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As the gates were breached and the close combat began, shouts and metallic sounds dominated the scene. Of course, Afmand’s camp had the advantage, but the presence of the wizard, who had not been present in the previous battle, led the battle into a balance.




“D-Damn, that’s far …… Archers!”

“I’m on it ……!”

“Guh ……”


While both of them were reducing their numbers little by little, Dibit pointed his rod at the man in front of him and unleashed his magic. 


“! So you’re just looking for fame, if you have to use other people as a stepping stone to get to the top, you’ll never make it no matter what you do!”

“You can say whatever you want. I defeated Dibit, just that fact alone is enough. This Rikam will get your head! .”

“Uoooh ……!”


As Dibit’s fire arrow blasted away, Rikam’s Windstorm attacked Dibit. DIbit crossed his arms to guard, but the raging wind swallowed him up and sent him tumbling to the ground.


“Hahahaha! What’s the point of having a big name like “Impetuous”? When I heard you were stranded elsewhere, I thought it would be a boring job, but it looks like luck is on my side.”


Dibit mutters as he spits blood and grunts as he catches sight of Rikam, who slowly approaches and speaks.


“Guha ……!?  I-I guess any more than this is too much …… With the magic power I have, it’s impossible to fight him off. I don’t have the magic power to fight off advanced magic …… if only I could have brought someone with me.”


He swings his rod with all his might at the approaching Rikam. However, because of his unsteady footing, he was easily avoided and kicked in the stomach. 

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“Guh ……!?”

“Do you really think you can hit something like that? It seems you really don’t have any magic power left …… I’m going to finish you off and get the job done.”

“Hmph …… This is it for me …… Oh well, I’ve taught Lars all my magical knowledge …… I have nothing left to regret. L-Let me have one last cigarette.”

“…… Well, okay.”


When he said this with caution, I laughs and lights a cigarette.


“Fuh …… Without this, my mouth will be lonely in the …… afterlife! !”


Then, unexpectedly, he threw the cigarette at him, opened his mouth, and the cigarette exploded in front of his eyes!



“You can use it like this, too. I’m sure you learned your lesson now ……. Guha!?”

“You ……!? I’ll take your head off now ……!”


Rikam, who’s face has been burned, angrily plunges his sword into Dibit’s stomach, enraged. 


In the meantime, Afmand, who was elsewhere, saw the scene and raised his voice.  


“Don’t let them get to the castle! We must move to surround them! Mu!”

“‘Afmand-sama, the enemy is unexpectedly good. I think you should retreat to the castle!”

“Don’t be a fool. David-dono is in danger, I’m going to save him!”

“You’re the king, if you’re killed, it’ll affect the morale. Support from behind like Darva!”


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He uses a shield to block incoming arrows while advising Afmand. He’d always been the type of person who uses his wits than a fighter, so Abol thought it’s the best than staying here. 


“…… Gunu …… H-However, at this rate–“


As Afmand was gnashing his teeth, the moonlight disappeared–


◆   ◇   ◆ 


“…… This isn’t good.”

“What’s the matter, Doctor? Is the situation outside not good?”


When Irumi asks this question while polishing her dagger, Retzel gets up from his chair, heads for the exit, and says without looking back 


“It’s not just the situation, but everyone here, friend and foe alike, could be wiped out. We don’t want King Afmand to die here, and if something happens to Helena, Lars-kun will hate us again, won’t he? I think I’ll give him a little help.”

“Okay. Can I come with you?”

“Reiss, you’ll be in charge of medical support, and Irumi, you’ll be working with me.”

“Gotcha! What are you going to do?”

“You’ll find out when we get there. Make sure not to get found out, okay?”


As they left the room, Reiss spotted Helena wandering down the hallway and called out to her.


“Oh, what’s wrong, Helena?”

“I’m worried because it’s so noisy outside …… I hope that everything’s fine ……”

“Well, you never know what’s going to happen, so you might as well stay in your room.”

“Where is Reiss going?”

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“You know, just to take a little walk? I’ll see you later.”



Reiss smiled at Helena’s anxiousness and turned on her heel, shoving her hands into her lab coat. Retzel and the others also smiled wryly and headed out of the castle.

Once outside, they hid behind a pillar to get a better look at their surroundings. When the three of them noticed that it was unusually dark outside and looked up at the sky, Irumi opened her mouth with a sneer.


“Is that …… Aiatsubus ……!?”

“It seems so.”

“W-What’s that …… black haze?”


Reiss got goosebumps and she gulped. Retzel pats Reiss on the back and points his finger.


“You can take care of that over there, Reiss.”

“Y-Yeah ……”


He was pointing at the dying Dibit, and Reiss ran off, while Retzel stopped smiling, turned serious, and looked up at the sky.


Immediately afterwards, the voice of Aiatsubus in the sky echoed in the heads of everyone present, and everyone in the place turned their attention to Aiatsubus.


“Kuku …… One, two, three …… If there’s this much, even this wound will heal! I’ll apply [Unstable] to you guys–“

“W-What the hell ……!?”

“Ah, gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!?”


The black miasma that was spewed out from the wound attacked the two fighting camps as if it had a will of its own! The soldier who is possessed by the miasma screams in agony and collapses on the spot. 


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“It’s no problem. As long as you keep your mind on it ……”


Retzel sliced through the miasma with his scalpel and dispersed it, then threw his scalpel at the miasma that was closing in on Reiss.


“Hmm? This noise is ……? Well, whatever. Now then, thank you for the food. …… [Kisu, Kiru, Rira]”


The moment Aiatsubus muttered a sentence, the soldiers who had been captured by the black haze rose up and began to attack.


“O-Oi, what’s the matter with you ……? Gyaaaahhhhhhh!?”


“S-Stop it!? I’m on your side …… Guaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!?”


It was indiscriminate.

There were no enemies, no allies, and all the soldiers possessed by the haze began to lay waste to those who had not been possessed by it–



Now, is the main character coming!?


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“She’s the perfect match for the evil tree ……”

There are 9 left remaining, huh?


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