After passing through the transfer magic circle, we left the carriage in the garden and then headed into the castle.

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While the carriage was left, Prince Orden said he would speak to the king, and he and Prince Ryde went inside ahead of us.


“I wonder if it’s alright to go while in this dirty appearance ……?”

“I’m like this too, so I guess I’ll use purify, just in case?”

“Don’t worry about it, the prince told us to come. Never mind that, let’s hurry.”

“I’m so nervous ……”

“You followed him after all …… Come on, we’re almost in the audience hall, so stop it already.”


When Urka stopped Jack and Sharuru from playing while smiling in astonishment, we soon arrived at the audience room.


“I think I’ll leave this part to brother?”

“All right. Dedite-Irving and a few others have returned.”


Then Flugel-san came out of the door and said to us. 


“It’s good that you’re back. I’m sorry to bother you so soon, but let’s go to the conference room.”

“Yes …… wait, are we already going to the conference room?”

“It was decided as soon as the prince left …… It’s going to be busy.”


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With a mysterious look on his face, he leads us to the conference room where we have been since we invited King Afmand of Sandiola.


“Excuse me.”

“Ah, Lars-kun, you’re here! How about this, Regal and I can now come out half and half.”

“Isshishi …… Now we can talk at the same time.”

“That’s disgusting!?”

“Uwaaah ……”


The person who greeted me was Basleigh-sensei, with only half of her face turned into a Regal.

The right half of the face is the usual Basleigh-sensei, but the left half has a pattern, eye color, and a bit of hair that is upside down.


“Basleigh, the situation is urgent. Stand down, please.”


“Why are you so unhappy …… Oh right, I haven’t seen you in a month.”

“You’re still the same, huh ……”


Yogus shakes his head and mutters, and the king coughs and continues talking.


“Is it alright now? First of all, I want to thank you for coming back so quickly. I’d like to give you a quick update on Gust’s situation. Come on in.”

“Yes. Excuse me, sir.”

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When Hauzen-san came in through the other door, he bowed and opened his mouth to us ……He has more wounds than the last time I stopped by ……


“As you know, I was stationed near the town of Gust to check on things. But about ten days ago, something unusual happened.”

“What do you mean, something unusual?”


He nodded slowly at Fath-san’s words, then continued with a grim expression.


“…… It’s hard to believe, but monsters have appeared from within the town. I thought that was possible in itself, but all of the monsters that came out were spitting black mist out of their mouths. I’ve seen them all before …… And then there were the giant bees, and they were extraordinarily strong.”

“Even though we could beat Giant Bees when we were ten years old ……”


Ryuuze spoke up with his mouth and eyebrows raised, and everyone else agreed. Hauzen-san, in particular, is both a guild master and a powerful warrior. There was no way he could be beaten by a giant bee.


“I guess you’ll know it when you see it. The rest of the time, the black mist seems to be getting smaller and smaller. We can deal with the monsters, but I thought this was more important, so I came back to report.”

“What do you think, Lilith?”


If it’s about demons, I decided to ask Lilith, who was sitting with Basleigh-sensei. Then she looked shocked, and clenched her fists.


“Thank god …… I’m up ……! Ahem …… Let’s see, it’s been more than a month since we’ve been back, so I guess it’s time for them to resurrect? I think the reason the monsters are starting to appear is probably because their consciousness is slowly waking up.”

“And what else?’

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“What? Eh? W-Well…… The monsters are powerful because of the power of the mist.”

“I can almost understand that. What else?”


“That’s enough of that, Basleigh-sensei? Look, she shrank.”


She puffed out her cheeks and began to sit on the floor in the corner of the room. Basleigh-sensei says that, but it makes sense to say that they have started to awaken and attacked Hauzen-san and the others around the town of Gust because they were annoyed.

Then Makina raised her hand and opened her mouth.


“I’m sorry, Hauzen-san. Were you able to get rid of that mist monsters?”

“Good question, Makina. In fact, it’s impossible to kill them because they keep coming out, but it seems that they can’t come out of a certain line, so knights and adventurers are keeping them in check at the last minute.”

“So we’re supposed to go to the town of Gust to help? But I’ve heard from Hawk-san and the others that they’re going to attack the Berias Kingdom. I don’t care either way!”


While Ryuuze punched his fists and hands together with a face full of motivation, Retzel, who had remained silent, put his hand on his chin and muttered.


“…… up to a certain line, huh? That’s strange, if the monsters were that powerful, they would be able to cause chaos if they were to spread throughout the territory, but perhaps it hasn’t awakened to that level of consciousness? “

“That would certainly be possible, but ……”


And when my brother also tilted his head to say that it still felt unnatural, Lilith stood up and said to us.


“That! You better take care of that quickly, you said the monsters was spitting mists, right? I don’t, but they’re probably spreading that mist to increase their range. So gradually the monsters will expand their range of movement.”

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“I see, I think it’s still okay if you do it little by little, and it’s hard to notice. So they’re making us let our guard down, huh.”

“Probably. On the contrary, they are now using their power outside and awakening …… Maybe it’s a good time to attack? Fufu, I don’t really know, though!?”

“Your Majesty, I believe that this female demon is probably right. It may be time to activate the plan.”

“M-Mmm …… Fuh …… I don’t like the idea of putting everyone in harm’s way, but …… I’m sorry, I’ll leave it to you.”


The King, who baffled by Basleigh-sensei’s sharp look as she stretched Lilith’s mouth, bowed to us. 


“No, it’s something that we, the people who live in the town and can fight, to take back the town of Gust. Your Majesty, can you tell us your plan?”

“Fufu, Dedite already has a dignity befitting a lord. Right, Roen.”

“What? Dad?”

“Ah! D-Dad and Mom ……!?”

“Geh, my Dad too!?”


The king called out to the door through which Hauzen-san had entered, and was surprised to see our Dad, Makina’s parents, Brao and Sorio, and the parents of Urka, Yogus, and Kudelica all come in.


“W-What are you doing here?”

“Well, it’s–“


Then the king spoke up, and everyone was astonished at the details of his plan.


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