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“Lars and Basleigh should have arrived at Gust by now.”

“It’s been six days since …… I guess so. But I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”


King Albert asks with his elbow on the throne, and Prime Minister Flugel answers with a puzzled shake of his head. At these words, Albert lets out a sigh and opens his mouth. 


“…… I’m sure he will act sooner or later. I’m almost fifty years old, and I thought about dying and taking Orden’s place, and I don’t think he’ll be satisfied without having revenge himself.”

“Revenge, huh. If he’s holding on to the fact that he was stripped of his right to the throne because of his character, then I think he’s out of line ……”

“Apollos, huh …… Wize’s skill was “Genius”. That’s why he’s a poor man who had to give birth to pride and arrogance.”


Albert closed his eyes and thought about that time and how it was impossible for Wize to succeed to the throne, no matter what he did–


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“Why!? I’m stronger and smarter in battle than anyone here! And you want to put Albert on the throne over me, your own son!!”

“Don’t you see the problem is that attitude, Wize? It’s true that you are smart and strong with magic and sword. You also know your territory well. But do you really think I don’t know that? I know that you are out there oppressing those who are struggling to make ends meet.”

“…… So you knew about that. Why not? Dad, don’t you think that those who don’t have the ability should die serving the royalty and nobility like us? If they can’t be happy even if they live, at least let them die after being useful.”

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The previous king of the Reflexion Kingdom, Albert’s uncle, frowned when he heard the words of his son, Wize, who would later be known as Apollos.

Albert, who was present at the time, said to Wize in disgust.


“I think you should leave it at that? It’s no exaggeration to say that we noblemen live off the taxes of the common people. Some of us are just trying to make ends meet, but it’s our role to do something about it. If we do that, taxes will increase and the whole country will become more prosperous. If we keep holding slaves like Sandiola, one day the wealth of our people will disappear.”

“Albert, you are naive. The weak will be exploited by the strong. That’s the way it is.”

“Wize, you’ve always been like that. You’ve known everything since you were a little boy. You’ve created a few new things, but your arrogance has never changed.”


When Albert opened his mouth in disgust, Wize’s eyes widened and he twisted his collar, shouting angrily.


“What’s wrong with that! The smart ones use the dumb ones, it’s their right! That’s how my brother–“

“Brother? You’re not hanging out with the wrong people, are you?”

“Oh, no, it’s nothing …… A-Anyway, I’ll be the one to succeed the throne, okay!”

“Fuh …… Even though he’s my son, why …… he wasn’t like that until he was ten years old ……”



–In the end, the previous king did not name Wize as the next king, and the night he learned that Albert had been chosen, Wize killed his father and disappeared.

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“We were both young at that time. We lost our predecessor, a regrettable man, but we were fortunate that his Majesty did not cause any further loss.”

“Yeah. Still, I …… I still regret that I couldn’t do something about him.”

“As reported by Mr. and Mrs. Irving, Wize is also a Reincarnator from another world, like Lars-dono?”

“…… Perhaps. However, I can’t find any reason why he couldn’t do as many things as Lars did. Should I look at it that he came from a world that is not that different from this one ……”


Albert snorted and said, “It doesn’t add up”.


“We can’t do anything even if you think about it now. We need to gather the personnel to make this memo and blueprint that Lars left behind a reality.”

“Right. Lars …… I thought he was a strange boy from the first time I met him, but I never thought he would be the key to the fight against the Wize.”

“Yeah, it’s one of those things I miss. Oops, that’s right, the ten chief priests …… no, those who were possessed by demons seem to be on their way to recovery.”

“I see, I’ll listen if there’s anyone I can talk to. I heard that Basleigh’s brother is also there–“


◆   ◇   ◆


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“…… They’re not coming back.”


Apollos muttered in his private chambers in Everlide. Although he often travels to the Berias Kingdom, he is usually found in Everlide, where the King is not present.

In this case, he was even more anxious for their return since they had gone to war, but he was beginning to feel suspicious that none of them had returned.


“I’ve sent three of the ten chief priests in my army, I don’t think they will lose, but now I’m curious.”


I’ve got 5,000 soldiers with me, so if any of them die, it’s going to be a hassle, and if they’re captured, I’ve told them to lay waste to them until they’re in complete control, but I’m concerned that I hadn’t gotten any reports back.


“I should send reinforcements to check on them. It could be that they’re taking too long because of something.”


As he left the room, he saw someone walking down the hallway and called out to him.


“Albatross, just what I need. Hey, you got a minute?”

“Whoa, I’m not snacking on anything …… Eh, Lord Founder. What’s going on?”

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“It’s nothing, I was just wondering if you could go to the town of Gust for a while. I sent the Ten Chief Priests, but they haven’t come back yet. “

“Oh …… you’re right. Yes, that’s fine. This Albatross will take the order! By the time I come back ……”

“Hmph, I’ll get you a girl.”

“You’re quick on the uptake! Yo, Lord Founder!”

“Stop being silly. Do you want to get killed?”


As Apollos swells his magic, Albatross puts his hands in front of him and says.


“No way! …… Then, I’d like to take one of the ten chief priests with me, if that’s okay?”

“That’s fine. If anyone wants to go.”

“Haha ……”


Then Albatross turns on his heel and starts walking.


–with a smile on his face.


Albert, the King of Reflexion, and Wize, who calls himself Apollos, the Founder, and who holds the Everlide in his hands. When the two forces clash, will this battle ever end–


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