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The man's warm body leaning on her was emitting heat and bolts of energy through her skin deeply penetrating and hearing him say he was somehow sleepy with his deep bedroom voice, her heart trembled. It was even beating erratically out of her chest.

Her mind was a total mess. She did not know what to do anymore, much less what to say to him! Clearly, the man is taking advantage of her! But to her surprise, she doesn't feel wronged at all!

But something was telling her that he might not be feigning it. What if the man was indeed a day napper just like her and got sleepy all of a sudden? And they just ate, was the man so full that he felt like dozing off for awhile? Was he tired from all the driving and walking around her house?'

Damn if any of her assumptions is correct then the bottomline is, isn't it entirely her fault?! She made him sleepy. She has to somehow make up for it.

'But what could she do? Take him to bed?!'

'You gotta be kidding me.'

Another side of brain was telling her to just shove his head off her shoulders and punch him in the face instead for being so intimate around her. But she did not want to commit a crime of hurting his gorgeous face either!

'What?! Did she even cared about that?!'

Damn the man was doing a lot of things to her. Making her feel a lot of unnecessary emotions. She did not want to exhaust herself anymore.

After a long deliberation within herself, she finally made up her mind, she inhaled some air, gathered her willpower and was about to speak when she was interrupted by a sudden whisper.

Sid: "Am i making you feel uneasy Laurice?"

Laurice: " ... "

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Sid: "Do you hate this? Me getting close to you?"

Laurice: " ... !!! "

The man chose to be forward for his own good. He did not want to beat around the bush anymore. He wanted to be honest about his growing feelings towards her. It doesn't matter if they've just met. It doesn't matter if she doesn't like him yet. If he will get rejected then he will just keep trying his best to pursue her. But for now, atleast, he did not want to pretend to be just concerned about her welfare. He's attracted to her! And he wanted to tell her exactly that, subtly atleast.

Laurice was dumbfounded.

She did not expect that at all.

'Was it a confession?'

She wondered.

She was having complex emotions towards the man.

Laurice wanted to say yes. That she was indeed feeling troubled. But she just could not say the word because the truth was, she did not hate it all. She actually likes being close to him. Just his presence is enough to give her that warmth that she's been longing.

But something squeezed in her heart with the thought of him. What if she said no, and tell him that it was alright nstead. That he can do things to her. Will he treat her well? She was afraid.

"I'm afraid Sid."

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She almost choked on her words.

There. She said it.

She did not want to lie to the man. She did not want a vague relationship as well. They both felt something towards each other, they might as well be honest and clear about it. They're both adults who can make more mature decisions. But Laurice wanted to hear more. 'What does the man really want?' She thought that if he was only here for fun, then she didn't want to play the game.

Her face instantly fell. Her eyes sunk.

Sid felt her sullen presence and a tinge of fear and anxiety seeped into his heart. If the woman was afraid, then he was feeling more than that. Sid was never an implusive person. He has always been careful with his affairs. Always careful with making decisions.

He never wavered.

But then Laurice came, something in him has changed.

He knew deep inside it wasn't plain attraction that drew him towards her. And he wanted to discover more.

He wanted to be a part of her life. Significantly. Permanently.


Sid lifted up his head from her shoulder and gently massaged the part he leaned on.

And suddenly pulled her to face him.

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Laurice inhaled sharply when he pulled her close. Their gaze met.

Her eyes filled with wonder. His eyes with deep indescribable emotions. His hands swept pass her cheeks gently carressing.

Her heart swelled.

"Do you hate this?" He repeated.

He looked deeply into her eyes when he asked the question.

Laurice could not utter a word. She doesn't want to hurt the man. But she was afraid of getting hurt herself.

It took a long a time but there was still no reply.

Her silence and her eyes that was obviously looking hesitant somehow gripped the man's heart.

His body stiffened.

He thought, she probably hates it but could not just say the words directly at him not wanting to hurt him.

'Sid realized that he doesn't want to be hated by this woman whom he has learned to love in such a short time.'

Something flashed in his eyes that tugged in her heart.

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An ominous silence filled the air.

Then suddenly, Sid lowered his head for a moment and looked back at her with a blank expression on his face, pats her on the shoulder and said, "Sorry. I must have gone overboard."

The man walked passed her afterwards and went back inside the house.


'Sorry. I must have gone overboard.'

His last words somehow carried some weight and it echoed inside her head.

Laurice was feeling rather horrible.

'What had she done?'

Didn't she just decide to be honest with him?

Not that she lied.

Trouble was, she did not say a thing at all.

But what difference does it make?

She looked around her and could not find the man. He indeed left her behind. She felt something clutch her chest when she realized she must have made a mistake.

A sudden gust of wind blew against her.

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