The Irving family invited Prince Ryde and Rhyme, two people who are difficult to judge whether they are poison or medicine.

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I was on alert in the middle of the night, but they didn’t seem to be planning anything in particular …… No, they were probably so tired that they forgot to even plan, and were sleeping soundly.

When I slowly checked the room, I found Prince Ryde sleeping so quietly and motionlessly that I thought he was dead, and Lime, for some reason, was munching on the edge of the futon. She had eaten her dinner cleanly, so it seems that she hadn’t eaten anything before coming here.


At dawn, after breakfast, Makina and the others came in as we were getting ready.


“Good morning! Lars, you’re going over there, right?”

“Good morning, Makina. Good morning, Ryuuze, Urka …… and Tigre-sensei?”

“Yeah! I’m going to stay here, but I want to see Verna and Tilia. Just for a little while.”

“Oh, Tigre-sensei! I’m going over there too.”

“You too, Roen-san? Is everything okay over here?”


When Tigre-sensei smiled in his normal clothes, Prince Ryde, who for some reason had come to greet him, gave a small squeal, and Lime froze. Yeah, it might be hard for a newcomer to see.

He asked Dad without realizing it. But Ryuuze and the others opened their mouths first.


“Well, I’m starting training starting today, and Urka said he’s going to see Milfy.”

“That’s not true!? Well, I’ll go see Milfy, but …… Anyway, who are they?”


When Ryuuze puts his hand on Urka’s shoulder with a disgusting smile, Urka says while brushing it off with a pout. It’s also the answer to Tigre-sensei’s question, so Dad introduces them.


“Err …… Well, I think telling to teacher and the others will be fine, and since you’re going to go over there too, it’s okay if I tell you. This is Prince Ryde of the Everlide Kingdom. And This is his close associate, named Lime.”

“I-It’s nice to meet you.”

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“Please to meet you ……”


When the two with tight faces greeted each of them, the eyes of the three widen up at the same time. Well, Of course, they’ll be surprised …… especially Tigre-sensei.


“A-Are you serious Lars?”

“Yes. There’s no way to prove it, but that’s what he says.”

“It’s true that it’s our fault that we can’t prove it. We apologize. But he is definitely the prince.”

“Oh, I guess Lars is still the same. So you and uncle are going to the king’s place …… Hey, Makina, stop pointing.”

“Eh? What? I’m Makina, nice to meet you! Pleased to meet you. Are you a knight, Lime-san? I’ve always wanted to be one before.”

“Y-Yeah, I’m Lime. Nice to meet you.”


Makina smiles and shakes hands with Lime because they are both women, and Lime is confused. I chuckle and call out to Makina.


“Lime is troubled for being so sudden, Makina. Let’s go to the royal capital, then.”

“Yes! Luciel and the others they would be there at noon.”


I’m sure they’ve had some sort of meeting about it, so we walked out to the garden.

My brother and Nora will stay here to help me organize my things and explain things to the townspeople.

I have to go back and forth to the royal capital to discuss the construction situation with the King, so I’ll be spending most of my time there.


“Hmm …… Now that I look at you, you do have a certain look about you?”

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“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I’m originally from the Berias Kingdom, and I met the King once when Everlide was still alive and well. You look like your mother.”

“R-Really ……! So there was someone who knew my parents ……”


Prince Ryde’s eyes lit up, but Tigre-sensei exhaled, then shook his head and said he was sorry.


“I’m from the Berias Kingdom, the one that ruined your country. I’m sorry for what I did, even though I escaped halfway.”

“…… No, because if the country’s policy is to go to war with Everlide, then the people have no choice but to follow it. I’m just glad you apologized.”

“Ohhh ……”

“It was a long time ago, teacher. You took a good look at what was wrong and ran with it.”


Dad said to Tigre-sensei, who looked unusually depressed. In the midst of this, I muttered something that caught my attention when I heard the exchange.


“In history class, was the Berias Kingdom the only one that had waged war in the recent past? The Berias Kingdom is not poor, is it?”

“Hmm. Yes, it has a big lake with water and some strong monsters, but it’s manageable.”

“What about it?”


I stopped at the transfer magic circle, and when Makina asked me, I put my hand on my chin and said the question that came to mind.


“No, I was wondering why Berias attacked Everlide after all this time. If it was because they wanted land or resources that they didn’t have, it would be possible, but according to Tigre-sensei, that doesn’t seem to be the case. It’s hard to take away a country, but I think it would be detrimental to the country’s interests if the country were to be expanded after the occupation, as it would require more surveillance.”

“Oh, so Lars is wondering what was so good about the Everlide Kingdom that they took it, huh.”


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I nodded at Urka’s words, and Ryuuze and the others looked at him as if they understood.


“I’m sorry, that must be hard to hear for the prince.”

“No, it’s okay. But, come to think of it, I wonder what’s in Everlide. Do you know, Lime?”

“I don’t know, because I was little then and I can’t talk about the Everlide now …… Mom might know, but we can’t go back ……”

“The bastard King of Berias doesn’t seem to think much of it, but it sure is curious. Well, that little girl’s right, there’s no point in worrying about it now. So, am I supposed to step on this?”

“Yes. Then, let’s quickly go over there. The prince will go with me.”

“T-This is transfer magic–“


I took Prince Ryde’s hand and stepped on the transfer magic circle, and after a short floating feeling, the scenery in front of me disappeared.


“Eh, are you okay?”

“Nn …… T-Thank you …… My vision is just a little shaky.”

“It’s just a matter of getting used to it. I can’t believe they’ve already done that much ……”


I took my hand away from Prince Ryde and scratched the back of my head. There were not so many of them yesterday, but today there were twice as many houses that were framed.


“Wow, that was fast!?”

“As expected of Daihachi-san, I should say ……”

“Oh, wow, this really is the royal capital! This is the undeveloped area, how nostalgic. Lars, you’re really something.”

“C-Come on, teacher.”

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“You’re nose is so high, you know, Lars.”

“Even Dad!?”


Tigre-sensei and my Dad came out later and ruffled my head, so I hurried away. As I put my hair back, I called out to Makina.


“Makina, will you take Tigre-sensei and the others to the house? I’ll take my Dad and Prince Ryde to the castle.”

“Okay! Verna-sensei is staying with us.”

“Oh, is the house big?”

“Lars bought a house, so it’s pretty big! We even have monsters.”

“Seriously …… That’s crazy ……”


As Tigre-sensei looked at me with resentment, Lime suddenly raised her hand in a small gesture and asked Makina.


“Um, the house was bought by Lars-san, but it’s Makina-san’s house?”

“Ahhh, Makina is my girlfriend. That’s why I gave her the key and she uses it as if it were her own home.”

“What ……!?”

“Kuku …… that’s Lars for you …….”

“It’s bad to Laugh, Ryuuze ……”

“? Then take care of Aina and the others.”


I walked into the castle with Lime-san, who looked kind of disappointed, Prince Ryde, who looked confused, and my dad. I wonder how Basleigh-sensei and Retzel are doing? 

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