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“Doesn’t look like it’ll do much, headmaster. It looks like it’s vulnerable to fire, though.”

“Rather than that, I get the impression that our attacks aren’t working overall. The knights also have their hands full.”


When the female teacher approached Libre while using her magic and called out to him, Libre was looking at the battlefield and trying to figure out what to do. It’s not that the Qliphoths aren’t taking damage, but the sheer strength of each one means that they’re inevitably going to be injured.


“The ones who can use recovery magic, move back! As soon as the knights are injured, pull them quickly and concentrate on recovering, and those who are good at attack magic will support us near the knights.”

“You’ll have to work together to fight them, and since the ignited area is fragile, you’ll have to hit it with your sword. Good luck then, headmaster.”

“I’m counting on you …… Well, I guess I’ll give it my all too. I remember when I was young and His Majesty and I were involved in a war in an island country. I’m going to shoot an ancient magic, and anyone in front of me should avoid it! .”


The eight-sided freezing spear released by Libre pierced into the Qliphoth’s body, sealing its movement. The knights and teachers took advantage of the opportunity to burn the branches and cut them to pieces.


“Okay, let’s bring them down all at once!”


Libre’s words inspired those present to fight back, undaunted by being struck by the Qliphoth’s branches and hit by its huge body.


In the meantime, Tigre was attacking away from Libre and the others so as not to cause collateral damage to other people in his own fight.


“Ho! Haa!”

“What ……!”

“Heh, you’re good. If you can handle that, look like you’re doing some training properly?”

“Of course! You never know when you might have to start a war like this one, so the training of soldiers is more advanced than in other countries. And if I, the one who unites them, am weak, it’s no use talking about it!”


Hitzrite said that, and when he repels Tigre’s spear with his greatsword, he stepped deeply and shook it sideways.


“Oh, that’s a good step, I guess it’s not the same as back then.”

“How many years ago are you talking about! ”Helm Crush”!”

“You’re right …… Kuh, it’s very powerful.”


As soon as he dodged the sideways attack, Hitzrite swung his greatsword over Tigre’s head in the shortest possible motion, caught it with his spear, and thrust at it with his open right sword.


“You still have the same bad habits ……!! Tsk!”

“Take that, I’m still going! I’ll return the favor with a move of my own, ‘Orbital Fang’.”



The spear’s linear trajectory restricts the opponent’s position and movement, and after guiding the opponent, the spear is used to slash with the sword, causing the Hitzrite to scream in surprise and guard with the greatsword.


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“Gefu ……!?”


However, when he was flanked, he was struck in the side and breastplate, causing him to cough.

Even though he was protected by armor, the impact was so great that he rolled on the ground.


“Kuh …… So strong …… With my [Duel] skill, I should be in an advantageous position, but ……!”

“I’m sure you do. Otherwise, how could you stand it? I almost broke my students, Lars and Ryuuze’s ribs when I did it, after all. Now, it would be great if you would just let me catch you, but what do you say? And can you take care of that creepy tree?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I’m Hitzrite Kahway, Knight Commander of Berias!”


Seeing Tigre who is taking it easy, Hitzrite is coming at him in a rage, and Tigre squinted and lowered down his body, and was ready to intercept.


“What’s the meaning of such a title, huh?”

“Shut up! If you hadn’t run away at that time! Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

“All right …… I’m going to beat the shit out of you and wake you up for now.”


Tigre spits on the ground and throws his spear at him. 




In the meantime, Tigre has already sheathed his sword and has his bow ready, and he fires his arrow. 



“It doesn’t mean anything it if it doesn’t hit! Gunu ……!? T-Through the crack in the armor!?”

“You know my skills, don’t you? This power that gave me the nickname “War Demon” ……!”

“If you had that power, you could have saved everyone!”


Even though his shoulder and gauntlet were pierced by arrows, Hitzrite pushed forward with his greatsword as a shield, aiming for the moment when Tigre threw away his bow. 


“Fast ……! You used to be stronger than me when it came to one-on-one, aren’t you!”

“Die, Tigre, and I’ll put your head in Kishe’s grave!”

“Whoa ……! If that would make her happy, I’d be happy to do it for her.”


“That was before!”

“Guh ……!”


When the swords collide with each other, sparks fly and they pushed each other. If it’s at this situation, Hitzrite with the [Duel] skill will have the advantage, but–

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“…… A dead man can’t come back to life, and given her character, she’s not the kind of person who would like others to make amends by dying.”

“Shut up ……!”


Tigre’s words irritated Hitzrite, who repeatedly slashed with force.


“…… It was bad luck. The princess of some other country was also killed in the war. So, that’s the way it is. It’s the same with everyone in the village. I don’t know if they would have survived if I had been there.”

“If only you and I had been there ……!!”

“You idiot!!”


Suddenly, Tigre became furious and moved soundlessly to the side, striking Hitzrite.


“What the hell was that move ……”

“I’ve recently learned the movements of an expert that I just became acquainted with? I mean, you’re still complaining about feminine things, huh? I don’t mind if you want to take out your grudge on me. But you’re averting your eyes from what’s important.”

“What did you say ……!”


In the midst of a flurry of attacks, Tigre dodged and continued.


“Who started the war? It was the King of Berias! If it weren’t for that, there wouldn’t have been a war. And you’re bragging about being the Knight Commander of that country? All you and I have to do is work to avert war! You’re training soldiers because you don’t know when war will break out? You’re a fool, when the war starts, some village might disappear again!”

“Guooh ……!?”

“You’re the knight commander, you’re the one who has to make sure that people like Kishe and us don’t appear in the future!!”


Tigre slashes from the right with the sword in his grip.


“Kuh ……”


As soon as he covered his left side, a dull pain shot through Hitzrite’s right torso, causing him to scream.


“Gahaa!? T-This is ……!”

“…… Yes, this is the technique I devised to defeat you when I was a child. One of my students named it Dragon Fang.”

“Ku, kuku …… You never change …… You’re still stupidly impulsive and do as you please …… Kishe liked you for being like that. I was jealous of that ……”


When Tigre swings his sword, he removes the greatsword, and when Hitzrite falls, he swings the bloody sword at Hitzrite’s feet, and says.


“…… You’re always thinking about difficult things, aren’t you? That’s why they use you for their own purposes. I didn’t like that, that’s why I ran away. “

“Fu, fufu …… you’re right …… It’s just like what you said …… it’s a war that His Majesty started …… It’s not right to hold a grudge against you. But I just couldn’t forgive you for disappearing in front of me ……”

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“Well, that’s okay, you’re right that I run away. You want a smoke too? I’m sure they’ll be fine with the headmaster over there.”


Hitzrite was surprised with his eyes wide open when he offered him a lit cigarette. However, he immediately accepted the cigarette with a smile on his face.


“Ku, kuku …… Ah, I really can’t …… win you against you ……”

“You were strong too, man? It’s been a while since I’ve given it my all, and I think my wrist is a little cracked.”

“That’s not what I meant–Upu!?”

“It’s the Lord’s wife’s salve. It must be pretty deep.”

“Are you trying to keep me alive!?”

“Well, they might say something, but that’s okay …… And the one you should be defeating is the one who started the war, the Gospel’s Descent.”


“So I’m not going to kill you. But I’m going to have to restrain you, okay?”

“Suit yourself, you fucking idiot.”

“Shut up!”


Tigre hits Hitzrite in the head as he sits up with a cigarette in his mouth, Hitzrite groans with tears in his eyes, and then turns over and opens his mouth.


“…… I wonder if Kishe will forgive me ……”

“Well, let’s ask her when we get there.”

“Yeah, I guess so ……”


At that moment, a warm breeze blew through the air between them.


(I’m not angry. You can’t come here until you’re both grandfathers, okay.)


“……!? That was …….”

“Kishe ……?”


Tigre looks to the sky to see if Urka is here, but quickly shakes his head and smiles. 


“…… It’s not like he knows Kishe …… I’ll see you later, Kishe. I’ll live happily for you too.”

“Hmph, you’re married, aren’t you. I envy you.”

“I’ll hear your gripes later. Let’s get going.”


Tigre threw away his cigarette as he looked at the female teacher coming towards him.


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“Oh, I’m done here.”

“What? Isn’t he still alive!?”

“Sorry about that ……”

“You don’t have to! Never mind that, it seems that the goblins have spread to the town. The skeletons are taking care of them, but there are too many of them, so we thought we’d go ……”

“All right. I’ll take care of that tree. Then we’ll go to Ryuuze’s place.”

“I’ll go with you too. I’ll take care of seed that I sowed — Ouch!?”


When Hitzrite was about to pick up the greatsword, the female teacher hit him on the back of the head with her cane.


“W-What are you doing!?”

“Y-You’re the enemy, aren’t you? It’s because you’re trying to pick up a weapon ……”

“Oh, I’m sorry, he’s all right now. Let’s go, Hitz.”

“Guh …… Damn it, all right ……”

“Oh, I won’t apologize! You’re the enemy, after all!”

“I’m not anymore!? What the hells with this woman ……”

“Oh, you just thought I was annoying, didn’t you!’

“Ahhhh, you’re so annoying!? Let’s go, Tigre!”


At this exchange.


“You know, these guys can be really good together ……”


He laughed bitterly and went to intercept the Qliphoths.



I’ve been a bit busy, so I haven’t been able to update my other works ……


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“Deadline approaching ……”

Stop it!? But seriously, I have to do it ……


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