimp the best? What happened to it?”

“I like shrimp, too? But, it’s hard to find fresh ones, you know. That’s why hamburgers are perfect for me.”


I don’t know what makes it perfect for her, but Basleigh-sensei was so happy that she finished her meal and went back to her room because she has an early day tomorrow.



“Oh, you’re done eating, Ash. I’m so proud of you for bringing me the plate.”


“Ahaha, little kitty is copying him! Good boy, good boy.”


We were all relieved to see Aina patting the two of them on the head.


I stretched and started to wash the dishes, thinking that I could relax again tomorrow.



So, next time, we’ll be wandering around the royal capital!


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“There are so many people here.”

I need to reduce the number of people …… Will Fath-san not be included if it’s the town?.


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