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Sid led Laurice at the back of the house. They walked through a path of stone patched ground and as soon as they've reached the garden gate, Laurice was instantly stunned by the view. She was in complete awe.

'This ...' Her jaw dropped.

It was a stunning view of mixed shrubs and perennial borders surrounded by dry stone walls.

On the east side was the rose garden where a bunch of red hydrangeas spew along the stone walls with other flowers like hibiscus, zinnia, and petunia among others, all of which can seem to handle the dry and hot weather of the state.

There were fruit-bearing trees scattered around the area as well. A garden folly was built on one corner that added to the visual effect of the garden. Laurice have never seen one before. It looks whimsical although it doesn't seem to have any purpose there at all. She felt as if she was brought back to the middle ages. The garden look so vintage yet so green and vibrant and colorful like a painting. Her heart skipped a beat.

She sighed.

'There was just too much inspiration in this place.' She thought.

It was indeed an eye-catching view.

Sid took Laurice on an open thatched-roof cottage that was designed like a pagoda but looks more like a nipa hut and they sat alongside each other maintaining some distance, while Louie was enjoying the thatched-roofed garden swing by himself. Laurice inscribed the design of the swing in her memory and reminded herself the moment she got back at her own place, to contact someone to build one for herself.

Sid: "There's also a vegetable garden located on the west side."

Sid has been observing how Laurice eyed the entire place and was happy to see a pleased look on her face.

'Good thing she likes it.'

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He felt a sense of relief with the very sight of her.

'She seems to have cheered up.'

Laurice turned to him with eyes wide open.

"Really?!" She exclaimed.

"Goodness. This place is just ... so beautiful."

Her eyes were not lying. She look happy and serene.

"My mom loves nature. She's a landscape artist. This garden is her most favorite place." Sid remarked.

"She maintains the whole garden?!" Laurice felt regretful the moment she spoke the words. 'How stupid of her!' Ofcourse there were tons of servants in this villa. 'Why would his mother do all the tough work on her own.'

Sid smirked. As if feeding her doubts he replied, "We do most of the preservation of the place. Me and my mom to be precise. She does the design and i help maintain the foliage and vegetation. Ofcourse we have helpers for extra hands since it's indeed quite a lot of space."

Laurice: "I see. That's remarkable. You're doing a pretty good job. I'm impressed. Actually, i envy you. I always try to work on dirt and raise some plants, herbs in particular. But they always die on me." The thought saddened her. For a foodie like herself, she have always dreamt of having her own garden full of fresh and organic herbs and vegetables.

Something flickered on his eyes. 'Is this what they call a chance card!' He thought he might grab it.

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Sid: "I can lend you a hand. I'll teach you. I'm a farmer anyway.'

Laurice: " ... "

She didn't seem to mind. 'Why would i mind?!' She thought it's her chance to finally raise her own babies.

'Wait! What babies?!' Something is wrong with that phrase.

She shook her head vigorously.

Sid seemed to have notice and misunderstood her reaction and his face fell.

Sid: "Well, i may not actually be as good as i think i am."

She eyed him. 'What's this? His making me feel guilty somehow. Like i've wounded his pride.'

Laurice: "What? No, i think you're great. If you could offer me some help, then i may not be able reject your services, no? And it's going to be free of charge too, right? She bit her lip unconsciously. 'Damn! It seems like i'm asking his services for free. How shameless could i get!'

"Ofcourse!" He said. His eyes glistened as if smiling at her.

Laurice was stunned. 'This damn handsome man ... why is he smiling again?!' She thought he was somehow flirting with her with that gorgeous, playful smile. Just his eyes alone were overwhelming enough. Her poor little heart can not take too much. 'Where was that annoyed fellow back at the room?!'

She thought she could actually handle the annoying person better than this tease.

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While she was in the midst of despair, Butler Han came to the garden with a few others to serve them breakfast.

The three of them ate with gusto.

After breakfast, they decided to walked around the garden. They chatted their way as they went a bit further far from the villa until they've reached a farmhouse which was located near a barn and pastures. There was a large open field adjacent to it. The farm ranges from a few hectares and cropped with corn which is currently in season and another few hectares with vines of vegetables of some kind. The rest seems to have been recently harvested and farmers are currently working on tilling the land with hand tools and some mechanical devices and machines.

Sid excused himself for a bit and went to the farmhouse.

While Sid has gone searching to grab something from inside, Laurice noticed that little Louie was getting rather drowsy. The child who just had his meal must have been tired from all the walking that he was starting to get sleepy. His eye lids were fluttering and Laurice felt a little guilty so she slid her arms to pick up the little one and carried him in her arms. The child dozed off the moment he felt her familiar warmth and smelled her soothing scent.

Sid came out of the farmhouse and saw the scene. Laurice was gently cradling his son on her arms. His son's head rested on her shoulders while she was humming and gently rubbing his back.

It was heartwarming. Sid felt his insides were stirring as his gaze turned deeper at the two figures.

Recalling that his son may be a little too heavy for her and that she has only gone through her fever, he walkes towards their direction and placed a padded mat on top of rubber mat on the shaded area of the green pastures before retrieving his son from her arms.

Sid: "Let me."

He grabbed Louie then sat on the ground cross-legged and propped his son on his lap and held his back. Laurice looked surprised as she didn't expect that they will actually be staying there for awhile.

Sid looked at her and tapped the space beside him.

Laurice let out an incredulous gasp.

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'This man is somehow getting too close to her.'

She did not want to believe that he would have some ulterior motives for his actions that seems way out of his character so she joined him.

Right after she took a seat, Sid jolted when he felt the woman's warm breath as she drew closer to him but only to get his son to lie to a more comfortable sleeping position. Louie was now lying on the mat with his head on her lap. The little one looked rather cozy while sleeping.

Again, he felt a sudden tug in his heart with her actions.

His gaze was actually glued to her as she reasoned out to him.

Laurice then turned her gaze to the open field.

Sid also retrieved his gaze and looked at the vast open field.

Their thoughts seemed somewhere else.

But they appear to have been sharing a serene time together.

Moments passed.

Sid finally broke the silence and asked subtly about the painting while looking at her. 'She appears rather calm now compared before.' He thank God for it.

However, just as she was about to answer. Butler Han was suddenly aprroaching them with a sense of urgency and an indescribable look on his face.

'Young Master! Something terrible has happened.'

The butler was feeling distressed inside as he was about to deliver a 'bad' news.

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