“–And so, our country is constantly trying to combat the dryness and wind with daily trial and error.”

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“Interesting story. Well–“

“Your Majesty, it’s almost time ……”

“Mu …… Ohhh, I didn’t realize it was that late. It seems that it’s almost time for lunch, Afmand-dono. Would you like to join us? The two we captured will be handed over to you when you return home, but is it okay if you don’t see their faces?”


The robbery didn’t seem to be that important, and the main topic of the meeting was the discussion with King Afmand, talking about the country’s system and environment. The meeting started around ten o’clock, and it was almost lunchtime.

Flugel-san, concerned about us standing still, called out to the King. King Afmand answered the king’s question with a smile.


“If you can bring them to me when I leave, it won’t be a problem. I don’t need to see the robber’s face.”

“I see, I will show you to your room where you can sleep while they prepare the meals.”

“Thank you.”


When the king signaled, a maid appeared, followed by Hawk-san and the other knights, several ministers, and the people of Sandiola with the king in the lead. On the way, we made some eye contact with King Afmand and his entourage, but nothing special happened. When there was no one left in the main conference room, I let out a sigh.


“…… Fuh, it’s over. There wasn’t much to say about the robbery, was there?”

“I guess so. He didn’t seem to be interested in the robbery, I think he was more interested in sightseeing? Maybe they didn’t need us to attend.”


When Makina put her finger on her lips and said curiously to my words, Basleigh-sensei,  who stayed popped up and opened her mouth. 


“Well, I guess we can say that the result was good. They didn’t find fault with us and treated us quite favorably, so we didn’t get in any trouble. Thank you for your hard work, Fath-san.”

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“Umu. I don’t mind, I only train Makina, after all. However, that king is young. I can’t speak for other countries when it comes to eliminating slavery, but when I went to that country, it was pretty miserable. I don’t know how it is now, but I pity the people a little.”

“Well, they seem to be very welcoming to travelers, so they are a friendly country.”


Fath-san, who has traveled a lot, said that she had been to Sandiola, and Himmel-san implied that there was nothing he could do about other countries.

King Afmand told us that Sandiola is like a savannah or a desert, with little rainfall, sandy soil, and strong winds. It was two weeks by carriage from here. Sandiola, located southwest of the Reflexion Kingdom, seems to have a harsh environment, with slavery.

Well, I’m not Basleigh-sensei, but I’m glad that nothing happened, and when I was just about to leave the conference room when I noticed that Ash, who I was holding in my arms, was quiet.


“Ash? …… So he’s sleeping.”

“Kuo …… Kuo …….”



Sephiro waved his arm on my shoulder as if to say, “He’s been asleep for a long time”. Then Makina poked Ash in the cheek and smiled.


“Fufu, he’s always been with Aina-chan for a long time, and since he suddenly stopped playing with her, maybe he loosened up. So cute.”

“He’s been pushed around a lot by Aina, after all. It seems that he liked her a lot and didn’t let her go until the end. Nevertheless, to sleep in this atmosphere …… He’s a pretty big deal, you know.”

“You’ll have to learn transfer magic so they can play again. Well then, let’s go home and have lunch! Hamburgers? Fried shrimp? Or both ……!?”

“You’ve got work to do, don’t you …….”

“Now, now, I’ll be back quickly♪.”


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The former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Kedi-san, chided her, but she didn’t care and tried to go home. Is it okay for the minister not to attend the dinner ……?

Just as I was thinking this, I saw Prince Orden walking from across the hall. When he noticed us, he walked up to us with one hand raised.


“Hello, Lars. I’m glad you’re not home yet.”

“What’s the matter, Prince Orden?”

“It’s a little hard to say this, but…”



◆   ◇   ◆


“This is delicious! It’s not like a steak, it’s tender, and when you bite into it, the meat juices flood your mouth and the flavor spreads! What food is this called?”

“This is a food called ‘hamburger’, a recently developed dish. Along with this “Fried chicken” here.”

“Mmm …… is this chicken meat ……? It’s crispy on the outside, soft on the inside …… Did that chef make this?”


Sandiola’s aide, Abol-san, looked at me and said something like that. It’s no wonder, I’m dressed like a cook now, after all.


“Oh, it’s him with the cub at the meeting earlier. His equipment was magnificent, but he’s a chef, huh?”

“No, my …… I’m usually an adventurer in this town …… And I’d love for King Afmand to try this dish I’ve developed ……”

“I’m glad to hear that, yes! It was worth the trip to the country just for this.”

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I let out a sigh in my heart. 

In the hallway, Prince Orden asked me to serve food to the people of Sandiola. I refused, saying that the chief cook’s food would be fine, but he insisted on the most delicious food he could find.

Incidentally, Makina and the others were waiting for me in the dining room while they are eating their lunch.


“Lars is the second son of the lord of Gust in our territory. He’s a nobleman, but he’s an adventurer. He is not only a good cook, but also a very skilled fighter.”


For some reason, the king praised me highly, and Prince Orden smiled and looked at me. Please don’t do that, your majesty …… No, it’s fine for me to stand out, but ……


“A nobleman cooking ……? Hmmm, that’s interesting. I think even the second son could have spent a decent amount of time at home, idling.”

“Yes, well. I don’t need to because my brother will take over the house. And I’m not good at sitting still.”


For a moment, I thought he was looking at me sharply, or was it my imagination? Before I could even think about it, King Afmand immediately continued to smile.


“I see, he is indeed an interesting man, as Albert-dono would say. But this country is nice and rich, the food is delicious and the natural environment is wonderful.”

“I’m honored by your praise.”

“I’ve also heard that there is a singer called “Idol” here in the Royal Capital. I’ve heard rumors …… from merchants and the like, and I’ve always wanted to see one. In fact, I came here to see them after negotiating with them about a robbery! Is it possible to see them? Have you ever seen them before, Albert-dono? I’d like to see it before I leave!”

“Mu, umu …… The idol in the theater, huh …… I’ve never seen them before, but–“


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The king was replying with a puzzled look on his face.

King Afmand is talking cheerfully as he eats his hamburger, as if the sharp look in his eyes earlier had never existed. I had no idea that he had come to see an idol …… I met the eyes of Prince Orden, who chuckled, and smiled.


Tonight, the decision was made to go to the theater, and as expected, Prince Orden’s plan was for me to accompany them as his bodyguard.



Nuuuuuh …… There is …… no time ……!


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


※ Due to the absence of the author, good nig–


“I won’t! Damn you, just because I’m a little too close to the deadline for my manuscript, you’re so miserable ……!”

You’re going to die, aren’t you!?


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